use of org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IPv4Address in project open-kilda by telstra.
the class PathVerificationService method generateVerificationPacket.
public OFPacketOut generateVerificationPacket(IOFSwitch srcSw, OFPort port, IOFSwitch dstSw, boolean sign) {
try {
OFPortDesc ofPortDesc = srcSw.getPort(port);
byte[] chassisId = new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
byte[] portId = new byte[] { 2, 0, 0 };
byte[] ttlValue = new byte[] { 0, 0x78 };
byte[] dpidTLVValue = new byte[] { 0x0, 0x26, (byte) 0xe1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
LLDPTLV dpidTLV = new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 127).setLength((short) dpidTLVValue.length).setValue(dpidTLVValue);
byte[] dpidArray = new byte[8];
ByteBuffer dpidBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(dpidArray);
ByteBuffer portBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(portId, 1, 2);
DatapathId dpid = srcSw.getId();
System.arraycopy(dpidArray, 2, chassisId, 1, 6);
// Set the optionalTLV to the full SwitchID
System.arraycopy(dpidArray, 0, dpidTLVValue, 4, 8);
byte[] zeroMac = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
byte[] srcMac = ofPortDesc.getHwAddr().getBytes();
if (Arrays.equals(srcMac, zeroMac)) {
int portVal = ofPortDesc.getPortNo().getPortNumber();
// this is a common scenario
logger.debug("Port {}/{} has zero hardware address: overwrite with lower 6 bytes of dpid", dpid.toString(), portVal);
System.arraycopy(dpidArray, 2, srcMac, 0, 6);
VerificationPacket vp = new VerificationPacket();
vp.setChassisId(new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 1).setLength((short) chassisId.length).setValue(chassisId));
vp.setPortId(new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 2).setLength((short) portId.length).setValue(portId));
vp.setTtl(new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 3).setLength((short) ttlValue.length).setValue(ttlValue));
// Add the controller identifier to the TLV value.
// vp.getOptionalTLVList().add(controllerTLV);
// Add T0 based on format from Floodlight LLDP
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
long swLatency = srcSw.getLatency().getValue();
byte[] timestampTLVValue = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / 8 + 4).put((byte) 0x00).put((byte) 0x26).put((byte) 0xe1).put(// 0x01 is what we'll use to differentiate DPID (0x00) from time (0x01)
(byte) 0x01).putLong(time + swLatency).array();
LLDPTLV timestampTLV = new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 127).setLength((short) timestampTLVValue.length).setValue(timestampTLVValue);
// Type
byte[] typeTLVValue = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / 8 + 4).put((byte) 0x00).put((byte) 0x26).put((byte) 0xe1).put((byte) 0x02).putInt(PathType.ISL.ordinal()).array();
LLDPTLV typeTLV = new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 127).setLength((short) typeTLVValue.length).setValue(typeTLVValue);
if (sign) {
String token = JWT.create().withClaim("dpid", dpid.getLong()).withClaim("ts", time + swLatency).sign(algorithm);
byte[] tokenBytes = token.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
byte[] tokenTLVValue = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + tokenBytes.length).put((byte) 0x00).put((byte) 0x26).put((byte) 0xe1).put((byte) 0x03).put(tokenBytes).array();
LLDPTLV tokenTLV = new LLDPTLV().setType((byte) 127).setLength((short) tokenTLVValue.length).setValue(tokenTLVValue);
MacAddress dstMac = MacAddress.of(VERIFICATION_BCAST_PACKET_DST);
if (dstSw != null) {
OFPortDesc sw2OfPortDesc = dstSw.getPort(port);
dstMac = sw2OfPortDesc.getHwAddr();
Ethernet l2 = new Ethernet().setSourceMACAddress(MacAddress.of(srcMac)).setDestinationMACAddress(dstMac).setEtherType(EthType.IPv4);
IPv4Address dstIp = IPv4Address.of(VERIFICATION_PACKET_IP_DST);
if (dstSw != null) {
dstIp = IPv4Address.of(((InetSocketAddress) dstSw.getInetAddress()).getAddress().getAddress());
IPv4 l3 = new IPv4().setSourceAddress(IPv4Address.of(((InetSocketAddress) srcSw.getInetAddress()).getAddress().getAddress())).setDestinationAddress(dstIp).setTtl((byte) 64).setProtocol(IpProtocol.UDP);
UDP l4 = new UDP();
byte[] data = l2.serialize();
OFPacketOut.Builder pob = srcSw.getOFFactory().buildPacketOut().setBufferId(OFBufferId.NO_BUFFER).setActions(getDiscoveryActions(srcSw, port)).setData(data);
OFMessageUtils.setInPort(pob, OFPort.CONTROLLER);
} catch (Exception exception) {
logger.error("error generating verification packet: {}", exception);
return null;