use of in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class RepositoryFileImportFileHandler method createFolderJustInTime.
public RepositoryFile createFolderJustInTime(String folderPath, String manifestKey) throws PlatformImportException, DomainIdNullException, DomainAlreadyExistsException, DomainStorageException, IOException {
// The file doesn't exist and it is a folder. Create folder.
getLogger().trace("Creating implied folder [" + folderPath + "]");
final Serializable parentId = getParentId(folderPath);
boolean isHidden;
if (getImportSession().isFileHidden(manifestKey) == null) {
isHidden = false;
} else {
isHidden = getImportSession().isFileHidden(manifestKey);
RepositoryFile.Builder builder = new RepositoryFile.Builder(RepositoryFilenameUtils.getName(folderPath)).path(RepositoryFilenameUtils.getPath(folderPath)).folder(true).hidden(isHidden);
RepositoryFile repoFile =;
RepositoryFileAcl repoAcl = getImportSession().processAclForFile(manifestKey);
if (repoAcl != null) {
repoFile = repository.createFolder(parentId, repoFile, repoAcl, null);
RepositoryFileAcl repositoryFileAcl = null;
try {
repositoryFileAcl = getImportSession().getManifest().getExportManifestEntity(manifestKey).getRepositoryFileAcl();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// If npe then manifest entry is not defined which is likely so just ignore
} catch (ExportManifestFormatException e) {
// Same goes here
updateAcl(true, repoFile, repositoryFileAcl);
} else {
repoFile = repository.createFolder(parentId, repoFile, null);
return repoFile;