use of org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IRepositoryAccessVoterManager in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class JcrRepositoryFileUtilsTest method testCheckNodeForTree.
public void testCheckNodeForTree() throws Exception {
List<RepositoryFileTree> children = new ArrayList<>();
IPathConversionHelper pathConversionHelper = new DefaultPathConversionHelper();
ILockHelper lockHelperMock = mock(ILockHelper.class);
IRepositoryAccessVoterManager repositoryAccessVoterManagerMock = mock(IRepositoryAccessVoterManager.class);
MutableBoolean foundFiltered = new MutableBoolean();
RepositoryFile fileMock = mock(RepositoryFile.class);
PowerMockito.doCallRealMethod().when(JcrRepositoryFileUtils.class, "checkNodeForTree", nodeMock, children, sessionMock, pJcrConstMock, pathConversionHelper, "childNodeFilter", lockHelperMock, 0, false, repositoryAccessVoterManagerMock, RepositoryRequest.FILES_TYPE_FILTER.FOLDERS, foundFiltered, true, false, "/");
when(JcrRepositoryFileUtils.nodeToFile(sessionMock, pJcrConstMock, pathConversionHelper, lockHelperMock, nodeMock)).thenReturn(fileMock);
when(JcrRepositoryFileUtils.isSupportedNodeType(pJcrConstMock, nodeMock)).thenReturn(true);
when(JcrRepositoryFileAclUtils.getAcl(sessionMock, pJcrConstMock, 1)).thenThrow(new AccessDeniedException());
try {
JcrRepositoryFileUtils.checkNodeForTree(nodeMock, children, sessionMock, pJcrConstMock, pathConversionHelper, "childNodeFilter", lockHelperMock, 0, false, repositoryAccessVoterManagerMock, RepositoryRequest.FILES_TYPE_FILTER.FOLDERS, foundFiltered, true, false, "/");
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IRepositoryAccessVoterManager in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class JcrRepositoryFileUtils method checkNodeForTree.
* This method is called twice by <code>getTreeNode</code>. It's job is to determine whether the current child node
* should be added to the list of children for the node being processed. It is a separate method simply because it is
* too much code to appear twice in the above <code>getTreeNode</code> method. It also makes the recursive call back
* to getTreeByNode to process the next lower level of folder node (it must process the lower levels to know if the
* folder should be added). Finally, it returns the foundFiltered boolean to let the caller know if a file was found
* that satisfied the childNodeFilter.
static void checkNodeForTree(final Node childNode, List<RepositoryFileTree> children, final Session session, final PentahoJcrConstants pentahoJcrConstants, final IPathConversionHelper pathConversionHelper, final String childNodeFilter, final ILockHelper lockHelper, final int depth, final boolean showHidden, final IRepositoryAccessVoterManager accessVoterManager, RepositoryRequest.FILES_TYPE_FILTER types, MutableBoolean foundFiltered, boolean isRootFiltered, final boolean includeSystemFolders, final String rootPath) throws RepositoryException {
RepositoryFile file = nodeToFile(session, pentahoJcrConstants, pathConversionHelper, lockHelper, childNode);
if (isSupportedNodeType(pentahoJcrConstants, childNode)) {
RepositoryFileAcl fileAcl;
try {
fileAcl = JcrRepositoryFileAclUtils.getAcl(session, pentahoJcrConstants, file.getId());
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
if (accessVoterManager.hasAccess(file, RepositoryFilePermission.READ, fileAcl, PentahoSessionHolder.getSession())) {
MutableBoolean foundFilteredAtomic = new MutableBoolean(!isPentahoFolder(pentahoJcrConstants, childNode));
RepositoryFileTree repositoryFileTree = getTreeByNode(session, pentahoJcrConstants, pathConversionHelper, lockHelper, childNode, depth - 1, childNodeFilter, showHidden, accessVoterManager, types, foundFilteredAtomic, includeSystemFolders, rootPath);
if (repositoryFileTree != null && (foundFilteredAtomic.booleanValue() || isRootFiltered)) {
use of org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IRepositoryAccessVoterManager in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class JcrRepositoryFileUtils method getTreeByNode.
* Returns a RepositoryFileTree for a given node. This method will be called recursively for each folder it processes.
* The childNodeFilter is a filter used directly by the JCR jar to filter node names. Since JCR does not know a folder
* from a file (that is our construct), it is not capable of filtering out filenames but not folder names. Therefore,
* this logic will create two sets of children nodes. The <code>filteredChildrenSet</code> keeps the child nodes that
* satisfied the childNodeFilter. The <code> childrenFolderSet</code> keeps a set of all child folder nodes regardless
* of the value of the filter. We use the <code>childrenFolderSet</code> to know what folders to traverse, but we use
* the <code>filteredChildrenSet </code> to determine what actual files to include in the returned tree.
