use of org.powerbot.script.Locatable in project powerbot by powerbot.
the class Bank method nearest.
* Returns the absolute nearest bank for walking purposes. Do not use this to open the bank.
* @return the {@link Locatable} of the nearest bank or {@link Tile#NIL}
* @see #open()
public Locatable nearest() {
Locatable nearest =;
final Tile loc = ctx.players.local().tile();
for (final GameObject object :, Constants.BANK_CHESTS).nearest().limit(1)) {
if (loc.distanceTo(object) < loc.distanceTo(nearest)) {
nearest = object;
if (nearest.tile() != Tile.NIL) {
return nearest;
return Tile.NIL;
use of org.powerbot.script.Locatable in project powerbot by powerbot.
the class Bank method nearest.
* Returns the absolute nearest bank for walking purposes. Do not use this to open the bank.
* @return the {@link Locatable} of the nearest bank or {@link Tile#NIL}
* @see #open()
public Locatable nearest() {
Locatable nearest =;
final Tile loc = ctx.players.local().tile();
for (final GameObject object :, Constants.BANK_COUNTERS, Constants.BANK_CHESTS).nearest().limit(1)) {
if (loc.distanceTo(object) < loc.distanceTo(nearest)) {
nearest = object;
if (nearest.tile() != Tile.NIL) {
return nearest;
return Tile.NIL;