use of org.pentaho.platform.scheduler2.quartz.QuartzJobKey in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class QuartzJobKeyTest method testHappyPathKey.
public void testHappyPathKey() throws SchedulerException {
// Generate a new key based on client-provided job name and username
QuartzJobKey key = new QuartzJobKey(TEST_JOBNAME, TEST_USER);
assertEquals("Quartz job group is wrong", TEST_JOBNAME, key.getJobName());
assertEquals("Username is wrong", TEST_USER, key.getUserName());
// Now parse the jobId back into the key object
String jobId = key.toString();
QuartzJobKey parsedKey = QuartzJobKey.parse(jobId);
assertEquals("Quartz job group is wrong", TEST_JOBNAME, parsedKey.getJobName());
assertEquals("Username is wrong", TEST_USER, parsedKey.getUserName());
use of org.pentaho.platform.scheduler2.quartz.QuartzJobKey in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class BlockoutManagerUtil method getFireTimes.
public static List<Date> getFireTimes(IJobTrigger jobTrigger, IScheduler scheduler) {
// Determines the maximum amount of fire times allowed to be calculated
int n = 1000;
Date startDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
Date endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + 4 * TIME.YEAR.time);
// Quartz Triggers
if (scheduler instanceof QuartzScheduler) {
try {
List<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>();
boolean endDateIsNull = jobTrigger.getEndTime() == null;
// $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Trigger trigger = QuartzScheduler.createQuartzTrigger(jobTrigger, new QuartzJobKey("test", "test"));
// add previous trigger (it might be currently active)
// $NON-NLS-1$;
IBlockoutManager manager = PentahoSystem.get(IBlockoutManager.class, "IBlockoutManager", null);
if (manager != null) {
List<Job> blockouts = manager.getBlockOutJobs();
for (Job blockout : blockouts) {
if (blockout.getLastRun() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Date nextFireTime = trigger.getFireTimeAfter(startDate);
if ((nextFireTime == null) || (nextFireTime.after(endDate) || (!endDateIsNull && nextFireTime.after(jobTrigger.getEndTime())))) {
startDate = nextFireTime;
return dates;
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
throw new RuntimeException(// $NON-NLS-1$
"Can not calculate fire times for unsupported Scheduler Type: " + scheduler.getClass().getSimpleName());
use of org.pentaho.platform.scheduler2.quartz.QuartzJobKey in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class ActionAdapterQuartzJob method invokeAction.
* Invokes the {@link IAction} bean that is created from the provided {@code actionClassName} and {@code actionId} as
* the provided {@code actionUser}. If the {@code IAction} execution fails as-is, the scheduler attempts to re-create
* the job that will try to invoke the {@link IAction} again.
* @param actionClassName The class name of the {@link IAction} bean; used as a backup, if the {@code actionId} is not
* available or vald
* @param actionId The bean id of the {@link IAction} requested to be invoked.
* @param actionUser The user invoking the {@link IAction}
* @param context the {@code JobExecutionContext}
* @param params the {@link Map} or parameters needed to invoke the {@link IAction}
* @throws Exception when the {@code IAction} cannot be invoked for some reason.
protected void invokeAction(final String actionClassName, final String actionId, final String actionUser, final JobExecutionContext context, final Map<String, Serializable> params) throws Exception {
final String workItemUid = ActionUtil.extractUid(params);
WorkItemLifecycleEventUtil.publish(workItemUid, params, WorkItemLifecyclePhase.SUBMITTED);
// creates an instance of IActionInvoker, which knows how to invoke this IAction - if the IActionInvoker bean is
// not defined through spring, fall back on the default action invoker
final IActionInvoker actionInvoker = Optional.ofNullable(PentahoSystem.get(IActionInvoker.class)).orElse(getActionInvoker());
// Instantiate the requested IAction bean
final IAction actionBean = (IAction) ActionUtil.createActionBean(actionClassName, actionId);
if (actionInvoker == null || actionBean == null) {
final String failureMessage = Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(// $NON-NLS-1$
"ActionAdapterQuartzJob.ERROR_0002_FAILED_TO_CREATE_ACTION", getActionIdentifier(null, actionClassName, actionId), StringUtil.getMapAsPrettyString(params));
WorkItemLifecycleEventUtil.publish(workItemUid, params, WorkItemLifecyclePhase.FAILED, failureMessage);
throw new LoggingJobExecutionException(failureMessage);
