Search in sources :

Example 1 with SchedulerPlugin

use of org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin in project weicoder by wdcode.

the class ExecutingJobsManager method startPlugins.

private void startPlugins() {
    java.util.Iterator<SchedulerPlugin> itr = resources.getSchedulerPlugins().iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        SchedulerPlugin plugin =;
Also used : SchedulerPlugin(org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin)

Example 2 with SchedulerPlugin

use of org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin in project weicoder by wdcode.

the class StdSchedulerFactory method instantiate.

private Scheduler instantiate() throws SchedulerException {
    if (cfg == null) {
    if (initException != null) {
        throw initException;
    JobStore js = null;
    ThreadPool tp = null;
    QuartzScheduler qs = null;
    DBConnectionManager dbMgr = null;
    String instanceIdGeneratorClass = null;
    Properties tProps = null;
    String userTXLocation = null;
    boolean wrapJobInTx = false;
    boolean autoId = false;
    long idleWaitTime = -1;
    // 15 secs
    long dbFailureRetry = 15000L;
    String classLoadHelperClass;
    String jobFactoryClass;
    ThreadExecutor threadExecutor;
    SchedulerRepository schedRep = SchedulerRepository.getInstance();
    // Get Scheduler Properties
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String schedName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_NAME, "QuartzScheduler");
    String threadName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_THREAD_NAME, schedName + "_QuartzSchedulerThread");
    String schedInstId = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_ID, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID);
    if (schedInstId.equals(AUTO_GENERATE_INSTANCE_ID)) {
        autoId = true;
        instanceIdGeneratorClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_ID_GENERATOR_CLASS, "org.quartz.simpl.SimpleInstanceIdGenerator");
    } else if (schedInstId.equals(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_AS_INSTANCE_ID)) {
        autoId = true;
        instanceIdGeneratorClass = "org.quartz.simpl.SystemPropertyInstanceIdGenerator";
    userTXLocation = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_USER_TX_URL, userTXLocation);
    if (userTXLocation != null && userTXLocation.trim().length() == 0) {
        userTXLocation = null;
    classLoadHelperClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_CLASS_LOAD_HELPER_CLASS, "org.quartz.simpl.CascadingClassLoadHelper");
    wrapJobInTx = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_WRAP_JOB_IN_USER_TX, wrapJobInTx);
    jobFactoryClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_JOB_FACTORY_CLASS, null);
    idleWaitTime = cfg.getLongProperty(PROP_SCHED_IDLE_WAIT_TIME, idleWaitTime);
    if (idleWaitTime > -1 && idleWaitTime < 1000) {
        throw new SchedulerException("org.quartz.scheduler.idleWaitTime of less than 1000ms is not legal.");
    dbFailureRetry = cfg.getLongProperty(PROP_SCHED_DB_FAILURE_RETRY_INTERVAL, dbFailureRetry);
    if (dbFailureRetry < 0) {
        throw new SchedulerException(PROP_SCHED_DB_FAILURE_RETRY_INTERVAL + " of less than 0 ms is not legal.");
    boolean makeSchedulerThreadDaemon = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_MAKE_SCHEDULER_THREAD_DAEMON);
    boolean threadsInheritInitalizersClassLoader = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_SCHEDULER_THREADS_INHERIT_CONTEXT_CLASS_LOADER_OF_INITIALIZING_THREAD);
    long batchTimeWindow = cfg.getLongProperty(PROP_SCHED_BATCH_TIME_WINDOW, 0L);
    int maxBatchSize = cfg.getIntProperty(PROP_SCHED_MAX_BATCH_SIZE, 1);
    boolean interruptJobsOnShutdown = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_INTERRUPT_JOBS_ON_SHUTDOWN, false);
    boolean interruptJobsOnShutdownWithWait = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_INTERRUPT_JOBS_ON_SHUTDOWN_WITH_WAIT, false);
    boolean jmxExport = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_EXPORT);
    String jmxObjectName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_OBJECT_NAME);
    boolean jmxProxy = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_PROXY);
    String jmxProxyClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_PROXY_CLASS);
    boolean rmiExport = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_EXPORT, false);
    boolean rmiProxy = cfg.getBooleanProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_PROXY, false);
    String rmiHost = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_HOST, "localhost");
    int rmiPort = cfg.getIntProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_PORT, 1099);
    int rmiServerPort = cfg.getIntProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_SERVER_PORT, -1);
