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Example 1 with ResponseHandler

use of in project polymap4-core by Polymap4.

the class PipelineFeatureSource method fetchFeatures.

 * Called by {@link SyncPipelineFeatureCollection} to fetch feature chunks.
protected void fetchFeatures(Query query, final FeatureResponseHandler handler) throws Exception {
    try {
        log.debug("fetchFeatures(): maxFeatures= " + query.getMaxFeatures());
        GetFeaturesRequest request = new GetFeaturesRequest(query);
        newExecutor().execute(pipeline, request, new ResponseHandler() {

            public void handle(ProcessorResponse r) throws Exception {
                GetFeaturesResponse response = (GetFeaturesResponse) r;
    } finally {
Also used : GetFeaturesResponse( GetFeaturesRequest( ProcessorResponse( ResponseHandler( IOException(

Example 2 with ResponseHandler

use of in project polymap4-core by Polymap4.

the class SimpleWmsServer method doGet.

protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    log.debug("Request: " + request.getQueryString());
    try {
        final Map<String, String> kvp = parseKvpSet(request.getQueryString());
        sessionContext.execute(() -> {
            // LAYERS
            final String layer = kvp.get("LAYERS");
            assert !layer.contains(INNER_DELIMETER);
            final String style = kvp.get("STYLES");
            assert style == null || !style.contains(INNER_DELIMETER);
  "layers=" + layer + ", style=" + style);
            // WIDTH/HEIGHT
            int width = Integer.parseInt(kvp.get("WIDTH"));
            int height = Integer.parseInt(kvp.get("HEIGHT"));
            // BBOX
            ReferencedEnvelope bbox = parseBBox(kvp.get("BBOX"));
            String srsCode = kvp.get("SRS");
            CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode(srsCode);
            bbox = new ReferencedEnvelope(bbox, crs);
            // FORMAT
            String format = kvp.get("FORMAT");
            format = format != null ? format : "image/png";
            log.debug("    --layers= " + layer);
            log.debug("    --imageSize= " + width + "x" + height);
            log.debug("    --bbox= " + bbox);
            crs = bbox.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
            log.debug("    --CRS= " + bbox.getCoordinateReferenceSystem().getName());
            // find/create pipeline
            final Pipeline pipeline = pipelines.get(layer, key -> createPipeline(key));
            long modifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since");
            final ProcessorRequest pr = new GetMapRequest(Collections.singletonList(layer), Collections.singletonList(style), srsCode, bbox, format, width, height, modifiedSince);
            // process
            Lazy<ServletOutputStream> out = new PlainLazyInit(() -> {
                try {
                    return response.getOutputStream();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.warn("Pipeline exception: " + e, e);
                    return null;
            try {
                createPipelineExecutor().execute(pipeline, pr, new ResponseHandler() {

                    public void handle(ProcessorResponse pipeResponse) throws Exception {
                        if (pipeResponse == EncodedImageResponse.NOT_MODIFIED) {
                        } else {
                            long lastModified = ((EncodedImageResponse) pipeResponse).getLastModified();
                            // allow the browser to use a cached tile for max-age without a request
                            if (lastModified > 0) {
                                long maxAge = ((EncodedImageResponse) pipeResponse).getExpires() - System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
                                response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", lastModified);
                                response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public,must-revalidate");
                            } else // disable browser cache if there is no internal Cache for this layer
                                response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate");
                                response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
                                response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
                            byte[] chunk = ((EncodedImageResponse) pipeResponse).getChunk();
                            int len = ((EncodedImageResponse) pipeResponse).getChunkSize();
                            out.get().write(chunk, 0, len);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                log.warn("Pipeline exception: " + e, e);
            return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // assuming that this is an EOF exception"Exception: " + e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn(e.toString(), e);
    } finally {
    // XXX do I have to close out?
    // out.close();
Also used : ProcessorResponse( ResponseHandler( ServletOutputStream(javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream) IOException( PlainLazyInit(org.polymap.core.runtime.PlainLazyInit) FactoryException(org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) NoSuchAuthorityCodeException(org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException) ServiceException(org.osgi.framework.ServiceException) IOException( UnsupportedEncodingException( Pipeline( ReferencedEnvelope(org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope) EncodedImageResponse( ProcessorRequest( GetMapRequest( CoordinateReferenceSystem(


IOException ( ProcessorResponse ( ResponseHandler ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)1 ServletOutputStream (javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream)1 ReferencedEnvelope (org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope)1 FactoryException (org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException)1 NoSuchAuthorityCodeException (org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException)1 CoordinateReferenceSystem ( ServiceException (org.osgi.framework.ServiceException)1 GetFeaturesRequest ( GetFeaturesResponse ( EncodedImageResponse ( GetMapRequest ( Pipeline ( ProcessorRequest ( PlainLazyInit (org.polymap.core.runtime.PlainLazyInit)1