use of org.projectnessie.client.http.HttpClientException in project iceberg by apache.
the class NessieCatalog method renameTable.
public void renameTable(TableIdentifier from, TableIdentifier toOriginal) {
TableIdentifier to = NessieUtil.removeCatalogName(toOriginal, name());
IcebergTable existingFromTable = table(from);
if (existingFromTable == null) {
throw new NoSuchTableException("table %s doesn't exists",;
IcebergTable existingToTable = table(to);
if (existingToTable != null) {
throw new AlreadyExistsException("table %s already exists",;
CommitMultipleOperationsBuilder operations = api.commitMultipleOperations().commitMeta(NessieUtil.buildCommitMetadata(String.format("Iceberg rename table from '%s' to '%s'", from, to), catalogOptions)).operation(Operation.Put.of(NessieUtil.toKey(to), existingFromTable, existingFromTable)).operation(Operation.Delete.of(NessieUtil.toKey(from)));
try {
Tasks.foreach(operations).retry(5).stopRetryOn(NessieNotFoundException.class).throwFailureWhenFinished().onFailure((o, exception) -> refresh()).run(ops -> {
Branch branch = ops.branch(reference.getAsBranch()).commit();
}, BaseNessieClientServerException.class);
} catch (NessieNotFoundException e) {
// and removed by another.
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to drop table as ref is no longer valid.", e);
} catch (BaseNessieClientServerException e) {
throw new CommitFailedException(e, "Failed to rename table: the current reference is not up to date.");
} catch (HttpClientException ex) {
// safe than sorry.
throw new CommitStateUnknownException(ex);
// Intentionally just "throw through" Nessie's HttpClientException here and do not "special case"
// just the "timeout" variant to propagate all kinds of network errors (e.g. connection reset).
// Network code implementation details and all kinds of network devices can induce unexpected
// behavior. So better be safe than sorry.
use of org.projectnessie.client.http.HttpClientException in project iceberg by apache.
the class NessieTableOperations method doCommit.
protected void doCommit(TableMetadata base, TableMetadata metadata) {
String newMetadataLocation = writeNewMetadata(metadata, currentVersion() + 1);
boolean delete = true;
try {
ImmutableIcebergTable.Builder newTableBuilder = ImmutableIcebergTable.builder();
if (table != null) {;
Snapshot snapshot = metadata.currentSnapshot();
long snapshotId = snapshot != null ? snapshot.snapshotId() : -1L;
IcebergTable newTable = newTableBuilder.snapshotId(snapshotId).schemaId(metadata.currentSchemaId()).specId(metadata.defaultSpecId()).sortOrderId(metadata.defaultSortOrderId()).metadataLocation(newMetadataLocation).build();
LOG.debug("Committing '{}' against '{}': {}", key, reference.getReference(), newTable);
ImmutableCommitMeta.Builder builder = ImmutableCommitMeta.builder();
builder.message(buildCommitMsg(base, metadata));
if (isSnapshotOperation(base, metadata)) {
builder.putProperties("iceberg.operation", snapshot.operation());
Branch branch = api.commitMultipleOperations().operation(Operation.Put.of(key, newTable, table)).commitMeta(NessieUtil.catalogOptions(builder, catalogOptions).build()).branch(reference.getAsBranch()).commit();
delete = false;
} catch (NessieConflictException ex) {
throw new CommitFailedException(ex, "Commit failed: Reference hash is out of date. " + "Update the reference %s and try again", reference.getName());
} catch (HttpClientException ex) {
// Intentionally catch all nessie-client-exceptions here and not just the "timeout" variant
// to catch all kinds of network errors (e.g. connection reset). Network code implementation
// details and all kinds of network devices can induce unexpected behavior. So better be
// safe than sorry.
delete = false;
throw new CommitStateUnknownException(ex);
} catch (NessieNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Commit failed: Reference %s no longer exist", reference.getName()), ex);
} finally {
if (delete) {
use of org.projectnessie.client.http.HttpClientException in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class NessieViewOperations method commit.
public void commit(ViewVersionMetadata base, ViewVersionMetadata metadata, Map<String, String> properties) {
String newMetadataLocation = writeNewMetadata(metadata, currentVersion() + 1);
boolean delete = true;
try {
ImmutableIcebergView.Builder viewBuilder = ImmutableIcebergView.builder();
if (icebergView != null) {;
IcebergView newView = viewBuilder.metadataLocation(newMetadataLocation).versionId(metadata.currentVersionId()).schemaId(metadata.definition().schema().schemaId()).dialect("TODO: needs to be defined in Iceberg ViewDefinition").sqlText(metadata.definition().sql()).build();
LOG.debug("Committing '{}' against '{}': {}", key, reference.getReference(), newView);
ImmutableCommitMeta.Builder builder = ImmutableCommitMeta.builder();
builder.message(buildCommitMsg(base, metadata) + " " + key.getName());
Branch branch = api.commitMultipleOperations().operation(Operation.Put.of(key, newView, icebergView)).commitMeta(NessieUtil.catalogOptions(builder, catalogOptions).build()).branch(reference.getAsBranch()).commit();
delete = false;
} catch (NessieConflictException ex) {
throw new CommitFailedException(ex, "Commit failed: Reference hash is out of date. " + "Update the reference %s and try again", reference.getName());
} catch (HttpClientException ex) {
// Intentionally catch all nessie-client-exceptions here and not just the "timeout" variant
// to catch all kinds of network errors (e.g. connection reset). Network code implementation
// details and all kinds of network devices can induce unexpected behavior. So better be
// safe than sorry.
delete = false;
throw new CommitStateUnknownException(ex);
} catch (NessieNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Commit failed: Reference %s no longer exist", reference.getName()), ex);
} finally {
if (delete) {