use of in project camel by apache.
the class DefaultRestletBinding method setResponseHeader.
protected boolean setResponseHeader(Exchange exchange, org.restlet.Response message, String header, Object value) {
// there must be a value going forward
if (value == null) {
return true;
// must put to attributes
message.getAttributes().put(header, value);
// special for certain headers
if (message.getEntity() != null) {
// arfg darn restlet you make using your api harder for end users with all this trick just to set those ACL headers
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS)) {
Boolean bool = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().tryConvertTo(Boolean.class, value);
if (bool != null) {
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS)) {
Set<String> set = convertToStringSet(value, exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter());
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS)) {
Set<Method> set = convertToMethodSet(value, exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter());
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN)) {
String text = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().tryConvertTo(String.class, value);
if (text != null) {
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS)) {
Set<String> set = convertToStringSet(value, exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter());
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL)) {
if (value instanceof List) {
message.setCacheDirectives((List<CacheDirective>) value);
if (value instanceof String) {
List<CacheDirective> list = new ArrayList<CacheDirective>();
// set the cache control value directive
list.add(new CacheDirective((String) value));
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_LOCATION)) {
String text = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().tryConvertTo(String.class, value);
if (text != null) {
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_EXPIRES)) {
if (value instanceof Calendar) {
message.getEntity().setExpirationDate(((Calendar) value).getTime());
} else if (value instanceof Date) {
message.getEntity().setExpirationDate((Date) value);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(RFC_2822_DATE_PATTERN, Locale.ENGLISH);
try {
Date date = format.parse((String) value);
} catch (ParseException e) {
LOG.debug("Header {} with value {} cannot be converted as a Date. The value will be ignored.", HeaderConstants.HEADER_EXPIRES, value);
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED)) {
if (value instanceof Calendar) {
message.getEntity().setModificationDate(((Calendar) value).getTime());
} else if (value instanceof Date) {
message.getEntity().setModificationDate((Date) value);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(RFC_2822_DATE_PATTERN, Locale.ENGLISH);
try {
Date date = format.parse((String) value);
} catch (ParseException e) {
LOG.debug("Header {} with value {} cannot be converted as a Date. The value will be ignored.", HeaderConstants.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, value);
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
if (value instanceof Long) {
message.getEntity().setSize((Long) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
message.getEntity().setSize((Integer) value);
} else {
Long num = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().tryConvertTo(Long.class, value);
if (num != null) {
} else {
LOG.debug("Header {} with value {} cannot be converted as a Long. The value will be ignored.", HeaderConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, value);
return true;
if (header.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
if (value instanceof MediaType) {
message.getEntity().setMediaType((MediaType) value);
} else {
String type = value.toString();
MediaType media = MediaType.valueOf(type);
if (media != null) {
} else {
LOG.debug("Header {} with value {} cannot be converted as a MediaType. The value will be ignored.", HeaderConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, value);
return true;
return false;
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AccessTokenServerResource method get_json.
public AccessTokenRepresentation get_json() {
VCellApiApplication application = ((VCellApiApplication) getApplication());
String clientId = getQueryValue(PARAM_CLIENT_ID);
String userId = getQueryValue(PARAM_USER_ID);
String userPassword = getQueryValue(PARAM_USER_PASSWORD);
try {
ApiClient apiClient = application.getUserVerifier().getApiClient(clientId);
if (apiClient == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("client not found");
User authenticatedUser = application.getUserVerifier().authenticateUser(userId, userPassword.toCharArray());
if (authenticatedUser == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to authenticate user");
ApiAccessToken apiAccessToken = application.getUserVerifier().generateApiAccessToken(apiClient.getKey(), authenticatedUser);
AccessTokenRepresentation tokenRep = new AccessTokenRepresentation(apiAccessToken);
// indicate no caching of response.
ArrayList<CacheDirective> cacheDirectives = new ArrayList<CacheDirective>();
return tokenRep;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
use of in project camel by apache.
the class RestletResponseTest method createRouteBuilder.
protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
from("restlet:http://localhost:" + portNum + "/users/{username}?restletMethod=POST").process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String userName = exchange.getIn().getHeader("username", String.class);
assertNotNull("userName should not be null", userName);
exchange.getOut().setBody("{" + userName + "}");
exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, "417");
exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/JSON");
// set the cache control with String
exchange.getOut().setHeader(HeaderConstants.HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=20");
from("restlet:http://localhost:" + portNum + "/cached/{username}?restletMethod=POST").process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String userName = exchange.getIn().getHeader("username", String.class);
assertNotNull("userName should not be null", userName);
exchange.getOut().setBody("{" + userName + "}");
exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, "417");
exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/JSON");
// set cache control with cacheDirectives
List<CacheDirective> cacheDirectives = new ArrayList<CacheDirective>();
exchange.getOut().setHeader(HeaderConstants.HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, cacheDirectives);
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AuthenticationTokenRestlet method handle.
public void handle(Request req, Response response) {
if (req.getMethod().equals(Method.GET)) {
try {
VCellApiApplication application = ((VCellApiApplication) getApplication());
HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) req;
Form form = request.getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm();
String userId = form.getFirstValue(PARAM_USER_ID, false);
if (userId == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("expecting " + PARAM_USER_ID + " query parameter");
String clientId = form.getFirstValue(PARAM_CLIENT_ID, false);
if (clientId == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("expecting " + PARAM_CLIENT_ID + " query parameter");
String userPassword = form.getFirstValue(PARAM_USER_PASSWORD, false);
if (userPassword == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("expecting " + PARAM_USER_PASSWORD + " query parameter");
ApiClient apiClient = application.getUserVerifier().getApiClient(clientId);
if (apiClient == null) {
if (lg.isWarnEnabled())
lg.warn("client not found");
response.setEntity("authentication error, unknown client", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
User authenticatedUser = application.getUserVerifier().authenticateUser(userId, userPassword.toCharArray());
if (authenticatedUser == null) {
if (lg.isWarnEnabled())
lg.warn("unable to authenticate user");
response.setEntity("authentication error, either userid or password is incorrect", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
ApiAccessToken apiAccessToken = application.getUserVerifier().generateApiAccessToken(apiClient.getKey(), authenticatedUser);
AccessTokenRepresentation tokenRep = new AccessTokenRepresentation(apiAccessToken);
// indicate no caching of response.
ArrayList<CacheDirective> cacheDirectives = new ArrayList<CacheDirective>();
Gson gson = new Gson();
String tokenRepJSON = gson.toJson(tokenRep);
response.setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_OK, "authentication token returned");
response.setEntity(new JsonRepresentation(tokenRepJSON));
} catch (Exception e) {
lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
response.setEntity("internal error returning authentication token: " + e.getMessage(), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);