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Example 46 with Vector3

use of org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3 in project Rajawali by Rajawali.

the class BlockMeshInstance method parseBlock.

public void parseBlock(AWDLittleEndianDataInputStream dis, BlockHeader blockHeader) throws Exception {
    // Parse scene block
    RajLog.d("Parsing SceneGraph Block at position: " + dis.getPosition());
    mSceneGraphBlock = new SceneGraphBlock();
    mSceneGraphBlock.readGraphData(blockHeader, dis);
    // Block id for geometry
    mGeometryID = dis.readUnsignedInt();
    // Lookup the geometry or create it if it does not exist.
    final BlockHeader geomHeader = blockHeader.blockHeaders.get((short) mGeometryID);
    if (geomHeader == null) {
        mGeometry = new Object3D(mSceneGraphBlock.lookupName);
    } else {
        if (geomHeader.parser == null || !(geomHeader.parser instanceof ABaseObjectBlockParser))
            throw new ParsingException("Invalid block reference.");
        mGeometry = ((ABaseObjectBlockParser) geomHeader.parser).getBaseObject3D().clone(false, true);
    // Apply the materials
    final int materialCount = dis.readUnsignedShort();
    final Material[] materials = new Material[materialCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; ++i) {
        final long materialID = dis.readUnsignedInt();
        if (materialID == 0) {
            materials[i] = getDefaultMaterial();
        } else {
            final BlockHeader materialHeader = blockHeader.blockHeaders.get((short) materialID);
            if (materialHeader == null || materialHeader.parser == null || !(materialHeader.parser instanceof ATextureBlockParser))
                throw new ParsingException("Invalid block reference " + materialID);
            materials[i] = ((ATextureBlockParser) materialHeader.parser).getMaterial();
    // mesh instance properties; does it cast a shadow?
    AwdProperties properties = dis.readProperties(EXPECTED_PROPS);
    mCastsShadow = (boolean) properties.get(PROP_CASTS_SHADOW, true);
    final Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4(mSceneGraphBlock.transformMatrix);
    // Set translation
    // Set scale
    final Vector3 scale = matrix.getScaling();
    mGeometry.setScale(scale.y, scale.x, scale.z);
    // Set rotation
    mGeometry.setOrientation(new Quaternion().fromMatrix(matrix));
    int m = 0;
    if (!mGeometry.isContainer())
    for (int i = 0; i < mGeometry.getNumChildren(); i++) mGeometry.getChildAt(i).setMaterial(materials[Math.min(materials.length - 1, m++)]);
    // ignore user properties, skip to end of block
    dis.skip(blockHeader.blockEnd - dis.getPosition());
Also used : Quaternion(org.rajawali3d.math.Quaternion) Material(org.rajawali3d.materials.Material) Vector3(org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3) AwdProperties(org.rajawali3d.loader.LoaderAWD.AwdProperties) Matrix4(org.rajawali3d.math.Matrix4) Object3D(org.rajawali3d.Object3D) ParsingException(org.rajawali3d.loader.ParsingException) BlockHeader(org.rajawali3d.loader.LoaderAWD.BlockHeader)

Example 47 with Vector3

use of org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3 in project Rajawali by Rajawali.

the class Object3D method getWorldPosition.

public Vector3 getWorldPosition() {
    if (mParentMatrix == null)
        return mPosition;
    Vector3 worldPos = mPosition.clone();
    return worldPos;
Also used : Vector3(org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3)

Example 48 with Vector3

use of org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3 in project Rajawali by Rajawali.

the class EllipticalOrbitAnimation3D method applyTransformation.

