use of in project primefaces by primefaces.
the class GMap method queueEvent.
public void queueEvent(FacesEvent event) {
FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
Map<String, String> params = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String eventName = params.get(Constants.RequestParams.PARTIAL_BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAM);
String clientId = getClientId(context);
if (ComponentUtils.isRequestSource(this, context)) {
AjaxBehaviorEvent behaviorEvent = (AjaxBehaviorEvent) event;
FacesEvent wrapperEvent = null;
if ("overlaySelect".equals(eventName) || "overlayDblSelect".equals(eventName)) {
wrapperEvent = new OverlaySelectEvent(this, behaviorEvent.getBehavior(), getModel().findOverlay(params.get(clientId + "_overlayId")));
// if there is info window, update and show it
GMapInfoWindow infoWindow = getInfoWindow();
if (infoWindow != null) {
} else if ("stateChange".equals(eventName)) {
String[] centerLoc = params.get(clientId + "_center").split(",");
String[] northeastLoc = params.get(clientId + "_northeast").split(",");
String[] southwestLoc = params.get(clientId + "_southwest").split(",");
int zoomLevel = Integer.parseInt(params.get(clientId + "_zoom"));
LatLng center = new LatLng(Double.valueOf(centerLoc[0]), Double.valueOf(centerLoc[1]));
LatLng northeast = new LatLng(Double.valueOf(northeastLoc[0]), Double.valueOf(northeastLoc[1]));
LatLng southwest = new LatLng(Double.valueOf(southwestLoc[0]), Double.valueOf(southwestLoc[1]));
wrapperEvent = new StateChangeEvent(this, behaviorEvent.getBehavior(), new LatLngBounds(northeast, southwest), zoomLevel, center);
} else if ("pointSelect".equals(eventName) || "pointDblSelect".equals(eventName)) {
String[] latlng = params.get(clientId + "_pointLatLng").split(",");
LatLng position = new LatLng(Double.valueOf(latlng[0]), Double.valueOf(latlng[1]));
wrapperEvent = new PointSelectEvent(this, behaviorEvent.getBehavior(), position);
} else if ("markerDrag".equals(eventName)) {
Marker marker = (Marker) getModel().findOverlay(params.get(clientId + "_markerId"));
double lat = Double.parseDouble(params.get(clientId + "_lat"));
double lng = Double.parseDouble(params.get(clientId + "_lng"));
marker.setLatlng(new LatLng(lat, lng));
wrapperEvent = new MarkerDragEvent(this, behaviorEvent.getBehavior(), marker);
} else if ("geocode".equals(eventName)) {
List<GeocodeResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
String query = params.get(clientId + "_query");
String[] addresses = params.get(clientId + "_addresses").split("_primefaces_");
String[] lats = params.get(clientId + "_lat").split(",");
String[] lngs = params.get(clientId + "_lng").split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
results.add(new GeocodeResult(addresses[i], new LatLng(Double.valueOf(lats[i]), Double.valueOf(lngs[i]))));
wrapperEvent = new GeocodeEvent(this, behaviorEvent.getBehavior(), query, results);
} else if ("reverseGeocode".equals(eventName)) {
String[] results = params.get(clientId + "_address").split("_primefaces_");
List<String> addresses = Arrays.asList(results);
double lat = Double.parseDouble(params.get(clientId + "_lat"));
double lng = Double.parseDouble(params.get(clientId + "_lng"));
LatLng coord = new LatLng(lat, lng);
wrapperEvent = new ReverseGeocodeEvent(this, behaviorEvent.getBehavior(), coord, addresses);
if (wrapperEvent == null) {
throw new FacesException("Component " + getClass().getName() + " does not support event " + eventName + "!");
} else {