use of in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SAPConnectionFactoryMock method getConnectionTestReport.
* The SAP connection to test, links to the TEST button in the database dialog.
public String getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta) throws KettleDatabaseException {
StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder();
SAPConnection sc = null;
try {
sc = create();;
// If the connection was successful
report.append("Connecting to SAP ERP server [").append(databaseMeta.getName()).append("] succeeded without a problem.").append(Const.CR);
} catch (SAPException e) {
report.append("Unable to connect to the SAP ERP server: ").append(e.getMessage()).append(Const.CR);
} finally {
return report.toString();
use of in project pentaho-kettle by pentaho.
the class SapInput method processRow.
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException {
Object[] r = getRow();
if (r == null) {
// no more input to be expected...
return false;
if (first) {
first = false;
// Determine the output row metadata of this step
data.outputRowMeta = new RowMeta();
meta.getFields(data.outputRowMeta, getStepname(), null, null, this, repository, metaStore);
// Pre-calculate the indexes of the parameters for performance reasons...
data.parameterIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (SapParameter parameter : meta.getParameters()) {
int index = getInputRowMeta().indexOfValue(parameter.getFieldName());
if (index < 0) {
throw new KettleException("Unable to find field '" + parameter.getFieldName() + "'");
// Pre-calculate the output fields
data.output = new ArrayList<SAPField>();
for (SapOutputField outputField : meta.getOutputFields()) {
SAPField field = new SAPField(outputField.getSapFieldName(), outputField.getTableName(), "output_" + outputField.getSapType().getDescription());
// Assemble the list of input fields for the SAP function execution...
ArrayList<SAPField> input = new ArrayList<SAPField>();
for (int i = 0; i < meta.getParameters().size(); i++) {
SapParameter parameter = meta.getParameters().get(i);
int fieldIndex = data.parameterIndexes.get(i);
ValueMetaInterface valueMeta = getInputRowMeta().getValueMeta(fieldIndex);
Object value = valueMeta.convertToNormalStorageType(r[fieldIndex]);
// TODO: figure out if the executeFunction needs the data to be in a specific data type or format!!
// If so, value needs to be converted to the appropriate data type here.
SAPField field = new SAPField(parameter.getParameterName(), parameter.getTableName(), "input_" + parameter.getSapType().getDescription(), value);
// Get the output...
SAPRowIterator resultSet;
try {
resultSet = data.sapConnection.executeFunctionCursored(meta.getFunction(), input, data.output);
} catch (SAPException e) {
throw new KettleException(e);
while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
SAPRow sapRow =;
Object[] outputRowData = RowDataUtil.allocateRowData(data.outputRowMeta.size());
// Makes it easier to add all sorts of fields later on, like row number, input fields, etc.
int outputIndex = 0;
for (SAPField field : sapRow.getFields()) {
// TODO: Here we should check as well whether or not the correct data types are delivered from SAP.
// Make sure that we don't pass the appropriate data types : String, long, double, Date, BigDecimal, Boolean,
// byte[] ONLY!!
outputRowData[outputIndex++] = field.getValue();
// Pass the row along: row metadata and data need to correspond!!
putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRowData);
if (getTrans().isStopped()) {
return true;