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see rajawali.animation.Animation3D#applyTransformation()
protected void applyTransformation() {
    // Everything here is stored in double precision because single precision floating point causes a major
    // overflow. Theory behind math in this method can be looked up easily on Wikipedia.
    // Angle in radians (interpolated time from 0 to 1 results in radian angle 0 to 2PI)
    double angle = (mDirection == OrbitDirection.CLOCKWISE ? -1 : 1) * mAngle * mInterpolatedTime * MathUtil.PRE_PI_DIV_180;
    // Calculate the distances of periapsis and apoapsis to the focal point.
    double periapsisRadius = mPeriapsis.distanceTo(mFocalPoint);
    double apoapsisRadius = periapsisRadius * (1 + mEccentricity) / (1 - mEccentricity);
    // Get the apoapsis point which will be needed to calculate the center point of the ellipse.
    // NOTE: Discard least significant digits after 8th decimal places to lower the computational error epsilon.
    double uAx = (Math.round(mFocalPoint.x * 1e8) - Math.round(mPeriapsis.x * 1e8)) / 1e8;
    double uAy = (Math.round(mFocalPoint.y * 1e8) - Math.round(mPeriapsis.y * 1e8)) / 1e8;
    double uAz = (Math.round(mFocalPoint.z * 1e8) - Math.round(mPeriapsis.z * 1e8)) / 1e8;
    double mod = Math.sqrt(uAx * uAx + uAy * uAy + uAz * uAz);
    if (mod != 0 && mod != 1) {
        mod = 1 / mod;
        uAx *= mod;
        uAy *= mod;
        uAz *= mod;
    double apoapsisDir_x = Math.round(uAx * apoapsisRadius * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double apoapsisDir_y = Math.round(uAy * apoapsisRadius * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double apoapsisDir_z = Math.round(uAz * apoapsisRadius * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double apoapsisPos_x = Math.round((apoapsisDir_x + mFocalPoint.x) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double apoapsisPos_y = Math.round((apoapsisDir_y + mFocalPoint.y) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double apoapsisPos_z = Math.round((apoapsisDir_z + mFocalPoint.z) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    // Midpoint between apoapsis and periapsis is the center of the ellipse.
    double center_x = Math.round(((mPeriapsis.x + apoapsisPos_x) / 2) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double center_y = Math.round(((mPeriapsis.y + apoapsisPos_y) / 2) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double center_z = Math.round(((mPeriapsis.z + apoapsisPos_z) / 2) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    // Calculate semiminor axis length.
    double b = Math.sqrt(periapsisRadius * apoapsisRadius);
    // Direction vector to periapsis from the center point and ascending node from the center point
    double semimajorAxis_x = Math.round((mPeriapsis.x - center_x) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double semimajorAxis_y = Math.round((mPeriapsis.y - center_y) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double semimajorAxis_z = Math.round((mPeriapsis.z - center_z) * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double unitSemiMajorAxis_x = semimajorAxis_x;
    double unitSemiMajorAxis_y = semimajorAxis_y;
    double unitSemiMajorAxis_z = semimajorAxis_z;
    mod = Math.sqrt(semimajorAxis_x * semimajorAxis_x + semimajorAxis_y * semimajorAxis_y + semimajorAxis_z * semimajorAxis_z);
    if (mod != 0 && mod != 1) {
        mod = 1 / mod;
        unitSemiMajorAxis_x *= mod;
        unitSemiMajorAxis_y *= mod;
        unitSemiMajorAxis_z *= mod;
    // Translate normal vector to the center point.
    Vector3 unitNormal = mNormal.clone();
    double uNx = Math.round(unitNormal.x * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double uNy = Math.round(unitNormal.y * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double uNz = Math.round(unitNormal.z * 1e8) / 1e8;
    double normalCenter_x = center_x + uNx;
    double normalCenter_y = center_y + uNy;
    double normalCenter_z = center_z + uNz;
    mod = Math.sqrt(normalCenter_x * normalCenter_x + normalCenter_y * normalCenter_y + normalCenter_z * normalCenter_z);
    if (mod != 0 && mod != 1) {
        mod = 1 / mod;
        normalCenter_x *= mod;
        normalCenter_y *= mod;
        normalCenter_z *= mod;
    // We can calculate the semiminor axis from unit vector of cross product of semimajor axis and the normal.
    mScratch1.setAll(unitSemiMajorAxis_x, unitSemiMajorAxis_y, unitSemiMajorAxis_z);
    mScratch2.setAll(normalCenter_x, normalCenter_y, normalCenter_z);
    Vector3 semiminorAxis = mScratch3.crossAndSet(mScratch1, mScratch2);
    // Parametric equation for ellipse in 3D space.
    double x = center_x + (Math.cos(angle) * semimajorAxis_x) + (Math.sin(angle) * semiminorAxis.x);
    double y = center_y + (Math.cos(angle) * semimajorAxis_y) + (Math.sin(angle) * semiminorAxis.y);
    double z = center_z + (Math.cos(angle) * semimajorAxis_z) + (Math.sin(angle) * semiminorAxis.z);
    mTransformable3D.setPosition(x, y, z);
Also used : Vector3(org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3)

Example 49 with Vector3

use of org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3 in project Rajawali by Rajawali.

the class SkeletalAnimationObject3D method setShaderParams.

