use of org.pentaho.di.imp.rules.JobHasANoteImportRule in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class JobHasANoteImportRuleIT method testRule.
public void testRule() throws Exception {
// Create a job to test.
JobMeta jobMeta = new JobMeta();
NotePadMeta note = new NotePadMeta("A note documenting the transformation", 50, 50, 200, 50);
// Load the plugin to test from the registry.
PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
PluginInterface plugin = registry.findPluginWithId(ImportRulePluginType.class, "JobHasANote");
assertNotNull("The 'job has a note' rule could not be found in the plugin registry!", plugin);
JobHasANoteImportRule rule = (JobHasANoteImportRule) registry.loadClass(plugin);
assertNotNull("The 'job has a note' rule class could not be loaded by the plugin registry!", plugin);
List<ImportValidationFeedback> feedback = rule.verifyRule(jobMeta);
assertTrue("We didn't get any feedback from the 'job has a note'", !feedback.isEmpty());
assertTrue("An approval ruling was expected", feedback.get(0).getResultType() == ImportValidationResultType.APPROVAL);
feedback = rule.verifyRule(jobMeta);
assertTrue("We didn't get any feedback from the 'job has a note' rule", !feedback.isEmpty());
assertTrue("An error ruling was expected", feedback.get(0).getResultType() == ImportValidationResultType.ERROR);
feedback = rule.verifyRule(jobMeta);
assertTrue("We didn't expect any feedback from the 'job has no note' rule while disabled", feedback.isEmpty());