use of org.projectnessie.versioned.persist.serialize.AdapterTypes.GlobalStateLogEntry in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter method transplant.
public Hash transplant(BranchName targetBranch, Optional<Hash> expectedHead, List<Hash> sequenceToTransplant, Function<ByteString, ByteString> updateCommitMetadata) throws ReferenceNotFoundException, ReferenceConflictException {
try {
return casOpLoop("transplant", targetBranch, CasOpVariant.COMMIT, (ctx, pointer, branchCommits, newKeyLists) -> {
Hash targetHead = branchHead(pointer, targetBranch);
long timeInMicros = commitTimeInMicros();
targetHead = transplantAttempt(ctx, timeInMicros, targetBranch, expectedHead, targetHead, sequenceToTransplant, branchCommits, newKeyLists, updateCommitMetadata);
GlobalStateLogEntry newGlobalHead = writeGlobalCommit(ctx, timeInMicros, pointer, Collections.emptyList());
RefLogEntry newRefLog = writeRefLogEntry(ctx, pointer, targetBranch.getName(), RefLogEntry.RefType.Branch, targetHead, RefLogEntry.Operation.TRANSPLANT, timeInMicros, sequenceToTransplant);
// Return hash of last commit (targetHead) added to 'targetBranch' (via the casOpLoop)
return updateGlobalStatePointer(targetBranch, pointer, targetHead, newGlobalHead, newRefLog);
}, () -> transplantConflictMessage("Retry-failure", targetBranch, expectedHead, sequenceToTransplant));
} catch (ReferenceNotFoundException | ReferenceConflictException | RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.persist.serialize.AdapterTypes.GlobalStateLogEntry in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter method compactGlobalLog.
protected Map<String, String> compactGlobalLog(GlobalLogCompactionParams globalLogCompactionParams) {
if (!globalLogCompactionParams.isEnabled()) {
return ImmutableMap.of("compacted", "false", "reason", "not enabled");
// Not using casOpLoop() here, as it is simpler than adopting casOpLoop().
try (TryLoopState tryState = newTryLoopState("compact-global-log", ts -> repoDescUpdateConflictMessage(String.format("%s after %d retries, %d ms", "Retry-Failure", ts.getRetries(), ts.getDuration(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))), this::tryLoopStateCompletion, config)) {
CompactionStats stats = new CompactionStats();
while (true) {
NonTransactionalOperationContext ctx = NON_TRANSACTIONAL_OPERATION_CONTEXT;
GlobalStatePointer pointer = fetchGlobalPointer(ctx);
// Collect the old global-log-ids, to delete those after compaction
List<Hash> oldLogIds = new ArrayList<>();
// Map with all global contents.
Map<String, ByteString> globalContents = new HashMap<>();
// Content-IDs, most recently updated contents first.
List<String> contentIdsByRecency = new ArrayList<>();
// Read the global log - from the most recent global-log entry to the oldest.
try (Stream<GlobalStateLogEntry> globalLog = globalLogFetcher(ctx, pointer)) {
globalLog.forEach(e -> {
if ( < globalLogCompactionParams.getNoCompactionWhenCompactedWithin() && stats.puts > {
// do not compact.
for (ContentIdWithBytes put : e.getPutsList()) {
String cid = put.getContentId().getId();
if (globalContents.putIfAbsent(cid, put.getValue()) == null) {
if ( < globalLogCompactionParams.getNoCompactionUpToLength()) {
// single-bulk read, so do not compact at all.
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return ImmutableMap.of("compacted", "false", "reason", String.format("compacted entry within %d most recent log entries", globalLogCompactionParams.getNoCompactionWhenCompactedWithin()));
return ImmutableMap.of("compacted", "false", "reason", String.format("less than %d entries", globalLogCompactionParams.getNoCompactionUpToLength()));
throw e;
// Collect the IDs of the written global-log-entries, to delete those when the CAS
// operation failed
List<ByteString> newLogIds = new ArrayList<>();
// Reverse the order of content-IDs, most recently updated contents LAST.
// Do this to have the active contents closer to the HEAD of the global log.
// Maintain the list of global-log-entry parent IDs, but in reverse order as in
// GlobalLogEntry for easier management here.
List<ByteString> globalParentsReverse = new ArrayList<>(config.getParentsPerGlobalCommit());
GlobalStateLogEntry.Builder currentEntry = newGlobalLogEntryBuilder(commitTimeInMicros()).addParents(globalParentsReverse.get(0));
for (String cid : contentIdsByRecency) {
if (currentEntry.buildPartial().getSerializedSize() >= config.getGlobalLogEntrySize()) {
compactGlobalLogWriteEntry(ctx, stats, globalParentsReverse, currentEntry, newLogIds);
// Prepare new entry
currentEntry = newGlobalLogEntryBuilder(commitTimeInMicros());
for (int i = globalParentsReverse.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ByteString value = globalContents.get(cid);
compactGlobalLogWriteEntry(ctx, stats, globalParentsReverse, currentEntry, newLogIds);
GlobalStatePointer newPointer = GlobalStatePointer.newBuilder().addAllNamedReferences(pointer.getNamedReferencesList()).addAllRefLogParentsInclHead(pointer.getRefLogParentsInclHeadList()).setRefLogId(pointer.getRefLogId()).setGlobalId(currentEntry.getId()).addGlobalParentsInclHead(currentEntry.getId()).addAllGlobalParentsInclHead(currentEntry.getParentsList()).build();
// CAS global pointer
if (globalPointerCas(ctx, pointer, newPointer)) {
cleanUpGlobalLog(ctx, oldLogIds);
return stats.asMap(tryState);
// Note: if it turns out that there are too many CAS retries happening, the overall
// mechanism can be updated as follows. Since the approach below is much more complex
// and harder to test, if's not part of the initial implementation.
