use of org.projectnessie.versioned.Key in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractManyCommits method manyCommits.
@ValueSource(ints = { 0, 1, 19, 20, 21, 39, 40, 41, 49, 50, 51, 255, 256, 257, 500 })
// Note: 1000 commits is quite the max that in-JVM H2 database can handle
void manyCommits(int numCommits) throws Exception {
BranchName branch = BranchName.of("manyCommits-" + numCommits);
databaseAdapter.create(branch, databaseAdapter.hashOnReference(BranchName.of("main"), Optional.empty()));
Hash[] commits = new Hash[numCommits];
ContentId fixed = ContentId.of("FIXED");
for (int i = 0; i < numCommits; i++) {
Key key = Key.of("many", "commits", Integer.toString(numCommits));
WithGlobalStateContent c = WithGlobalStateContent.withGlobal("state for #" + i + " of " + numCommits, "value for #" + i + " of " + numCommits, fixed.getId());
byte payload = SimpleStoreWorker.INSTANCE.getPayload(c);
ImmutableCommitAttempt.Builder commit = ImmutableCommitAttempt.builder().commitToBranch(branch).commitMetaSerialized(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("commit #" + i + " of " + numCommits)).addPuts(KeyWithBytes.of(key, fixed, payload, SimpleStoreWorker.INSTANCE.toStoreOnReferenceState(c))).putGlobal(fixed, SimpleStoreWorker.INSTANCE.toStoreGlobalState(c));
if (i > 0) {
WithGlobalStateContent expected = WithGlobalStateContent.withGlobal("state for #" + (i - 1) + " of " + numCommits, "value for #" + (i - 1) + " of " + numCommits, fixed.getId());
commit.putExpectedStates(fixed, Optional.of(SimpleStoreWorker.INSTANCE.toStoreGlobalState(expected)));
Hash hash = databaseAdapter.commit(;
commits[i] = hash;
try (Stream<ContentIdAndBytes> globals = databaseAdapter.globalContent(Collections.singleton(fixed))) {
WithGlobalStateContent expected = WithGlobalStateContent.withGlobal("state for #" + i + " of " + numCommits, "value for #" + i + " of " + numCommits, fixed.getId());
assertThat(globals).containsExactly(ContentIdAndBytes.of(fixed, SimpleStoreWorker.INSTANCE.toStoreGlobalState(expected)));
try (Stream<CommitLogEntry> log = databaseAdapter.commitLog(databaseAdapter.hashOnReference(branch, Optional.empty()))) {
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Math.max(4, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()));
try {
CompletableFuture<Void> combinedFuture = CompletableFuture.allOf(IntStream.range(0, numCommits).mapToObj(i -> (Runnable) () -> verify(i, numCommits, branch, commits[i], fixed)).map(r -> CompletableFuture.runAsync(r, executor)).toArray((IntFunction<CompletableFuture<?>[]>) CompletableFuture[]::new));
} finally {
databaseAdapter.delete(branch, Optional.empty());
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.Key in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractManyKeys method manyKeys.
void manyKeys(ManyKeysParams params) throws Exception {
BranchName main = BranchName.of("main");
List<ImmutableCommitAttempt.Builder> commits = IntStream.range(0, params.commits).mapToObj(i -> ImmutableCommitAttempt.builder().commitMetaSerialized(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("commit #" + i)).commitToBranch(main)).collect(Collectors.toList());
AtomicInteger commitDist = new AtomicInteger();
Set<Key> allKeys = new HashSet<>();
IntStream.range(0, params.keys).mapToObj(i -> {
Key key = Key.of("some", Integer.toString(i), "long", "key", "value", "foobarbazfoobarbazfoobarbazfoobarbazfoobarbazfoobarbaz");
return KeyWithBytes.of(key, ContentId.of("cid-" + i), (byte) 0, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("value " + i));
}).forEach(kb -> commits.get(commitDist.incrementAndGet() % params.commits).addPuts(kb));
for (ImmutableCommitAttempt.Builder commit : commits) {
Hash mainHead = databaseAdapter.hashOnReference(main, Optional.empty());
try (Stream<KeyListEntry> keys = databaseAdapter.keys(mainHead, KeyFilterPredicate.ALLOW_ALL)) {
List<Key> fetchedKeys =;
// containsExactlyInAnyOrderElementsOf() is quite expensive and slow with Key's
// implementation of 'Key.equals()' since it uses a collator.
List<String> fetchedKeysStrings =;
List<String> allKeysStrings =;
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.Key in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractSingleBranch method singleBranchManyUsers.