    String rmiCreateRegistry = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_CREATE_REGISTRY, QuartzSchedulerResources.CREATE_REGISTRY_NEVER);
    String rmiBindName = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_RMI_BIND_NAME);
    if (jmxProxy && rmiProxy) {
        throw new SchedulerConfigException("Cannot proxy both RMI and JMX.");
    boolean managementRESTServiceEnabled = cfg.getBooleanProperty(MANAGEMENT_REST_SERVICE_ENABLED, false);
    String managementRESTServiceHostAndPort = cfg.getStringProperty(MANAGEMENT_REST_SERVICE_HOST_PORT, "");
    Properties schedCtxtProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_CONTEXT_PREFIX, true);
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (rmiProxy) {
        if (autoId) {
            schedInstId = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID;
        String uid = (rmiBindName == null) ? QuartzSchedulerResources.getUniqueIdentifier(schedName, schedInstId) : rmiBindName;
        RemoteScheduler remoteScheduler = new RemoteScheduler(uid, rmiHost, rmiPort);
        return remoteScheduler;
    // Create class load helper
    ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = null;
    try {
        loadHelper = (ClassLoadHelper) loadClass(classLoadHelperClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate class load helper class: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (jmxProxy) {
        if (autoId) {
            schedInstId = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID;
        if (jmxProxyClass == null) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException("No JMX Proxy Scheduler class provided");
        RemoteMBeanScheduler jmxScheduler = null;
        try {
            jmxScheduler = (RemoteMBeanScheduler) loadHelper.loadClass(jmxProxyClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate RemoteMBeanScheduler class.", e);
        if (jmxObjectName == null) {
            jmxObjectName = QuartzSchedulerResources.generateJMXObjectName(schedName, schedInstId);
        tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_JMX_PROXY, true);
        try {
            setBeanProps(jmxScheduler, tProps);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("RemoteMBeanScheduler class '" + jmxProxyClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;
        return jmxScheduler;
    JobFactory jobFactory = null;
    if (jobFactoryClass != null) {
        try {
            jobFactory = (JobFactory) loadHelper.loadClass(jobFactoryClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate JobFactory class: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_JOB_FACTORY_PREFIX, true);
        try {
            setBeanProps(jobFactory, tProps);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobFactory class '" + jobFactoryClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;
    InstanceIdGenerator instanceIdGenerator = null;
    if (instanceIdGeneratorClass != null) {
        try {
            instanceIdGenerator = (InstanceIdGenerator) loadHelper.loadClass(instanceIdGeneratorClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException("Unable to instantiate InstanceIdGenerator class: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_SCHED_INSTANCE_ID_GENERATOR_PREFIX, true);
        try {
            setBeanProps(instanceIdGenerator, tProps);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("InstanceIdGenerator class '" + instanceIdGeneratorClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;
    // Get ThreadPool Properties
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String tpClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_THREAD_POOL_CLASS, SimpleThreadPool.class.getName());
    if (tpClass == null) {
        initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class not specified. ");
        throw initException;
    try {
        tp = (ThreadPool) loadHelper.loadClass(tpClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class '" + tpClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
        throw initException;
    tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_THREAD_POOL_PREFIX, true);
    try {
        setBeanProps(tp, tProps);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadPool class '" + tpClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
        throw initException;
    // Get JobStore Properties
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String jsClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_JOB_STORE_CLASS, RAMJobStore.class.getName());
    if (jsClass == null) {
        initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class not specified. ");
        throw initException;
    try {
        js = (JobStore) loadHelper.loadClass(jsClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class '" + jsClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
        throw initException;
    SchedulerDetailsSetter.setDetails(js, schedName, schedInstId);
    tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_JOB_STORE_PREFIX, true, new String[] { PROP_JOB_STORE_LOCK_HANDLER_PREFIX });
    try {
        setBeanProps(js, tProps);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore class '" + jsClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
        throw initException;
    if (js instanceof JobStoreSupport) {
        // Install custom lock handler (Semaphore)
        String lockHandlerClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_JOB_STORE_LOCK_HANDLER_CLASS);
        if (lockHandlerClass != null) {
            try {
                Semaphore lockHandler = (Semaphore) loadHelper.loadClass(lockHandlerClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
                tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_JOB_STORE_LOCK_HANDLER_PREFIX, true);
                // If this lock handler requires the table prefix, add it to its properties.
                if (lockHandler instanceof TablePrefixAware) {
                    tProps.setProperty(PROP_TABLE_PREFIX, ((JobStoreSupport) js).getTablePrefix());
                    tProps.setProperty(PROP_SCHED_NAME, schedName);
                try {
                    setBeanProps(lockHandler, tProps);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore LockHandler class '" + lockHandlerClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                    throw initException;
                ((JobStoreSupport) js).setLockHandler(lockHandler);
                getLog().info("Using custom data access locking (synchronization): " + lockHandlerClass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore LockHandler class '" + lockHandlerClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                throw initException;
    // Set up any DataSources
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String[] dsNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_DATASOURCE_PREFIX);
    for (int i = 0; i < dsNames.length; i++) {
        PropertiesParser pp = new PropertiesParser(cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_DATASOURCE_PREFIX + "." + dsNames[i], true));
        String cpClass = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_CONNECTION_PROVIDER_CLASS, null);
        // custom connectionProvider...
        if (cpClass != null) {
            ConnectionProvider cp = null;
            try {
                cp = (ConnectionProvider) loadHelper.loadClass(cpClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                throw initException;
            try {
                // remove the class name, so it isn't attempted to be set
                if (cp instanceof PoolingConnectionProvider) {
                    populateProviderWithExtraProps((PoolingConnectionProvider) cp, pp.getUnderlyingProperties());
                } else {
                    setBeanProps(cp, pp.getUnderlyingProperties());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
                throw initException;
            dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
            dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
        } else {
            String dsJndi = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_URL, null);
            if (dsJndi != null) {
                boolean dsAlwaysLookup = pp.getBooleanProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_ALWAYS_LOOKUP);
                String dsJndiInitial = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_INITIAL);
                String dsJndiProvider = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_PROVDER);
                String dsJndiPrincipal = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_PRINCIPAL);
                String dsJndiCredentials = pp.getStringProperty(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_CREDENTIALS);
                Properties props = null;
                if (null != dsJndiInitial || null != dsJndiProvider || null != dsJndiPrincipal || null != dsJndiCredentials) {
                    props = new Properties();
                    if (dsJndiInitial != null) {
                        props.put(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_INITIAL, dsJndiInitial);
                    if (dsJndiProvider != null) {
                        props.put(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_PROVDER, dsJndiProvider);
                    if (dsJndiPrincipal != null) {
                        props.put(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_PRINCIPAL, dsJndiPrincipal);
                    if (dsJndiCredentials != null) {
                        props.put(PROP_DATASOURCE_JNDI_CREDENTIALS, dsJndiCredentials);
                JNDIConnectionProvider cp = new JNDIConnectionProvider(dsJndi, props, dsAlwaysLookup);
                dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
                dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
            } else {
                String poolingProvider = pp.getStringProperty(PoolingConnectionProvider.POOLING_PROVIDER);
                String dsDriver = pp.getStringProperty(PoolingConnectionProvider.DB_DRIVER);
                String dsURL = pp.getStringProperty(PoolingConnectionProvider.DB_URL);
                if (dsDriver == null) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("Driver not specified for DataSource: " + dsNames[i]);
                    throw initException;
                if (dsURL == null) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("DB URL not specified for DataSource: " + dsNames[i]);
                    throw initException;
                // the c3p0 and hikaricp libraries
                if (poolingProvider != null && poolingProvider.equals(PoolingConnectionProvider.POOLING_PROVIDER_HIKARICP)) {
                    cpClass = "org.quartz.utils.HikariCpPoolingConnectionProvider";
                } else {
                    cpClass = "org.quartz.utils.C3p0PoolingConnectionProvider";
      "Using ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass + "' for data source '" + dsNames[i] + "'");
                try {
                    ConnectionProvider cp = null;
                    try {
                        Constructor<?> constructor = loadHelper.loadClass(cpClass).getConstructor(Properties.class);
                        cp = (ConnectionProvider) constructor.newInstance(pp.getUnderlyingProperties());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        initException = new SchedulerException("ConnectionProvider class '" + cpClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
                        throw initException;
                    dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance();
                    dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dsNames[i], cp);
                    // Populate the underlying C3P0/HikariCP data source pool properties
                    populateProviderWithExtraProps((PoolingConnectionProvider) cp, pp.getUnderlyingProperties());
                } catch (Exception sqle) {
                    initException = new SchedulerException("Could not initialize DataSource: " + dsNames[i], sqle);
                    throw initException;
    // Set up any SchedulerPlugins
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String[] pluginNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_PLUGIN_PREFIX);
    SchedulerPlugin[] plugins = new SchedulerPlugin[pluginNames.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < pluginNames.length; i++) {
        Properties pp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_PLUGIN_PREFIX + "." + pluginNames[i], true);
        String plugInClass = pp.getProperty(PROP_PLUGIN_CLASS, null);
        if (plugInClass == null) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("SchedulerPlugin class not specified for plugin '" + pluginNames[i] + "'");
            throw initException;
        SchedulerPlugin plugin = null;
        try {
            plugin = (SchedulerPlugin) loadHelper.loadClass(plugInClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("SchedulerPlugin class '" + plugInClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
            throw initException;
        try {
            setBeanProps(plugin, pp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobStore SchedulerPlugin '" + plugInClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;
        plugins[i] = plugin;
    // Set up any JobListeners
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Class<?>[] strArg = new Class[] { String.class };
    String[] jobListenerNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_JOB_LISTENER_PREFIX);
    JobListener[] jobListeners = new JobListener[jobListenerNames.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < jobListenerNames.length; i++) {
        Properties lp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_JOB_LISTENER_PREFIX + "." + jobListenerNames[i], true);
        String listenerClass = lp.getProperty(PROP_LISTENER_CLASS, null);
        if (listenerClass == null) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobListener class not specified for listener '" + jobListenerNames[i] + "'");
            throw initException;
        JobListener listener = null;
        try {
            listener = (JobListener) loadHelper.loadClass(listenerClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobListener class '" + listenerClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
            throw initException;
        try {
            Method nameSetter = null;
            try {
                nameSetter = listener.getClass().getMethod("setName", strArg);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
            /* do nothing */