if (actionBean instanceof BlockoutAction) {
params.put(IBlockoutManager.SCHEDULED_FIRE_TIME, context.getScheduledFireTime());
// Invoke the action and get the status of the invocation
final IActionInvokeStatus status = actionInvoker.invokeAction(actionBean, actionUser, getSerializableMap(params));
// Status may not be available for remote execution, which is expected
if (status == null) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
log.warn(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(// $NON-NLS-1$
"ActionAdapterQuartzJob.WARN_0002_NO_STATUS", getActionIdentifier(actionBean, actionClassName, actionId), StringUtil.getMapAsPrettyString(params)));
// exception
if (!status.isExecutionSuccessful()) {
// throw job exception
throw new JobExecutionException(Messages.getInstance().getActionFailedToExecute(// $NON-NLS-1$
final boolean requiresUpdate = status.requiresUpdate();
final Throwable throwable = status.getThrowable();
Object objsp = status.getStreamProvider();
IBackgroundExecutionStreamProvider sp = null;
if (objsp != null && IBackgroundExecutionStreamProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(objsp.getClass())) {
sp = (IBackgroundExecutionStreamProvider) objsp;
final IBackgroundExecutionStreamProvider streamProvider = sp;
// shallow copy
final Map<String, Serializable> jobParams = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(params);
final IScheduler scheduler = PentahoSystem.getObjectFactory().get(IScheduler.class, "IScheduler2", null);
if (throwable != null) {
Object restartFlag = jobParams.get(QuartzScheduler.RESERVEDMAPKEY_RESTART_FLAG);
if (restartFlag == null) {
final SimpleJobTrigger trigger = new SimpleJobTrigger(new Date(), null, 0, 0);
final Class<IAction> iaction = (Class<IAction>) actionBean.getClass();
// recreate the job in the context of the original creator
SecurityHelper.getInstance().runAsUser(actionUser, new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
if (streamProvider != null) {
// remove generated content
QuartzJobKey jobKey = QuartzJobKey.parse(context.getJobDetail().getName());
String jobName = jobKey.getJobName();
jobParams.put(QuartzScheduler.RESERVEDMAPKEY_RESTART_FLAG, Boolean.TRUE);
WorkItemLifecycleEventUtil.publish(workItemUid, params, WorkItemLifecyclePhase.RESTARTED);
scheduler.createJob(jobName, iaction, jobParams, trigger, streamProvider);
log.warn("New RunOnce job created for " + jobName + " -> possible startup synchronization error");
return null;
} else {
log.warn("RunOnce already created, skipping");
throw new JobExecutionException(throwable);
scheduler.fireJobCompleted(actionBean, actionUser, params, streamProvider);
if (requiresUpdate) {
log.warn("Output path for job: " + context.getJobDetail().getName() + " has changed. Job requires update");
try {
final IJobTrigger trigger = scheduler.getJob(context.getJobDetail().getName()).getJobTrigger();
final Class<IAction> iaction = (Class<IAction>) actionBean.getClass();
// remove job with outdated/invalid output path
// recreate the job in the context of the original creator
SecurityHelper.getInstance().runAsUser(actionUser, new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
// remove generated content
QuartzJobKey jobKey = QuartzJobKey.parse(context.getJobDetail().getName());
String jobName = jobKey.getJobName();
WorkItemLifecycleEventUtil.publish(workItemUid, params, WorkItemLifecyclePhase.RESTARTED);
org.pentaho.platform.api.scheduler2.Job j = scheduler.createJob(jobName, iaction, jobParams, trigger, streamProvider);
log.warn("New Job: " + j.getJobId() + " created");
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Scheduling system successfully invoked action {0} as user {1} with params [ {2} ]", // $NON-NLS-1$
actionBean.getClass().getName(), actionUser, QuartzScheduler.prettyPrintMap(params)));
use of org.pentaho.platform.scheduler2.quartz.QuartzJobKey in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class QuartzJobKeyTest method testFromId.
private void testFromId(String user, String jobName, String delimiter) throws SchedulerException {
assert (delimiter.equals("\t") || delimiter.equals(":"));
// Generate a new key based on client-provided job name and username
QuartzJobKey jobKey = QuartzJobKey.parse(user + delimiter + jobName + delimiter + "1234567890");
assertEquals("Incorrect User", user, jobKey.getUserName());
assertEquals("Incorrect Job Name", jobName, jobKey.getJobName());
// Now parse the jobId back into the key object (should always be tab delimited)
String jobId = jobKey.toString();
assertEquals("Incorrect Returned Job Id", user + "\t" + jobName + "\t" + "1234567890", jobId);