use of org.projectnessie.versioned.testworker.CommitMessage in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractAssign method assignReferenceToFreshMain.
* Assigning a branch/tag to a fresh main without any commits didn't work in 0.9.2
public void assignReferenceToFreshMain() throws ReferenceNotFoundException, ReferenceAlreadyExistsException, ReferenceConflictException {
ReferenceInfo<CommitMessage> main = store.getNamedRef("main", GetNamedRefsParams.DEFAULT);
try (Stream<Commit<CommitMessage, BaseContent>> commits = store().getCommits(main.getHash(), false)) {
try (Stream<ReferenceInfo<CommitMessage>> refs = store().getNamedRefs(GetNamedRefsParams.DEFAULT)) {
assertThat(refs).extracting(r -> r.getNamedRef().getName()).containsExactly(main.getNamedRef().getName());
BranchName testBranch = BranchName.of("testBranch");
Hash testBranchHash = store.create(testBranch, Optional.empty());
store.assign(testBranch, Optional.of(testBranchHash), main.getHash());
assertThat(store.getNamedRef(testBranch.getName(), GetNamedRefsParams.DEFAULT).getHash()).isEqualTo(main.getHash());
TagName testTag = TagName.of("testTag");
Hash testTagHash = store.create(testTag, Optional.empty());
store.assign(testTag, Optional.of(testTagHash), main.getHash());
assertThat(store.getNamedRef(testTag.getName(), GetNamedRefsParams.DEFAULT).getHash()).isEqualTo(main.getHash());
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.testworker.CommitMessage in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractCommitLog method commitLogExtendedNoGlobalState.
public void commitLogExtendedNoGlobalState() throws Exception {
BranchName branch = BranchName.of("commitLogExtended");
Hash firstParent = store().create(branch, Optional.empty());
int numCommits = 10;
List<Hash> hashes = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, numCommits).mapToObj(i -> {
try {
return commit("Commit #" + i).put("k" + i, onRef("v" + i, "c" + i)).put("key" + i, onRef("value" + i, "cid" + i)).delete("delete" + i).toBranch(branch);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
List<Hash> parentHashes = Stream.concat(Stream.of(firstParent), hashes.subList(0, 9).stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
assertThat(Lists.reverse(commitsList(branch, false))).allSatisfy(c -> {
List<Commit<CommitMessage, BaseContent>> commits = Lists.reverse(commitsList(branch, true));
assertThat(IntStream.rangeClosed(1, numCommits)).allSatisfy(i -> {
Commit<CommitMessage, BaseContent> c = commits.get(i - 1);
assertThat(c).extracting(Commit::getCommitMeta, Commit::getHash, Commit::getParentHash, Commit::getOperations).containsExactly(commitMessage("Commit #" + i), hashes.get(i - 1), parentHashes.get(i - 1), Arrays.asList(Delete.of(Key.of("delete" + i)), Put.of(Key.of("k" + i), onRef("v" + i, "c" + i)), Put.of(Key.of("key" + i), onRef("value" + i, "cid" + i))));
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.testworker.CommitMessage in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractCommitLog method commitLogPaging.
public void commitLogPaging() throws Exception {
BranchName branch = BranchName.of("commitLogPaging");
Hash createHash = store().create(branch, Optional.empty());
// this should be enough
int commits = 95;
Hash[] commitHashes = new Hash[commits];
List<CommitMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(commits);
for (int i = 0; i < commits; i++) {
CommitMessage msg = commitMessage(String.format("commit#%05d", i));
commitHashes[i] = store().commit(branch, Optional.of(i == 0 ? createHash : commitHashes[i - 1]), msg, ImmutableList.of(Put.of(Key.of("table"), newOnRef(String.format("value#%05d", i)))));
List<CommitMessage> justTwo = commitsList(branch, s -> s.limit(2).map(Commit::getCommitMeta), false);
assertEquals(messages.subList(0, 2), justTwo);
List<CommitMessage> justTen = commitsList(branch, s -> s.limit(10).map(Commit::getCommitMeta), false);
assertEquals(messages.subList(0, 10), justTen);
int pageSize = 10;
// Test parameter sanity check. Want the last page to be smaller than the page-size.