            if (nameSetter != null) {
                nameSetter.invoke(listener, new Object[] { jobListenerNames[i] });
            setBeanProps(listener, lp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("JobListener '" + listenerClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;
        jobListeners[i] = listener;
    // Set up any TriggerListeners
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String[] triggerListenerNames = cfg.getPropertyGroups(PROP_TRIGGER_LISTENER_PREFIX);
    TriggerListener[] triggerListeners = new TriggerListener[triggerListenerNames.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < triggerListenerNames.length; i++) {
        Properties lp = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_TRIGGER_LISTENER_PREFIX + "." + triggerListenerNames[i], true);
        String listenerClass = lp.getProperty(PROP_LISTENER_CLASS, null);
        if (listenerClass == null) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("TriggerListener class not specified for listener '" + triggerListenerNames[i] + "'");
            throw initException;
        TriggerListener listener = null;
        try {
            listener = (TriggerListener) loadHelper.loadClass(listenerClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("TriggerListener class '" + listenerClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
            throw initException;
        try {
            Method nameSetter = null;
            try {
                nameSetter = listener.getClass().getMethod("setName", strArg);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
            /* do nothing */
            if (nameSetter != null) {
                nameSetter.invoke(listener, new Object[] { triggerListenerNames[i] });
            setBeanProps(listener, lp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("TriggerListener '" + listenerClass + "' props could not be configured.", e);
            throw initException;
        triggerListeners[i] = listener;
    boolean tpInited = false;
    boolean qsInited = false;
    // Get ThreadExecutor Properties
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    String threadExecutorClass = cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_THREAD_EXECUTOR_CLASS);
    if (threadExecutorClass != null) {
        tProps = cfg.getPropertyGroup(PROP_THREAD_EXECUTOR, true);
        try {
            threadExecutor = (ThreadExecutor) loadHelper.loadClass(threadExecutorClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
  "Using custom implementation for ThreadExecutor: " + threadExecutorClass);
            setBeanProps(threadExecutor, tProps);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            initException = new SchedulerException("ThreadExecutor class '" + threadExecutorClass + "' could not be instantiated.", e);
            throw initException;
    } else {"Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor");
        threadExecutor = new DefaultThreadExecutor();
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    try {
        // Create correct run-shell factory...
        JobRunShellFactory jrsf = null;
        if (userTXLocation != null) {
        if (wrapJobInTx) {
            jrsf = new JTAJobRunShellFactory();
        } else {
            jrsf = new JTAAnnotationAwareJobRunShellFactory();
        if (autoId) {
            try {
                schedInstId = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID;
                if (js.isClustered()) {
                    schedInstId = instanceIdGenerator.generateInstanceId();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                getLog().error("Couldn't generate instance Id!", e);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot run without an instance id.");
        if (js.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.terracotta.quartz")) {
            try {
                String uuid = (String) js.getClass().getMethod("getUUID").invoke(js);
                if (schedInstId.equals(DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID)) {
                    schedInstId = "TERRACOTTA_CLUSTERED,node=" + uuid;
                    if (jmxObjectName == null) {
                        jmxObjectName = QuartzSchedulerResources.generateJMXObjectName(schedName, schedInstId);
                } else if (jmxObjectName == null) {
                    jmxObjectName = QuartzSchedulerResources.generateJMXObjectName(schedName, schedInstId + ",node=" + uuid);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Problem obtaining node id from TerracottaJobStore.", e);
            if (null == cfg.getStringProperty(PROP_SCHED_JMX_EXPORT)) {
                jmxExport = true;
        if (js instanceof JobStoreSupport) {
            JobStoreSupport jjs = (JobStoreSupport) js;
            if (threadsInheritInitalizersClassLoader)
        QuartzSchedulerResources rsrcs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();
