use of org.pmiops.workbench.firecloud.ApiException in project workbench by all-of-us.
the class ClusterController method localize.
public ResponseEntity<ClusterLocalizeResponse> localize(String projectName, String clusterName, ClusterLocalizeRequest body) {
String workspaceBucket;
try {
workspaceBucket = "gs://" + fireCloudService.getWorkspace(body.getWorkspaceNamespace(), body.getWorkspaceId()).getWorkspace().getBucketName();
} catch (ApiException e) {
if (e.getCode() == 404) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "Firecloud workspace not found", e);
throw new NotFoundException(String.format("workspace %s/%s not found or not accessible", body.getWorkspaceNamespace(), body.getWorkspaceId()));
throw ExceptionUtils.convertFirecloudException(e);
// For the common case where the notebook cluster matches the workspace
// namespace, simply name the directory as the workspace ID; else we
// include the namespace in the directory name to avoid possible conflicts
// in workspace IDs.
String workspacePath = body.getWorkspaceId();
if (!projectName.equals(body.getWorkspaceNamespace())) {
workspacePath = body.getWorkspaceNamespace() + ":" + body.getWorkspaceId();
String apiDir = String.join("/", "workspaces", workspacePath);
String localDir = String.join("/", "~", apiDir);
Map<String, String> toLocalize = body.getNotebookNames().stream().collect(Collectors.<String, String, String>toMap(name -> localDir + "/" + name, name -> String.join("/", workspaceBucket, "notebooks", name)));
// TODO(calbach): Localize a delocalize config JSON file as well, once Leo supports this.
toLocalize.put(localDir + "/.all_of_us_config.json", workspaceBucket + "/" + WorkspacesController.CONFIG_FILENAME);
notebooksService.localize(projectName, clusterName, toLocalize);
ClusterLocalizeResponse resp = new ClusterLocalizeResponse();
return ResponseEntity.ok(resp);
use of org.pmiops.workbench.firecloud.ApiException in project workbench by all-of-us.
the class ProfileController method createFirecloudUserAndBillingProject.
private String createFirecloudUserAndBillingProject(User user) {
try {
// If the user is already registered, their profile will get updated.
fireCloudService.registerUser(user.getContactEmail(), user.getGivenName(), user.getFamilyName());
} catch (ApiException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Error registering user: %s", e.getResponseBody()), e);
// We don't expect this to happen.
throw new ServerErrorException("Error registering user", e);
WorkbenchConfig workbenchConfig = workbenchConfigProvider.get();
long suffix;
if (workbenchEnvironment.isDevelopment()) {
// For local development, make one billing project per account based on a hash of the account
// email, and reuse it across database resets. (Assume we won't have any collisions;
// if we discover that somebody starts using our namespace, change it up.)
suffix = user.getEmail().hashCode();
} else {
// In other environments, create a suffix based on the user ID from the database. We will
// add a suffix if that billing project is already taken. (If the database is reset, we
// should consider switching the prefix.)
suffix = user.getUserId();
// GCP billing project names must be <= 30 characters. The per-user hash, an integer,
// is <= 10 chars.
String billingProjectNamePrefix = workbenchConfig.firecloud.billingProjectPrefix + suffix;
String billingProjectName = billingProjectNamePrefix;
int numAttempts = 0;
try {
} catch (ApiException e) {
if (e.getCode() == HttpStatus.CONFLICT.value()) {
if (workbenchEnvironment.isDevelopment()) {
// In local development, just re-use existing projects for the account. (We don't
// want to create a new billing project every time the database is reset.)
log.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Project with name '%s' already exists; using it.", billingProjectName));
} else {
// In cloud environments, keep trying billing project names until we find one
// that hasn't been used before, or we hit MAX_BILLING_PROJECT_CREATION_ATTEMPTS.
billingProjectName = billingProjectNamePrefix + "-" + numAttempts;
} else {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Error creating billing project: %s", e.getResponseBody()), e);
throw new ServerErrorException("Error creating billing project", e);
throw new ServerErrorException(String.format("Encountered %d billing project name " + "collisions; giving up", MAX_BILLING_PROJECT_CREATION_ATTEMPTS));
try {
// If the user is already a member of the billing project, this will have no effect.
fireCloudService.addUserToBillingProject(user.getEmail(), billingProjectName);
} catch (ApiException e) {
if (e.getCode() == HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value()) {
// AofU is not the owner of the billing project. This should only happen in local
// environments (and hopefully never, given the prefix we're using.) If it happens,
// we may need to pick a different prefix.
log.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Unable to add user to billing project %s: %s; " + "consider changing billing project prefix", billingProjectName, e.getResponseBody()), e);
throw new ServerErrorException("Unable to add user to billing project", e);
} else {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Error adding user to billing project: %s", e.getResponseBody()), e);
throw new ServerErrorException("Error adding user to billing project", e);
return billingProjectName;
use of org.pmiops.workbench.firecloud.ApiException in project workbench by all-of-us.
the class ProfileController method getIdVerificationsForReview.
@AuthorityRequired({ Authority.REVIEW_ID_VERIFICATION })
public ResponseEntity<IdVerificationListResponse> getIdVerificationsForReview() {
IdVerificationListResponse response = new IdVerificationListResponse();
List<Profile> responseList = new ArrayList<Profile>();
try {
for (User user : userService.getNonVerifiedUsers()) {
} catch (ApiException e) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "Error calling FireCloud", e);
return ResponseEntity.status(e.getCode()).build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(response);
use of org.pmiops.workbench.firecloud.ApiException in project workbench by all-of-us.
the class AuthDomainController method addUserToAuthDomain.
@AuthorityRequired({ Authority.MANAGE_GROUP })
public ResponseEntity<Void> addUserToAuthDomain(String groupName, AuthDomainRequest request) {
User user = userDao.findUserByEmail(request.getEmail());
DataAccessLevel previousAccess = user.getDataAccessLevel();
try {
fireCloudService.addUserToGroup(request.getEmail(), groupName);
} catch (ApiException e) {
// TODO(blrubenstein): Parameterize this.
userService.logAdminUserAction(user.getUserId(), "user access to " + groupName + " domain", previousAccess, DataAccessLevel.REGISTERED);
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT).build();
use of org.pmiops.workbench.firecloud.ApiException in project workbench by all-of-us.
the class ProfileControllerTest method testMe_successDevProjectConflict.
public void testMe_successDevProjectConflict() throws Exception {
Profile profile = profileController.getMe().getBody();
String projectName = BILLING_PROJECT_PREFIX + PRIMARY_EMAIL.hashCode();
doThrow(new ApiException(HttpStatus.CONFLICT.value(), "conflict")).when(fireCloudService).createAllOfUsBillingProject(projectName);
// When a conflict occurs in dev, log the exception but continue.
assertProfile(profile, PRIMARY_EMAIL, CONTACT_EMAIL, FAMILY_NAME, GIVEN_NAME, DataAccessLevel.UNREGISTERED, TIMESTAMP, projectName, true);
verify(fireCloudService).registerUser(CONTACT_EMAIL, GIVEN_NAME, FAMILY_NAME);
verify(fireCloudService).addUserToBillingProject(PRIMARY_EMAIL, projectName);