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Example 1 with BookNewCargo

use of in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.

the class InspectCargoTest method beforeEachTest.

public void beforeEachTest() throws Exception {
    UnitOfWork uow = module.currentUnitOfWork();
    Cargos CARGOS = uow.get(Cargos.class, CargosEntity.CARGOS_ID);
    Location HONGKONG = uow.get(Location.class, CNHKG.code().get());
    SHANGHAI = uow.get(Location.class, CNSHA.code().get());
    STOCKHOLM = uow.get(Location.class, SESTO.code().get());
    Location NEWYORK = uow.get(Location.class, USNYC.code().get());
    DALLAS = uow.get(Location.class, USDAL.code().get());
    Voyage V100S = uow.get(Voyage.class, "V100S");
    V200T = uow.get(Voyage.class, "V200T");
    V300A = uow.get(Voyage.class, "V300A");
    // Create cargo
    trackingId = new BookNewCargo(CARGOS, HONGKONG, STOCKHOLM, day(17)).createCargo("ABC");
    cargo = uow.get(Cargo.class,;
    Itinerary itinerary = itinerary(leg(V100S, HONGKONG, NEWYORK, day(1), day(8)), leg(V200T, NEWYORK, DALLAS, day(9), day(12)), leg(V300A, DALLAS, STOCKHOLM, day(13), day(16)));
    // Route cargo
    new BookNewCargo(cargo, itinerary).assignCargoToRoute();
Also used : UnitOfWork(org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork) Cargo( BookNewCargo( Cargos( Itinerary( Voyage( BookNewCargo( Location( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 2 with BookNewCargo

use of in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.

the class RegisterHandlingEventTest method deviation_3c_CargoNotRoutedYet.

public void deviation_3c_CargoNotRoutedYet() throws Exception {
    TrackingId nonRoutedTrackingId = new BookNewCargo(CARGOS, HONGKONG, STOCKHOLM, day(17)).createCargo("NonRoutedCargo");
    String nonRouted =;
    msg = register(time, time, nonRouted, "RECEIVE", "CNHKG", null);
    assertThat(msg, is(equalTo("Can't create handling event for non-routed cargo '" + nonRouted + "'.")));
Also used : TrackingId( BookNewCargo( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with BookNewCargo

use of in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.

the class RegisterHandlingEventTest method beforeEachTest.

public void beforeEachTest() throws Exception {
    UnitOfWork uow = module.currentUnitOfWork();
    CARGOS = uow.get(Cargos.class, CargosEntity.CARGOS_ID);
    HONGKONG = uow.get(Location.class, CNHKG.code().get());
    STOCKHOLM = uow.get(Location.class, SESTO.code().get());
    NEWYORK = uow.get(Location.class, USNYC.code().get());
    DALLAS = uow.get(Location.class, USDAL.code().get());
    V100S = uow.get(Voyage.class, "V100S");
    V200T = uow.get(Voyage.class, "V200T");
    V300A = uow.get(Voyage.class, "V300A");
    trackingId = new BookNewCargo(CARGOS, HONGKONG, STOCKHOLM, day(17)).createCargo("ABC");
    cargo = uow.get(Cargo.class,;
    Itinerary itinerary = itinerary(leg(V100S, HONGKONG, NEWYORK, day(1), day(8)), leg(V200T, NEWYORK, DALLAS, day(9), day(12)), leg(V300A, DALLAS, STOCKHOLM, day(13), arrival = day(16)));
    new BookNewCargo(cargo, itinerary).assignCargoToRoute();
    time = day(1);
    trackId =;
Also used : UnitOfWork(org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork) Cargo( BookNewCargo( Cargos( Itinerary( Voyage( BookNewCargo( Location( Before(org.junit.Before)


BookNewCargo ( Before (org.junit.Before)2 UnitOfWork (org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork)2 Cargo ( Cargos ( Itinerary ( Location ( Voyage ( Test (org.junit.Test)1 TrackingId (