// 1. Read the whole global-log as currently, but outside the actual CAS-loop.
// Save the current HEAD of the global-log
// 2. CAS-loop:
// 2.1. Construct and write the new global-log
// 2.2. Try the CAS, if it succeeds, fine
// 2.3. If the CAS failed:
// 2.3.1. Clean up the optimistically written new global-log
// 2.3.2. Read the global-log from its new HEAD up to the current HEAD from step 1.
// Only add the most-recent values for the content-IDs in the incrementally
// read global-log
// 2.3.3. Remember the "new HEAD" as the "current HEAD"
// 2.3.4. Continue to step 2.1.
} catch (ReferenceConflictException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.persist.serialize.AdapterTypes.GlobalStateLogEntry in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter method merge.
public Hash merge(Hash from, BranchName toBranch, Optional<Hash> expectedHead, Function<ByteString, ByteString> updateCommitMetadata) throws ReferenceNotFoundException, ReferenceConflictException {
// creates a new commit-tree that is decoupled from other commit-trees.
try {
return casOpLoop("merge", toBranch, CasOpVariant.COMMIT, (ctx, pointer, branchCommits, newKeyLists) -> {
Hash toHead = branchHead(pointer, toBranch);
long timeInMicros = commitTimeInMicros();
toHead = mergeAttempt(ctx, timeInMicros, from, toBranch, expectedHead, toHead, branchCommits, newKeyLists, updateCommitMetadata);
GlobalStateLogEntry newGlobalHead = writeGlobalCommit(ctx, timeInMicros, pointer, Collections.emptyList());
RefLogEntry newRefLog = writeRefLogEntry(ctx, pointer, toBranch.getName(), RefLogEntry.RefType.Branch, toHead, RefLogEntry.Operation.MERGE, timeInMicros, Collections.singletonList(from));
// Return hash of last commit (toHead) added to 'targetBranch' (via the casOpLoop)
return updateGlobalStatePointer(toBranch, pointer, toHead, newGlobalHead, newRefLog);
}, () -> mergeConflictMessage("Retry-failure", from, toBranch, expectedHead));
} catch (ReferenceNotFoundException | ReferenceConflictException | RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.persist.serialize.AdapterTypes.GlobalStateLogEntry in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter method writeGlobalCommit.
protected GlobalStateLogEntry writeGlobalCommit(NonTransactionalOperationContext ctx, long timeInMicros, GlobalStatePointer pointer, List<ContentIdAndBytes> globals) throws ReferenceConflictException {
Hash parentHash = Hash.of(pointer.getGlobalId());
// Before Nessie 0.21.0: the global-state-pointer contains the "heads" for the ref-log and
// global-log, so it has to read the head ref-log & global-log to get the IDs of all the
// previous parents to fill the parents in the new global-log-entry & ref-log-entry.
// Since Nessie 0.21.0: the global-state-pointer contains the "heads" for the ref-log and
// global-log PLUS the parents of those, so Nessie no longer need to read the head entries
// from the ref-log + global-log.
// The check of the first entry is there to ensure backwards compatibility and also
// rolling-upgrades work.
Stream<ByteString> newParents;
if (pointer.getGlobalParentsInclHeadCount() == 0 || !pointer.getGlobalId().equals(pointer.getGlobalParentsInclHead(0))) {
// Before Nessie 0.21.0
newParents = Stream.of(parentHash.asBytes());
GlobalStateLogEntry currentEntry = fetchFromGlobalLog(ctx, parentHash);
if (currentEntry != null) {
newParents = Stream.concat(newParents, currentEntry.getParentsList().stream().limit(config.getParentsPerGlobalCommit() - 1));
} else {
// Since Nessie 0.21.0
newParents = pointer.getGlobalParentsInclHeadList().stream().limit(config.getParentsPerGlobalCommit());
GlobalStateLogEntry.Builder entry = newGlobalLogEntryBuilder(timeInMicros);
globals.forEach(g -> entry.addPuts(ProtoSerialization.toProto(g)));
GlobalStateLogEntry globalLogEntry =;
writeGlobalCommit(ctx, globalLogEntry);
return globalLogEntry;
use of org.projectnessie.versioned.persist.serialize.AdapterTypes.GlobalStateLogEntry in project nessie by projectnessie.
the class NonTransactionalDatabaseAdapter method create.
public Hash create(NamedRef ref, Hash target) throws ReferenceAlreadyExistsException, ReferenceNotFoundException {
try {
return casOpLoop("createRef", ref, CasOpVariant.REF_UPDATE, (ctx, pointer, branchCommits, newKeyLists) -> {
if (refFromGlobalState(pointer, ref.getName()) != null) {
throw referenceAlreadyExists(ref);
Hash hash = target;
if (hash == null) {
// Special case: Don't validate, if the 'target' parameter is null.
// This is mostly used for tests that re-create the default-branch.
validateHashExists(ctx, hash);
// Need a new empty global-log entry to be able to CAS
GlobalStateLogEntry newGlobalHead = noopGlobalLogEntry(ctx, pointer);
RefLogEntry.RefType refType = ref instanceof TagName ? RefLogEntry.RefType.Tag : RefLogEntry.RefType.Branch;
RefLogEntry newRefLog = writeRefLogEntry(ctx, pointer, ref.getName(), refType, hash, RefLogEntry.Operation.CREATE_REFERENCE, commitTimeInMicros(), Collections.emptyList());
return updateGlobalStatePointer(ref, pointer, hash, newGlobalHead, newRefLog);
}, () -> createConflictMessage("Retry-Failure", ref, target));
} catch (ReferenceAlreadyExistsException | ReferenceNotFoundException | RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);