assertNotEquals(0, commits % (pageSize - 1));
Hash lastHash = null;
for (int offset = 0; ; ) {
List<Commit<CommitMessage, BaseContent>> logPage = commitsList(lastHash == null ? branch : lastHash, s -> s.limit(pageSize), false);
assertEquals(messages.subList(offset, Math.min(offset + pageSize, commits)),;
lastHash = logPage.get(logPage.size() - 1).getHash();
offset += pageSize - 1;
if (offset >= commits) {
// The "next after last page" should always return just a single commit, that's basically
// the "end of commit-log"-condition.
logPage = commitsList(lastHash, s -> s.limit(pageSize), false);
assertEquals(Collections.singletonList(messages.get(commits - 1)),;
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.testworker.CommitMessage in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class ErrorTestService method unhandledExceptionInTvsStore.
* Throws an exception depending on the parameter.
* @return nothing
* @see TestNessieError#unhandledRuntimeExceptionInStore()
* @see TestNessieError#backendThrottledExceptionInStore()
public String unhandledExceptionInTvsStore(@PathParam("exception") String exception) throws ReferenceNotFoundException {
Exception ex;
switch(exception) {
case "runtime":
ex = new RuntimeException("Store.getValues-throwing");
case "throttle":
ex = new BackendLimitExceededException("Store.getValues-throttled");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("test code error");
DatabaseAdapter databaseAdapter = Mockito.mock(DatabaseAdapter.class);
PersistVersionStore<BaseContent, CommitMessage, BaseContent.Type> tvs = new PersistVersionStore<>(databaseAdapter, SimpleStoreWorker.INSTANCE);
try (Stream<ReferenceInfo<CommitMessage>> refs = tvs.getNamedRefs(GetNamedRefsParams.DEFAULT)) {
refs.forEach(ref -> {
return "we should not get here";
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.testworker.CommitMessage in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class AbstractSingleBranch method singleBranchManyUsers.
* Use case simulation matrix: single branch, multiple users, each or all user updating a separate
* or single table.
void singleBranchManyUsers(SingleBranchParam param) throws Exception {
BranchName branch = BranchName.of(param.branchName);
int numUsers = 5;
int numCommits = 50;
Hash[] hashesKnownByUser = new Hash[numUsers];
Hash createHash = store().create(branch, Optional.empty());
Arrays.fill(hashesKnownByUser, createHash);
List<CommitMessage> expectedValues = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Key, String> previousState = new HashMap<>();
for (int commitNum = 0; commitNum < numCommits; commitNum++) {
for (int user = 0; user < numUsers; user++) {
Hash hashKnownByUser = hashesKnownByUser[user];
CommitMessage msg = commitMessage(String.format("user %03d/commit %03d", user, commitNum));
Key key = Key.of(param.tableNameGen.apply(user));
String contentId = param.contentIdGen.apply(user);
Operation<BaseContent> put;
if (param.globalState) {
String state = String.format("%03d_%03d", user, commitNum);
if (previousState.containsKey(key)) {
put = Put.of(key, withGlobal(state, "data_file", contentId), withGlobal(previousState.get(key), "foo", contentId));
} else {
put = Put.of(key, withGlobal(state, "data_file", contentId));
previousState.put(key, state);
} else {
BaseContent value = newOnRef(String.format("data_file_%03d_%03d", user, commitNum));
put = Put.of(key, value);
Hash commitHash;
List<Operation<BaseContent>> ops = ImmutableList.of(put);
try {
commitHash = store().commit(branch, Optional.of(hashKnownByUser), msg, ops);
} catch (ReferenceConflictException inconsistentValueException) {
if (param.allowInconsistentValueException) {
hashKnownByUser = store().hashOnReference(branch, Optional.empty());
commitHash = store().commit(branch, Optional.of(hashKnownByUser), msg, ops);
} else {
throw inconsistentValueException;
assertNotEquals(hashKnownByUser, commitHash);
hashesKnownByUser[user] = commitHash;
// Verify that all commits are there and that the order of the commits is correct
List<CommitMessage> committedValues = commitsList(branch, s ->, false);
assertEquals(expectedValues, committedValues);