use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.DataLayout in project robovm by robovm.
the class BridgeMethodCompiler method doCompile.
protected Function doCompile(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, SootMethod method) {
AnnotationTag bridgeAnnotation = getAnnotation(method, BRIDGE);
boolean dynamic = readBooleanElem(bridgeAnnotation, "dynamic", false);
boolean optional = readBooleanElem(bridgeAnnotation, "optional", false);
boolean useCWrapper = requiresCWrapper(method);
Function fn = createMethodFunction(method);
Type[] parameterTypes = fn.getType().getParameterTypes();
String[] parameterNames = fn.getParameterNames();
ArrayList<Argument> args = new ArrayList<Argument>();
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
args.add(new Argument(new VariableRef(parameterNames[i], parameterTypes[i])));
VariableRef env = fn.getParameterRef(0);
// Load the address of the resolved @Bridge method
Variable targetFn = fn.newVariable(I8_PTR);
if (!dynamic) {
Global targetFnPtr = new Global(Symbols.bridgePtrSymbol(method), _private, new NullConstant(I8_PTR));
fn.add(new Load(targetFn, targetFnPtr.ref()));
Label nullLabel = new Label();
Label notNullLabel = new Label();
Variable nullCheck = fn.newVariable(I1);
fn.add(new Icmp(nullCheck, Condition.eq, targetFn.ref(), new NullConstant(I8_PTR)));
fn.add(new Br(nullCheck.ref(), fn.newBasicBlockRef(nullLabel), fn.newBasicBlockRef(notNullLabel)));
call(fn, optional ? BC_THROW_UNSATISIFED_LINK_ERROR_OPTIONAL_BRIDGE_NOT_BOUND : BC_THROW_UNSATISIFED_LINK_ERROR_BRIDGE_NOT_BOUND, env, moduleBuilder.getString(className), moduleBuilder.getString(method.getName()), moduleBuilder.getString(getDescriptor(method)));
fn.add(new Unreachable());
} else {
// Dynamic @Bridge methods pass the target function pointer as a
// long in the first parameter.
fn.add(new Inttoptr(targetFn, fn.getParameterRef(1), targetFn.getType()));
// Marshal args
// Remove Env* from args
// Save the Object->handle mapping for each marshaled object. We need it
// after the native call to call updateObject() on the marshaler for
// each value. Since the LLVM variables that store these values are used
// after the native call we get the nice side effect that neither the
// Java objects nor the handles can be garbage collected while we're in
// native code.
List<MarshaledArg> marshaledArgs = new ArrayList<MarshaledArg>();
FunctionType targetFnType = getBridgeFunctionType(method, dynamic, false);
Type[] targetParameterTypes = targetFnType.getParameterTypes();
if (!method.isStatic()) {
MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, MarshalSite.RECEIVER));
MarshaledArg marshaledArg = new MarshaledArg();
marshaledArg.paramIndex = MarshalSite.RECEIVER;
Type nativeType = targetParameterTypes[0];
Value nativeValue = marshalObjectToNative(fn, marshalerMethod, marshaledArg, useCWrapper ? I8_PTR : nativeType, env, args.get(0).getValue(), MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE);
args.set(0, new Argument(nativeValue));
for (int i = 0, argIdx = 0; i < method.getParameterCount(); i++) {
if (dynamic && i == 0) {
// Skip the target function pointer for dynamic bridge methods.
if (!method.isStatic() && argIdx == 0) {
// Skip the receiver in args. It doesn't correspond to a parameter.
soot.Type type = method.getParameterType(i);
if (needsMarshaler(type)) {
MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, i));
// The return type of the marshaler's toNative() method is derived from the target function type.
