use of in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class RepositoryImportResource method doPostImport.
* Attempts to import all files from the zip archive or single file. A log file is produced at the end of import.
* <p><b>Example Request:</b><br />
* POST pentaho/api/repo/files/import
* <br /><b>POST data:</b>
* <pre function="syntax.xml">
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="importDir"
* /public
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileUpload"; filename="test.csv"
* Content-Type: application/
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="overwriteFile"
* true
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="overwriteAclPermissions"
* true
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="applyAclPermissions"
* true
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="retainOwnership"
* true
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="charSet"
* UTF-8
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryB9hzsGp4wR5SGAZD
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="logLevel"
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryd1z6iZhXyx12RYxV
* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileNameOverride"
* fileNameOverriden.csv
* ------WebKitFormBoundaryd1z6iZhXyx12RYxV--
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param importDir JCR Directory to which the zip structure or single file will be uploaded to.
* @param fileUpload Input stream for the file.
* @param overwriteFile The flag indicates ability to overwrite existing file.
* @param overwriteAclPermissions The flag indicates ability to overwrite Acl permissions.
* @param applyAclPermissions The flag indicates ability to apply Acl permissions.
* @param retainOwnership The flag indicates ability to retain ownership.
* @param charSet The charset for imported file.
* @param logLevel The level of logging.
* @param fileNameOverride If present and the content represents a single file, this parameter contains the filename to use
* when storing the file in the repository. If not present, the fileInfo.getFileName will be used.
* Note that the later cannot reliably handle foreign character sets.
* @return A jax-rs Response object with the appropriate header and body.
* <p><b>Example Response:</b></p>
* <pre function="syntax.xml">
* <html>
* <head>
* <title>Repository Import Log</title>
* </head>
* <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin="6" leftmargin="6" style="font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: x-small">
* <hr size="1" noshade>
* Log session start time Thu Feb 26 11:04:19 BRT 2015<br>
* <br>
* <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="1" bordercolor="#224466" width="100%">
* <tr style="background: #336699; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: left">
* <th>Import File</th>
* <th>Level</th>
* <th>Message</th>
* </tr>
* <td title="importFile">/public</td>
* <td title="Level">INFO</td>
* <td title="Message">Start Import Job</td>
* </tr>
* <td title="importFile">/public/fileNameOverriden.csv</td>
* <td title="Level">INFO</td>
* <td title="Message">Start File Import</td>
* </tr>
* <td title="importFile">/public/fileNameOverriden.csv</td>
* <td title="Level"><font color="#993300"><strong>WARN</strong></font></td>
* <td title="Message">fileNameOverriden.csv</td>
* </tr>
* <td title="importFile">/public</td>
* <td title="Level">INFO</td>
* <td title="Message">End Import Job</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <br>
* </body></html>
* </pre>
@Facet(name = "Unsupported")
public Response doPostImport(@FormDataParam("importDir") String importDir, @FormDataParam("fileUpload") InputStream fileUpload, @FormDataParam("overwriteFile") String overwriteFile, @FormDataParam("overwriteAclPermissions") String overwriteAclPermissions, @FormDataParam("applyAclPermissions") String applyAclPermission, @FormDataParam("retainOwnership") String retainOwnership, @FormDataParam("charSet") String charSet, @FormDataParam("logLevel") String logLevel, @FormDataParam("fileUpload") FormDataContentDisposition fileInfo, @FormDataParam("fileNameOverride") String fileNameOverride) {
IRepositoryImportLogger importLogger = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream importLoggerStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
boolean logJobStarted = false;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(charSet)) {
try {
boolean overwriteFileFlag = ("false".equals(overwriteFile) ? false : true);
boolean overwriteAclSettingsFlag = ("true".equals(overwriteAclPermissions) ? true : false);
boolean applyAclSettingsFlag = ("true".equals(applyAclPermission) ? true : false);
boolean retainOwnershipFlag = ("true".equals(retainOwnership) ? true : false);
// If logLevel is null then we will default to ERROR
if (logLevel == null || logLevel.length() <= 0) {
logLevel = "ERROR";
// Non-admins cannot process a manifest
FileService fileService = new FileService();
if (!fileService.doCanAdminister()) {
applyAclSettingsFlag = false;
retainOwnershipFlag = true;
Level level = Level.toLevel(logLevel);
ImportSession.getSession().setAclProperties(applyAclSettingsFlag, retainOwnershipFlag, overwriteAclSettingsFlag);
// The fileNameOverride was added because the formDataContentDispositionfile object cannot reliable
// contain non US-ASCII characters. See RFC283 section 2.3 for details
String fileName = fileNameOverride != null ? fileNameOverride : fileInfo.getFileName();
RepositoryFileImportBundle.Builder bundleBuilder = new RepositoryFileImportBundle.Builder();
IPlatformImportBundle bundle =;
IPlatformMimeResolver mimeResolver = PentahoSystem.get(IPlatformMimeResolver.class);
String mimeTypeFromFile = mimeResolver.resolveMimeForFileName(fileName);
if (mimeTypeFromFile == null) {
return Response.ok("INVALID_MIME_TYPE", MediaType.TEXT_HTML).build();
IPlatformImporter importer = PentahoSystem.get(IPlatformImporter.class);
importLogger = importer.getRepositoryImportLogger();
final String mimeType = bundle.getMimeType() != null ? bundle.getMimeType() : mimeResolver.resolveMimeForBundle(bundle);
if (mimeType == null) {
return Response.ok("INVALID_MIME_TYPE", MediaType.TEXT_HTML).build();
logJobStarted = true;
importLogger.startJob(importLoggerStream, importDir, level);
// Flush the Mondrian cache to show imported data-sources.
IMondrianCatalogService mondrianCatalogService = PentahoSystem.get(IMondrianCatalogService.class, "IMondrianCatalogService", PentahoSessionHolder.getSession());
} catch (PentahoAccessControlException e) {
return Response.serverError().entity(e.toString()).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
return Response.serverError().entity(e.toString()).build();
} finally {
if (logJobStarted == true) {
String responseBody;
try {
responseBody = importLoggerStream.toString(charSet);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
LOGGER.error("Encoding of response body is failed. (charSet=" + charSet + ")", e);
responseBody = importLoggerStream.toString();
return Response.ok(responseBody, MediaType.TEXT_HTML).build();