* Use case simulation matrix: single branch, multiple users, each or all user updating a separate
* or single table.
void singleBranchManyUsers(SingleBranchParam param) throws Exception {
BranchName branch = BranchName.of(param.branchName);
int numUsers = 5;
int numCommits = 50;
Hash[] hashesKnownByUser = new Hash[numUsers];
Hash createHash = store().create(branch, Optional.empty());
Arrays.fill(hashesKnownByUser, createHash);
List<CommitMessage> expectedValues = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Key, String> previousState = new HashMap<>();
for (int commitNum = 0; commitNum < numCommits; commitNum++) {
for (int user = 0; user < numUsers; user++) {
Hash hashKnownByUser = hashesKnownByUser[user];
CommitMessage msg = commitMessage(String.format("user %03d/commit %03d", user, commitNum));
Key key = Key.of(param.tableNameGen.apply(user));
String contentId = param.contentIdGen.apply(user);
Operation<BaseContent> put;
if (param.globalState) {
String state = String.format("%03d_%03d", user, commitNum);
if (previousState.containsKey(key)) {
put = Put.of(key, withGlobal(state, "data_file", contentId), withGlobal(previousState.get(key), "foo", contentId));
} else {
put = Put.of(key, withGlobal(state, "data_file", contentId));
previousState.put(key, state);
} else {
BaseContent value = newOnRef(String.format("data_file_%03d_%03d", user, commitNum));
put = Put.of(key, value);
Hash commitHash;
List<Operation<BaseContent>> ops = ImmutableList.of(put);
try {
commitHash = store().commit(branch, Optional.of(hashKnownByUser), msg, ops);
} catch (ReferenceConflictException inconsistentValueException) {
if (param.allowInconsistentValueException) {
hashKnownByUser = store().hashOnReference(branch, Optional.empty());
commitHash = store().commit(branch, Optional.of(hashKnownByUser), msg, ops);
} else {
throw inconsistentValueException;
assertNotEquals(hashKnownByUser, commitHash);
hashesKnownByUser[user] = commitHash;
// Verify that all commits are there and that the order of the commits is correct
List<CommitMessage> committedValues = commitsList(branch, s ->, false);
assertEquals(expectedValues, committedValues);
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.Key in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractContents method recreateTable.
void recreateTable() throws Exception {
BranchName branch = BranchName.of("recreateTable-main");
Key key = Key.of("recreateTable");
store().create(branch, Optional.empty());
// commit just something to have a "real" common ancestor and not "beginning of time", which
// means no-common-ancestor
BaseContent initialState = newWithGlobal("initial-state", "value");
Hash ancestor = store().commit(branch, Optional.empty(), commitMessage("create table"), singletonList(Put.of(key, initialState)));
assertThat(store().getValue(branch, key)).isEqualTo(initialState);
assertThat(store().getValue(ancestor, key)).isEqualTo(initialState);
Hash delete = store().commit(branch, Optional.empty(), commitMessage("drop table"), ImmutableList.of(Delete.of(key)));
assertThat(store().getValue(branch, key)).isNull();
assertThat(store().getValue(delete, key)).isNull();
BaseContent recreateState = newWithGlobal("recreate-state", "value");
Hash recreate = store().commit(branch, Optional.empty(), commitMessage("drop table"), ImmutableList.of(Put.of(key, recreateState)));
assertThat(store().getValue(branch, key)).isEqualTo(recreateState);
assertThat(store().getValue(recreate, key)).isEqualTo(recreateState);
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.Key in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractDatabaseAdapter method mergeAttempt.
* Logic implementation of a merge-attempt.
* @param ctx technical operation context
* @param from merge-from commit
* @param toBranch merge-into reference with expected hash of HEAD
* @param expectedHead if present, {@code toBranch}'s current HEAD must be equal to this value
* @param toHead current HEAD of {@code toBranch}
* @param branchCommits consumer for the individual commits to merge
* @param newKeyLists consumer for optimistically written {@link KeyListEntity}s
* @param rewriteMetadata function to rewrite the commit-metadata for copied commits
* @return hash of the last commit-log-entry written to {@code toBranch}
protected Hash mergeAttempt(OP_CONTEXT ctx, long timeInMicros, Hash from, BranchName toBranch, Optional<Hash> expectedHead, Hash toHead, Consumer<Hash> branchCommits, Consumer<Hash> newKeyLists, Function<ByteString, ByteString> rewriteMetadata) throws ReferenceNotFoundException, ReferenceConflictException {
validateHashExists(ctx, from);
// 1. ensure 'expectedHash' is a parent of HEAD-of-'toBranch'
hashOnRef(ctx, toBranch, expectedHead, toHead);
// 2. find nearest common-ancestor between 'from' + 'fromHash'
Hash commonAncestor = findCommonAncestor(ctx, from, toBranch, toHead);
// 3. Collect commit-log-entries
List<CommitLogEntry> toEntriesReverseChronological = takeUntilExcludeLast(readCommitLogStream(ctx, toHead), e -> e.getHash().equals(commonAncestor)).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<CommitLogEntry> commitsToMergeChronological = takeUntilExcludeLast(readCommitLogStream(ctx, from), e -> e.getHash().equals(commonAncestor)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (commitsToMergeChronological.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to merge, shortcut
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("No hashes to merge from '%s' onto '%s' @ '%s'.", from.asString(), toBranch.getName(), toHead));
// 4. Collect modified keys.
Set<Key> keysTouchedOnTarget = collectModifiedKeys(toEntriesReverseChronological);
// 5. check for key-collisions
checkForKeyCollisions(ctx, toHead, keysTouchedOnTarget, commitsToMergeChronological);
// (no need to verify the global states during a transplant)
// 6. re-apply commits in 'sequenceToTransplant' onto 'targetBranch'
toHead = copyCommits(ctx, timeInMicros, toHead, commitsToMergeChronological, newKeyLists, rewriteMetadata);
// 7. Write commits;
writeMultipleCommits(ctx, commitsToMergeChronological);
return toHead;