use of org.platformlayer.exceptions.HasRetryInfo in project platformlayer by platformlayer.
the class OperationWorker method doOperation.
Object doOperation() throws OpsException {
final Action action = activeJob.getAction();
final PlatformLayerKey targetItemKey = activeJob.getTargetItemKey();
RenameThread rename = new RenameThread(action.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + targetItemKey);
try {
OpsContextBuilder opsContextBuilder = opsSystem.getInjector().getInstance(OpsContextBuilder.class);
final ProjectAuthorization project = activeJob.getProjectAuthorization();
final OpsContext opsContext = opsContextBuilder.buildOpsContext(activeJob);
final ServiceType serviceType = activeJob.getServiceType();
final ServiceProvider serviceProvider = opsSystem.getServiceProvider(serviceType);
try {
return OpsContext.runInContext(opsContext, new CheckedCallable<Object, Exception>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {"Starting job");
ItemBase item;
ManagedItemRepository repository = opsSystem.getManagedItemRepository();
try {
boolean fetchTags = true;
item = repository.getManagedItem(targetItemKey, fetchTags, SecretProvider.from(project));
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
throw new OpsException("Error reading item from repository", e);
if (item == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(404);
List<Object> scopeItems = Lists.newArrayList();
addActionScopeItems(action, item, scopeItems);
Object controller = serviceProvider.getController(item);
BindingScope scope = BindingScope.push(scopeItems);
opsContext.recurseOperation(scope, controller);
// TODO: Should we run a verify operation before -> ACTIVE??
// (we need to fix the states as well)
ManagedItemState newState = finishAction(action, scope);
if (newState != null) {
repository.changeState(targetItemKey, newState);
item.state = newState;
}"Job finished with SUCCESS");
return null;
private ManagedItemState finishAction(Action action, BindingScope scope) throws OpsException {
ManagedItemState newState = null;
if (action instanceof ConfigureAction) {
newState = ManagedItemState.ACTIVE;
if (action instanceof ValidateAction) {
// TODO: Change state to healthy??
if (action instanceof DeleteAction) {
newState = ManagedItemState.DELETED;
if (action instanceof BackupAction) {
BackupContext backupContext = scope.getInstance(BackupContext.class);
return newState;
private void addActionScopeItems(Action action, ItemBase item, List<Object> scopeItems) throws OpsException {
if (action instanceof BackupAction) {
// TODO: Don't hard-code this
BackupHelpers backupHelpers = opsSystem.getInjector().getInstance(BackupHelpers.class);
BackupContext backupContext = backupHelpers.createBackupContext(item);
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.warn("Error running operation", e);
log.warn("Job finished with FAILED");
// boolean isDone = false; // We will retry
TimeSpan retry = null;
HasRetryInfo retryInfo = ExceptionHelpers.findRetryInfo(e);
if (retryInfo != null) {
retry = retryInfo.getRetry();
if (retry == null) {
// TODO: Eventually give up??
retry = ApplicationMode.isDevelopment() ? TimeSpan.ONE_MINUTE : TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES;
// TODO: State transition??
// managedItem.setState(ManagedItemState.ACTIVE, true);
log.warn("Scheduling retry in " + retry);
return null;
} finally {
try {
} catch (OpsException e) {
log.error("Error recording job in registry", e);
} finally {