        if (managementRESTServiceEnabled) {
            ManagementRESTServiceConfiguration managementRESTServiceConfiguration = new ManagementRESTServiceConfiguration();
        if (rmiExport) {
        SchedulerDetailsSetter.setDetails(tp, schedName, schedInstId);
        if (tp instanceof SimpleThreadPool) {
            if (threadsInheritInitalizersClassLoader)
                ((SimpleThreadPool) tp).setThreadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread(threadsInheritInitalizersClassLoader);
        tpInited = true;
        // add plugins
        for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
        qs = new QuartzScheduler(rsrcs, idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetry);
        qsInited = true;
        // Create Scheduler ref...
        Scheduler scheduler = instantiate(rsrcs, qs);
        // set job factory if specified
        if (jobFactory != null) {
        // Initialize plugins now that we have a Scheduler instance.
        for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
            plugins[i].initialize(pluginNames[i], scheduler, loadHelper);
        // add listeners
        for (int i = 0; i < jobListeners.length; i++) {
            qs.getListenerManager().addJobListener(jobListeners[i], EverythingMatcher.allJobs());
        for (int i = 0; i < triggerListeners.length; i++) {
            qs.getListenerManager().addTriggerListener(triggerListeners[i], EverythingMatcher.allTriggers());
        // set scheduler context data...
        for (Object key : schedCtxtProps.keySet()) {
            String val = schedCtxtProps.getProperty((String) key);
            scheduler.getContext().put((String) key, val);
        // fire up job store, and runshell factory
        js.initialize(loadHelper, qs.getSchedulerSignaler());
        getLog().info("Quartz scheduler '" + scheduler.getSchedulerName() + "' initialized from " + propSrc);
        getLog().info("Quartz scheduler version: " + qs.getVersion());
        // prevents the repository from being garbage collected
        // prevents the db manager from being garbage collected
        if (dbMgr != null) {
        return scheduler;
    } catch (SchedulerException e) {
        shutdownFromInstantiateException(tp, qs, tpInited, qsInited);
        throw e;
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        shutdownFromInstantiateException(tp, qs, tpInited, qsInited);
        throw re;
    } catch (Error re) {
        shutdownFromInstantiateException(tp, qs, tpInited, qsInited);
        throw re;
Also used : SchedulerException(org.quartz.SchedulerException) JNDIConnectionProvider(org.quartz.utils.JNDIConnectionProvider) PoolingConnectionProvider(org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider) ConnectionProvider(org.quartz.utils.ConnectionProvider) JobFactory(org.quartz.spi.JobFactory) JTAAnnotationAwareJobRunShellFactory( ThreadExecutor(org.quartz.spi.ThreadExecutor) JobRunShellFactory(org.quartz.core.JobRunShellFactory) JTAJobRunShellFactory( JTAAnnotationAwareJobRunShellFactory( SchedulerPlugin(org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin) JobStoreSupport(org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport) JobStore(org.quartz.spi.JobStore) RAMJobStore(org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore) ClassLoadHelper(org.quartz.spi.ClassLoadHelper) DBConnectionManager(org.quartz.utils.DBConnectionManager) RAMJobStore(org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) QuartzSchedulerResources(org.quartz.core.QuartzSchedulerResources) SchedulerConfigException(org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException) PropertiesParser(org.quartz.utils.PropertiesParser) PoolingConnectionProvider(org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider) ManagementRESTServiceConfiguration( Scheduler(org.quartz.Scheduler) QuartzScheduler(org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler) SimpleThreadPool(org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool) ThreadPool(org.quartz.spi.ThreadPool) QuartzScheduler(org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler) Semaphore(org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.Semaphore) Properties(java.util.Properties) JobListener(org.quartz.JobListener) JNDIConnectionProvider(org.quartz.utils.JNDIConnectionProvider) InstanceIdGenerator(org.quartz.spi.InstanceIdGenerator) JTAJobRunShellFactory( SimpleThreadPool(org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool) TriggerListener(org.quartz.TriggerListener) SchedulerConfigException(org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException) IntrospectionException(java.beans.IntrospectionException) AccessControlException( SchedulerException(org.quartz.SchedulerException) IOException( TablePrefixAware(org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.TablePrefixAware)

