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Example 1 with JobData

use of in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class FederatedPlatformLayerClient method deleteItem.

public JobData deleteItem(PlatformLayerKey key) throws PlatformLayerClientException {
    MappedPlatformLayerKey mapped = mapToChild(key);
    JobData jobData = mapped.child.client.deleteItem(key);
    return mapped.child.setHost(jobData);
Also used : JobData(

Example 2 with JobData

use of in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class JdbcJobRepository method mapFromEntity.

private JobData mapFromEntity(JobEntity entity, PlatformLayerKey jobKey) throws RepositoryException {
    JobData data = new JobData();
    data.action = actionFromXml(entity.actionXml);
    data.key = jobKey;
    data.targetId = PlatformLayerKey.parse(;
    if (entity.lastrunId != null) {
        JobExecutionData execution = new JobExecutionData();
        execution.endedAt = entity.lastrunEndedAt;
        execution.executionId = entity.lastrunId;
        execution.state = entity.lastrunState;
        data.lastRun = execution;
    return data;
Also used : JobExecutionData( JobData(

Example 3 with JobData

use of in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class ITSolrService method testCreateAndDeleteItem.

public void testCreateAndDeleteItem() throws Exception {
    String id = random.randomAlphanumericString(8);
    SolrCluster solr = new SolrCluster();
    solr.dnsName = id + "";
    solr = putItem(id, solr);
    solr = waitForHealthy(solr);
    InetSocketAddress socketAddress = getUniqueEndpoint(solr);
    openFirewall(solr, SolrConstants.API_PORT);
    // TODO: Make endpoint http://<ip>:<port>/<path>...
    String url = "http://" + socketAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + socketAddress.getPort() + "/solr";
    String customFieldKey = "customfield1";
    SolrSchemaField field = new SolrSchemaField(); = customFieldKey;
    field.type = "text_general";
    // TODO: Our scoping of keys is problematic now...
    // If two clusters both have the same key "customfield1", they can't have the same ID
    field = putItem(id + "-" + customFieldKey, field);
    // Currently, we need to do a manual configure operation...
    // TODO: trigger this automatically
    SolrServer server = getItem(id + "-0", SolrServer.class);
    JobData configureJob = getContext().doConfigure(server);
    waitForJobComplete(configureJob, TimeSpan.FIVE_MINUTES);
    testSolrCustomField(url, customFieldKey);
Also used : InetSocketAddress( JobData( SolrServer(org.platformlayer.service.solr.model.SolrServer) CommonsHttpSolrServer(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer) SolrCluster(org.platformlayer.service.solr.model.SolrCluster) SolrSchemaField(org.platformlayer.service.solr.model.SolrSchemaField) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) PlatformLayerApiTest(org.platformlayer.tests.PlatformLayerApiTest)

Example 4 with JobData

use of in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class PlatformLayerTestContext method waitForJobComplete.

public JobData waitForJobComplete(JobData job, TimeSpan timeout) throws OpsException, IOException {
    TypedPlatformLayerClient client = getTypedClient();
    PlatformLayerKey jobKey = job.key;
    long startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (true) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Interrupted", e);
        if (timeout != null && timeout.hasTimedOut(startedAt)) {
            throw new OpsException("Timeout waiting for job completion");
        // TODO: We really need a "get job status" function
        JobData found = null;
        for (JobData candidate : client.listJobs().getJobs()) {
            if (jobKey.equals(candidate.getJobKey())) {
                found = candidate;
        if (found == null) {
            // Assume completed?
            throw new IllegalStateException("Job not found in job list");
        JobExecutionList executions = client.listJobExecutions(job.getJobKey().getItemIdString());
        JobExecutionData foundExecution = null;
        for (JobExecutionData candidate : executions) {
            if (jobKey.equals(candidate.getJobKey())) {
                foundExecution = candidate;
        if (foundExecution == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Execution not found in execution list");
        JobState state = foundExecution.getState();
        switch(state) {
            case FAILED:
            case SUCCESS:
                System.out.println("Job completed; state=" + state);
                return found;
            case RUNNING:
                System.out.println("Continuing to wait for " + job.key + "; state=" + state);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected state: " + state + " for " + job.key);
Also used : TypedPlatformLayerClient(org.platformlayer.TypedPlatformLayerClient) OpsException(org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException) JobExecutionData( JobState( PlatformLayerKey(org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey) JobData( JobExecutionList(

Example 5 with JobData

use of in project platformlayer by platformlayer.

the class JobsCollectionResource method getJob.

public JobResource getJob(@PathParam("jobId") String jobId) throws OpsException {
    PlatformLayerKey jobKey = JobData.buildKey(getProject(), new ManagedItemId(jobId));
    JobData record = jobRegistry.getJob(jobKey);
    if (record == null) {
    JobResource jobResource = jobResourceProvider.get();
    return jobResource;
Also used : PlatformLayerKey(org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey) JobData( ManagedItemId(org.platformlayer.ids.ManagedItemId) Path(


JobData ( PlatformLayerKey (org.platformlayer.core.model.PlatformLayerKey)7 PlatformLayerClient (org.platformlayer.PlatformLayerClient)4 RepositoryException (org.platformlayer.RepositoryException)4 ManagedItemId (org.platformlayer.ids.ManagedItemId)4 OpsException (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsException)4 ItemBase (org.platformlayer.core.model.ItemBase)3 ProjectId (org.platformlayer.ids.ProjectId)3 SecretProvider (org.platformlayer.auth.crypto.SecretProvider)2 JobDataList ( JobExecutionData ( OpsContext (org.platformlayer.ops.OpsContext)2 ServiceProvider ( CliException (com.fathomdb.cli.CliException)1 Ansi (com.fathomdb.cli.commands.Ansi)1 JdbcTransaction (com.fathomdb.jdbc.JdbcTransaction)1 IOException ( InetSocketAddress ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 List (java.util.List)1