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Example 1 with PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException

use of org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class GetJobLog method runCommand.

public Object runCommand() throws PlatformLayerClientException {
    PlatformLayerClient client = getPlatformLayerClient();
    if (jobId.contains("/") && executionId == null) {
        String[] tokens = jobId.split("/");
        if (tokens.length == 2) {
            jobId = tokens[0];
            executionId = tokens[1];
    List<JobLog> logs = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(executionId)) {
        JobExecutionList jobExecutions = client.listJobExecutions(jobId);
        List<JobExecutionData> runs = jobExecutions.getRuns();
        // TODO: Remove limit (or iterate)
        if (runs.size() > 10) {
            runs = Lists.newArrayList(runs.subList(runs.size() - 10, runs.size()));
        // TODO: Fix 1+N slowness...
        for (JobExecutionData execution : runs) {
            if (execution.getState() == JobState.PRESTART) {
            String executionId = execution.getExecutionId();
            try {
                JobLog jobLog = client.getJobExecutionLog(jobId, executionId);
            } catch (PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO: Warn?
    } else {
        JobLog jobLog = client.getJobExecutionLog(jobId, executionId);
    return logs;
Also used : PlatformLayerClient(org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClient) JobExecutionData( PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException(org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException) JobLog( JobExecutionList(


PlatformLayerClient (org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClient)1 PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException (org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClientNotFoundException)1 JobExecutionData ( JobExecutionList ( JobLog (