use of org.raml.v2.api.model.v08.api.GlobalSchema in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.
the class GenerateRunner method generate.
* Generate the .java files from the .raml files.
* @param inputDirectory where to search for .raml files
* @throws Exception on read, write or validate error
public void generate(String inputDirectory) throws Exception {"Input directory " + inputDirectory);
File inputDir = new File(inputDirectory);
if (!inputDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException("Input path is not a valid directory: " + inputDirectory);
configuration.setOutputDirectory(new File(outputDirectory));
int numMatches = 0;
File[] ramls = new File(inputDirectory).listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".raml"));
Set<String> processedPojos = new HashSet<>();
List<List<GlobalSchema>> globalUnprocessedSchemas = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < ramls.length; j++) {
String line;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ramls[j]))) {
line = reader.readLine();
if (line.startsWith("#%RAML")) {"processing " + ramls[j]);
// generate java interfaces and pojos from raml FileReader(ramls[j]), configuration, ramls[j].getAbsolutePath());
// get list of schema to injectedFieldList
// have a map of top level schemas (schemas used in the raml schema:, etc...) to pojos
// scan fields in top level pojo list to get referenced pojos
// the name of their schema will be the jsonproperty annotation name
// check if for the top level pojo , the embedded objects need annotating
List<GlobalSchema> schemaList = JsonSchemaPojoUtil.getSchemasFromRaml(ramls[j]);"Schemas found in " + ramls[j]);
schemaList.forEach(entry ->"* " + entry.key()));
List<GlobalSchema> unprocessedSchemas = new ArrayList<>();
for (int k = 0; k < schemaCustomFields.length; k++) {
String message = "";
if (usingDefaultCustomField) {
message = "Using default: ";
} + " custom field " + schemaCustomFields[k]);
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(schemaCustomFields[k]);
String fieldName = jo.getString("fieldname");
Object fieldValue = jo.getValue("fieldvalue");
String annotation = jo.getString("annotation");"processing referenced schemas. looking for " + fieldName + " with value " + fieldValue);
processReferencedSchemas(schemaList, unprocessedSchemas, processedPojos, fieldName, fieldValue, annotation, k);
} else {[j] + " has a .raml suffix but does not start with #%RAML");
for (int j = 0; j < schemaCustomFields.length; j++) {
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(schemaCustomFields[j]);
String fieldName = jo.getString("fieldname");
Object fieldValue = jo.getValue("fieldvalue");
String annotation = jo.getString("annotation");"processing unreferenced schemas. looking for " + fieldName + " with value " + fieldValue);
processRemainingSchemas(globalUnprocessedSchemas, processedPojos, fieldName, fieldValue, annotation);
}"processed: " + numMatches + " raml files");
use of org.raml.v2.api.model.v08.api.GlobalSchema in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.
the class GenerateRunner method processRemainingSchemas.
private void processRemainingSchemas(List<List<GlobalSchema>> globalUnprocessedSchemas, Set<String> processedPojos, String fieldName, Object fieldValue, String annotation) throws Exception {
File modelDir = new File(outputDirectoryWithPackage + "/model/");
if (!modelDir.exists()) {
File[] pojos = modelDir.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".java"));
// meaning mapped to a schema and annotated, if not, then process
for (int k = 0; k < pojos.length; k++) {
if (!processedPojos.contains(MODEL_PACKAGE_DEFAULT + "." + pojos[k].getName().replace(".java", ""))) {
// get all fields in the pojo to compare them to all fields in each schema so that we
// can map a pojo to a schema and then annotate the pojo's field in accordance with the schema
Map<Object, Object> fieldsInPojo = JsonSchemaPojoUtil.jsonFields2Pojo(pojos[k].getAbsolutePath());
int size1 = globalUnprocessedSchemas.size();
// loop over all unprocessed schema across all ramls
for (int l = 0; l < size1; l++) {
List<GlobalSchema> gsList = globalUnprocessedSchemas.get(l);
int size2 = gsList.size();
// loop over all schemas for a specific raml
for (int m = 0; m < size2; m++) {
int counter = 0;
GlobalSchema gs = gsList.get(m);
List<String> schemaFields = JsonSchemaPojoUtil.getAllFieldsInSchema(new JsonObject(gs.value().value()));
int size3 = schemaFields.size();
// if so, then we have mapped the pojo to the schema
for (int n = 0; n < size3; n++) {
if ((fieldsInPojo.size() != schemaFields.size()) || (!fieldsInPojo.containsKey(schemaFields.get(n)))) {
if (counter == fieldsInPojo.size()) {
List<String> injectFieldList = JsonSchemaPojoUtil.getFieldsInSchemaWithType(new JsonObject(gs.value().value()), fieldName, fieldValue);
try {
inject(pojos[k].getAbsolutePath(), annotation, injectFieldList);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.raml.v2.api.model.v08.api.GlobalSchema in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.
the class JsonSchemaPojoUtil method getSchemasFromRaml.
public static List<GlobalSchema> getSchemasFromRaml(File path2Raml) {
RamlModelResult ramlModelResult = new RamlModelBuilder().buildApi(path2Raml.getAbsolutePath());
// get a list of schemas from the raml
List<GlobalSchema> schemaListInRAML = ramlModelResult.getApiV08().schemas();
return schemaListInRAML;