public void setShaderParams(Camera camera) {
    if (!mIsPlaying)
    long currentTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    SkeletalAnimationFrame currentFrame = (SkeletalAnimationFrame) mSequence.getFrame(mCurrentFrameIndex);
    SkeletalAnimationFrame nextFrame = (SkeletalAnimationFrame) mSequence.getFrame((mCurrentFrameIndex + 1) % mSequence.getNumFrames());
    mInterpolation += mFps * (currentTime - mStartTime) / 1000.0;
    boolean isTransitioning = mNextSequence != null;
    double transitionInterpolation = 0;
    if (isTransitioning)
        transitionInterpolation = mTransitionInterpolator.getInterpolation((float) ((currentTime - mTransitionStartTime) / mTransitionDuration));
    for (int i = 0; i < mJoints.length; ++i) {
        SkeletonJoint joint = getJoint(i);
        SkeletonJoint fromJoint = currentFrame.getSkeleton().getJoint(i);
        SkeletonJoint toJoint = nextFrame.getSkeleton().getJoint(i);
        joint.getPosition().lerpAndSet(fromJoint.getPosition(), toJoint.getPosition(), mInterpolation);
        joint.getOrientation().slerp(fromJoint.getOrientation(), toJoint.getOrientation(), mInterpolation);
        if (isTransitioning) {
            SkeletalAnimationFrame currentTransFrame = mNextSequence.getFrame(mCurrentTransitionFrameIndex % mNextSequence.getNumFrames());
            SkeletalAnimationFrame nextTransFrame = mNextSequence.getFrame((mCurrentTransitionFrameIndex + 1) % mNextSequence.getNumFrames());
            fromJoint = currentTransFrame.getSkeleton().getJoint(i);
            toJoint = nextTransFrame.getSkeleton().getJoint(i);
            mTmpJoint1.getPosition().lerpAndSet(fromJoint.getPosition(), toJoint.getPosition(), mInterpolation);
            mTmpJoint1.getOrientation().slerp(fromJoint.getOrientation(), toJoint.getOrientation(), mInterpolation);
            // blend the two animations
            mTmpJoint2.getPosition().lerpAndSet(joint.getPosition(), mTmpJoint1.getPosition(), transitionInterpolation);
            mTmpJoint2.getOrientation().slerp(joint.getOrientation(), mTmpJoint1.getOrientation(), transitionInterpolation);
        Matrix.setIdentityM(mBoneTranslation, 0);
        Matrix.setIdentityM(mBoneRotation, 0);
        Matrix.setIdentityM(mBoneMatrix, 0);
        Matrix.setIdentityM(mResultMatrix, 0);
        Vector3 jointPos = joint.getPosition();
        Matrix.translateM(mBoneTranslation, 0, jointPos.x, jointPos.y, jointPos.z);
        Matrix.multiplyMM(mBoneMatrix, 0, mBoneTranslation, 0, mBoneRotation, 0);
        Matrix.multiplyMM(mResultMatrix, 0, mBoneMatrix, 0, mInverseBindPoseMatrix[i], 0);
        int index = 16 * i;
        for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            uBoneMatrix[index + j] = mResultMatrix[j];
    if (isTransitioning && transitionInterpolation >= .99f) {
        isTransitioning = false;
        mCurrentFrameIndex = mCurrentTransitionFrameIndex;
        mSequence = mNextSequence;
        mNextSequence = null;
    mGeometry.changeBufferData(mBoneMatricesBufferInfo, mBoneMatrices, 0);
    if (mInterpolation >= 1) {
        mInterpolation = 0;
        if (mCurrentFrameIndex >= mSequence.getNumFrames())
            mCurrentFrameIndex = 0;
        if (isTransitioning) {
            if (mCurrentTransitionFrameIndex >= mNextSequence.getNumFrames())
                mCurrentTransitionFrameIndex = 0;
    mStartTime = currentTime;
Also used : SkeletonJoint(org.rajawali3d.animation.mesh.SkeletalAnimationFrame.SkeletonJoint) Vector3(org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3) SkeletonJoint(org.rajawali3d.animation.mesh.SkeletalAnimationFrame.SkeletonJoint)

Example 50 with Vector3

use of org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3 in project Rajawali by Rajawali.

the class BoundingBox method transform.

public void transform(final Matrix4 matrix) {
    mTransformedMin.setAll(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
    mTransformedMax.setAll(-Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
    for (mI = 0; mI < 8; ++mI) {
        Vector3 o = mPoints[mI];
        Vector3 d = mTmp[mI];
        if (d.x < mTransformedMin.x)
            mTransformedMin.x = d.x;
        if (d.y < mTransformedMin.y)
            mTransformedMin.y = d.y;
        if (d.z < mTransformedMin.z)
            mTransformedMin.z = d.z;
        if (d.x > mTransformedMax.x)
            mTransformedMax.x = d.x;
        if (d.y > mTransformedMax.y)
            mTransformedMax.y = d.y;
        if (d.z > mTransformedMax.z)
            mTransformedMax.z = d.z;
Also used : Vector3(org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3)


Vector3 (org.rajawali3d.math.vector.Vector3)166 SmallTest (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)106 Test (org.junit.Test)106 Material (org.rajawali3d.materials.Material)9 SkeletonJoint (org.rajawali3d.animation.mesh.SkeletalAnimationFrame.SkeletonJoint)6 Matrix4 (org.rajawali3d.math.Matrix4)6 Object3D (org.rajawali3d.Object3D)5 BoundingBox (org.rajawali3d.bounds.BoundingBox)5 DiffuseMethod (org.rajawali3d.materials.methods.DiffuseMethod)4 Quaternion (org.rajawali3d.math.Quaternion)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 DirectionalLight (org.rajawali3d.lights.DirectionalLight)3 ParsingException (org.rajawali3d.loader.ParsingException)3 FileNotFoundException ( FloatBuffer (java.nio.FloatBuffer)2 Stack (java.util.Stack)2 BoneVertex (org.rajawali3d.animation.mesh.SkeletalAnimationChildObject3D.BoneVertex)2 BoneWeight (org.rajawali3d.animation.mesh.SkeletalAnimationChildObject3D.BoneWeight)2 BoundingSphere (org.rajawali3d.bounds.BoundingSphere)2 IBoundingVolume (org.rajawali3d.bounds.IBoundingVolume)2