* <p>
* Just because we process a folder node does not necessarily mean the folder will be reported in the tree. It must
* first find a file that satisfies the criteria of the <code>childNodeFilter</code> mask. A file meeting the criteria
* may be any number of folders down the repository structure, so the <code>foundFiltered</code> MutableBoolean tells
* the caller if a file was found, at any level, meeting that criteria.
* @param session
* The current session in progress
* @param pentahoJcrConstants
* @param pathConversionHelper
* @param lockHelper
* @param fileNode
* The node which will serve as the root of the tree
* @param depth
* how many levels do we go down.
* @param childNodeFilter
* The filter sent to JCR to retrieve defining which files are in scope
* @param showHidden
* Whether to return hidden files
* @param accessVoterManager
* See IRepositoryAccessVoterManager
* @param types
* <code>FILE_TYPE_FILTERS</code> Types of files to return including FILES, FOLDERS, FILES_FOLDERS
* @param foundFiltered
* This <code>MutableBoolean</code> will tell the caller if there was a file encountered, (at any level up to
* the depth), that was compliant with the childNodeFilter. This will determine if this node, (and its
* children), should be discarded because there are no relevant files.
* @return A RepositoryFileTree representing the entire tree at and below the given node that complies with file
* filtering and other parameters of the tree request.
* @throws RepositoryException
private static RepositoryFileTree getTreeByNode(final Session session, final PentahoJcrConstants pentahoJcrConstants, final IPathConversionHelper pathConversionHelper, final ILockHelper lockHelper, final Node fileNode, final int depth, final String childNodeFilter, final boolean showHidden, IRepositoryAccessVoterManager accessVoterManager, RepositoryRequest.FILES_TYPE_FILTER types, MutableBoolean foundFiltered, final boolean includeSystemFolders, final String rootPath) throws RepositoryException {
RepositoryFile rootFile = nodeToFile(session, pentahoJcrConstants, pathConversionHelper, lockHelper, fileNode, false, null);
if ((!showHidden && rootFile.isHidden()) || rootFile.isAclNode() || (!accessVoterManager.hasAccess(rootFile, RepositoryFilePermission.READ, JcrRepositoryFileAclUtils.getAcl(session, pentahoJcrConstants, rootFile.getId()), PentahoSessionHolder.getSession()))) {
return null;
List<RepositoryFileTree> children;
HashSet<Node> childrenFolderSet;
// to go)
if (depth != 0) {
children = new ArrayList<RepositoryFileTree>();
int numberOfPasses = childNodeFilter != null && !childNodeFilter.equals("*") ? 2 : 1;
// get Filtered Children set
HashSet<Node> filteredChildrenSet;
filteredChildrenSet = new HashSet<Node>();
NodeIterator childNodes = fileNode.getNodes(childNodeFilter);
while (childNodes.hasNext()) {
Node childNode = childNodes.nextNode();
boolean pentahoFolder = isPentahoFolder(pentahoJcrConstants, childNode);
if (!(!pentahoFolder && types == RepositoryRequest.FILES_TYPE_FILTER.FOLDERS || pentahoFolder && types == RepositoryRequest.FILES_TYPE_FILTER.FILES)) {
// do not to include (skip) system_folder children that are at root level if includeSystemFolders is false
if (!(!includeSystemFolders && (rootPath.equals(childNode.getParent().getPath()) && isSystemFolder(session, childNode)))) {
// Now get the unfiltered folder set not already in Filtered Set
childrenFolderSet = new HashSet<Node>();
if (numberOfPasses == 2) {
if (isPentahoFolder(pentahoJcrConstants, fileNode)) {
childNodes = fileNode.getNodes();
while (childNodes.hasNext()) {
Node childNode = childNodes.nextNode();
boolean pentahoFolder = isPentahoFolder(pentahoJcrConstants, childNode);
if (pentahoFolder) {
// tree
for (Node childNode : childrenFolderSet) {
checkNodeForTree(childNode, children, session, pentahoJcrConstants, pathConversionHelper, childNodeFilter, lockHelper, depth, showHidden, accessVoterManager, types, foundFiltered, false, includeSystemFolders, rootPath);
// And finally, add Children in filtered
for (Node childNode : filteredChildrenSet) {
checkNodeForTree(childNode, children, session, pentahoJcrConstants, pathConversionHelper, childNodeFilter, lockHelper, depth, showHidden, accessVoterManager, types, foundFiltered, true, includeSystemFolders, rootPath);
} else {
children = null;
return new RepositoryFileTree(rootFile, children);