use of org.postgresql.util.PGInterval in project openremote by openremote.
the class AssetDatapointService method aggregateDatapoints.
public NumberDatapoint[] aggregateDatapoints(AssetAttribute attribute, DatapointInterval datapointInterval, long timestamp) {
LOG.fine("Aggregating datapoints for: " + attribute);
AttributeRef attributeRef = attribute.getReferenceOrThrow();
return persistenceService.doReturningTransaction(entityManager -> entityManager.unwrap(Session.class).doReturningWork(new AbstractReturningWork<NumberDatapoint[]>() {
public NumberDatapoint[] execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
String truncateX;
String step;
String interval;
Function<Timestamp, String> labelFunction;
SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd. MMM yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
switch(datapointInterval) {
case HOUR:
truncateX = "minute";
step = "1 minute";
interval = "1 hour";
labelFunction = timeFormat::format;
case DAY:
truncateX = "hour";
step = "1 hour";
interval = "1 day";
labelFunction = timeFormat::format;
case WEEK:
truncateX = "day";
step = "1 day";
interval = "7 day";
labelFunction = dayFormat::format;
case MONTH:
truncateX = "day";
step = "1 day";
interval = "1 month";
labelFunction = dayFormat::format;
case YEAR:
truncateX = "month";
step = "1 month";
interval = "1 year";
labelFunction = dayFormat::format;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle interval: " + datapointInterval);
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
query.append("select TS as X, coalesce(AVG_VALUE, null) as Y " + " from ( " + " select date_trunc(?, GS)::timestamp TS " + " from generate_series(to_timestamp(?) - ?, to_timestamp(?), ?) GS " + " ) TS " + " left join ( " + " select " + " date_trunc(?, to_timestamp(TIMESTAMP / 1000))::timestamp as TS, ");
switch(attribute.getTypeOrThrow().getValueType()) {
case NUMBER:
query.append(" AVG(VALUE::text::numeric) as AVG_VALUE ");
query.append(" AVG(case when VALUE::text::boolean is true then 1 else 0 end) as AVG_VALUE ");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't aggregate number datapoints for type of: " + attribute);
query.append(" from ASSET_DATAPOINT " + " where " + " to_timestamp(TIMESTAMP / 1000) >= to_timestamp(?) - ? " + " and " + " to_timestamp(TIMESTAMP / 1000) <= to_timestamp(?) " + " and " + " ENTITY_ID = ? and ATTRIBUTE_NAME = ? " + " group by TS " + " ) DP using (TS) " + " order by TS asc ");
PreparedStatement st = connection.prepareStatement(query.toString());
long timestampSeconds = timestamp / 1000;
st.setString(1, truncateX);
st.setLong(2, timestampSeconds);
st.setObject(3, new PGInterval(interval));
st.setLong(4, timestampSeconds);
st.setObject(5, new PGInterval(step));
st.setString(6, truncateX);
st.setLong(7, timestampSeconds);
st.setObject(8, new PGInterval(interval));
st.setLong(9, timestampSeconds);
st.setString(10, attributeRef.getEntityId());
st.setString(11, attributeRef.getAttributeName());
try (ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery()) {
List<NumberDatapoint> result = new ArrayList<>();
while ( {
String label = labelFunction.apply(rs.getTimestamp(1));
Number value = rs.getObject(2) != null ? rs.getDouble(2) : null;
result.add(new NumberDatapoint(label, value));
return result.toArray(new NumberDatapoint[result.size()]);