Example 3 with SchedulerPlugin

use of org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin in project weicoder by wdcode.

the class ExecutingJobsManager method shutdownPlugins.

private void shutdownPlugins() {
    java.util.Iterator<SchedulerPlugin> itr = resources.getSchedulerPlugins().iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        SchedulerPlugin plugin =;
Also used : SchedulerPlugin(org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin)

Example 4 with SchedulerPlugin

use of org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin in project weicoder by wdcode.

the class DirectSchedulerFactory method createScheduler.

 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and
 * plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param threadExecutor
 *          The thread executor for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @param schedulerPluginMap
 *          Map from a <code>String</code> plugin names to
 *          <code>{@link org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin}</code>s.  Can use
 *          "null" if no plugins are required.
 * @param rmiRegistryHost
 *          The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use
 *          "null" if no RMI is required.
 * @param rmiRegistryPort
 *          The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
 * @param idleWaitTime
 *          The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for
 *          the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
 * @param maxBatchSize
 *          The maximum batch size of triggers, when acquiring them
 * @param batchTimeWindow
 *          The time window for which it is allowed to "pre-acquire" triggers to fire
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, ThreadExecutor threadExecutor, JobStore jobStore, Map<String, SchedulerPlugin> schedulerPluginMap, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval, boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName, int maxBatchSize, long batchTimeWindow) throws SchedulerException {
    // Currently only one run-shell factory is available...
    JobRunShellFactory jrsf = new StdJobRunShellFactory();
    // Fire everything up
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    QuartzSchedulerResources qrs = new QuartzSchedulerResources();
    SchedulerDetailsSetter.setDetails(threadPool, schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId);
    if (jmxObjectName != null) {
    // add plugins
    if (schedulerPluginMap != null) {
        for (Iterator<SchedulerPlugin> pluginIter = schedulerPluginMap.values().iterator(); pluginIter.hasNext(); ) {
    QuartzScheduler qs = new QuartzScheduler(qrs, idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetryInterval);
    ClassLoadHelper cch = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();
    SchedulerDetailsSetter.setDetails(jobStore, schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId);
    jobStore.initialize(cch, qs.getSchedulerSignaler());
    Scheduler scheduler = new StdScheduler(qs);
    // Initialize plugins now that we have a Scheduler instance.
    if (schedulerPluginMap != null) {
        for (Iterator<Entry<String, SchedulerPlugin>> pluginEntryIter = schedulerPluginMap.entrySet().iterator(); pluginEntryIter.hasNext(); ) {
            Entry<String, SchedulerPlugin> pluginEntry =;
            pluginEntry.getValue().initialize(pluginEntry.getKey(), scheduler, cch);
    getLog().info("Quartz scheduler '" + scheduler.getSchedulerName());
    getLog().info("Quartz scheduler version: " + qs.getVersion());
    SchedulerRepository schedRep = SchedulerRepository.getInstance();
    // prevents the repository from being
    // garbage collected
    initialized = true;
Also used : SchedulerPlugin(org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin) Scheduler(org.quartz.Scheduler) QuartzScheduler(org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler) QuartzScheduler(org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler) ClassLoadHelper(org.quartz.spi.ClassLoadHelper) CascadingClassLoadHelper(org.quartz.simpl.CascadingClassLoadHelper) QuartzSchedulerResources(org.quartz.core.QuartzSchedulerResources) CascadingClassLoadHelper(org.quartz.simpl.CascadingClassLoadHelper) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) JobRunShellFactory(org.quartz.core.JobRunShellFactory)


SchedulerPlugin (org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin)4 Scheduler (org.quartz.Scheduler)2 JobRunShellFactory (org.quartz.core.JobRunShellFactory)2 QuartzScheduler (org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler)2 QuartzSchedulerResources (org.quartz.core.QuartzSchedulerResources)2 ClassLoadHelper (org.quartz.spi.ClassLoadHelper)2 IntrospectionException (java.beans.IntrospectionException)1 IOException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 AccessControlException ( Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 Properties (java.util.Properties)1 JobListener (org.quartz.JobListener)1 SchedulerConfigException (org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException)1 SchedulerException (org.quartz.SchedulerException)1 TriggerListener (org.quartz.TriggerListener)1 JTAAnnotationAwareJobRunShellFactory ( JTAJobRunShellFactory ( JobStoreSupport (org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport)1 Semaphore (org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.Semaphore)1