Type nativeType = targetParameterTypes[argIdx];
if (nativeType instanceof PrimitiveType) {
Value nativeValue = marshalValueObjectToNative(fn, marshalerMethod, nativeType, env, args.get(argIdx).getValue(), MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE);
args.set(argIdx, new Argument(nativeValue));
} else {
ParameterAttribute[] parameterAttributes = new ParameterAttribute[0];
if (isPassByValue(method, i) || isStructRet(method, i)) {
// The parameter must not be null. We assume that Structs
// never have a NULL handle so we just check that the Java
// Object isn't null.
call(fn, CHECK_NULL, env, args.get(argIdx).getValue());
MarshaledArg marshaledArg = new MarshaledArg();
marshaledArg.paramIndex = i;
Value nativeValue = marshalObjectToNative(fn, marshalerMethod, marshaledArg, useCWrapper ? I8_PTR : nativeType, env, args.get(argIdx).getValue(), MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE);
args.set(argIdx, new Argument(nativeValue, parameterAttributes));
} else {
args.set(argIdx, new Argument(marshalPrimitiveToNative(fn, method, i, args.get(argIdx).getValue())));
Variable structResult = null;
Value targetFnRef = null;
if (useCWrapper) {
args.add(0, new Argument(targetFn.ref()));
if (targetFnType.getReturnType() instanceof StructureType) {
// Allocate space on the stack big enough to hold the returned struct
Variable tmp = fn.newVariable(new PointerType(targetFnType.getReturnType()));
fn.add(new Alloca(tmp, targetFnType.getReturnType()));
structResult = fn.newVariable(I8_PTR);
fn.add(new Bitcast(structResult, tmp.ref(), I8_PTR));
args.add(1, new Argument(structResult.ref()));
String wrapperName = Symbols.bridgeCSymbol(method);
FunctionType wrapperFnType = getBridgeFunctionType(method, dynamic, true);
getCWrapperFunctions().add(createBridgeCWrapper(targetFnType.getReturnType(), targetFnType.getParameterTypes(), wrapperFnType.getParameterTypes(), wrapperName));
FunctionRef wrapperFnRef = getBridgeCWrapperRef(targetFnType, wrapperName);
moduleBuilder.addFunctionDeclaration(new FunctionDeclaration(wrapperFnRef));
targetFnRef = wrapperFnRef;
} else {
Variable tmp = fn.newVariable(targetFnType);
fn.add(new Bitcast(tmp, targetFn.ref(), targetFnType));
targetFnRef = tmp.ref();
// Execute the call to native code
BasicBlockRef bbSuccess = fn.newBasicBlockRef(new Label("success"));
BasicBlockRef bbFailure = fn.newBasicBlockRef(new Label("failure"));
trycatchAllEnter(fn, env, bbSuccess, bbFailure);
Value result = callWithArguments(fn, targetFnRef, args);
trycatchLeave(fn, env);
updateObject(method, fn, env, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE, marshaledArgs);
// Marshal the return value
if (needsMarshaler(method.getReturnType())) {
MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method));
String targetClassName = getInternalName(method.getReturnType());
if (structResult != null) {
// Copy to the heap.
DataLayout dataLayout = config.getDataLayout();
Value heapCopy = call(fn, BC_COPY_STRUCT, env, structResult.ref(), new IntegerConstant(dataLayout.getAllocSize(targetFnType.getReturnType())));
result = marshalNativeToObject(fn, marshalerMethod, null, env, targetClassName, heapCopy, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE);
} else if (targetFnType.getReturnType() instanceof PrimitiveType) {
result = marshalNativeToValueObject(fn, marshalerMethod, env, targetClassName, result, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE);
} else {
result = marshalNativeToObject(fn, marshalerMethod, null, env, targetClassName, result, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE);
} else {
result = marshalNativeToPrimitive(fn, method, result);
fn.add(new Ret(result));
trycatchLeave(fn, env);
Value ex = call(fn, BC_EXCEPTION_CLEAR, env);
// Call Marshaler.updateObject() for each object that was marshaled before
// the call.
updateObject(method, fn, env, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_BRIDGE, marshaledArgs);
call(fn, BC_THROW, env, ex);
fn.add(new Unreachable());
return fn;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.DataLayout in project robovm by robovm.
the class CallbackMethodCompiler method compileCallback.
private Function compileCallback(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, SootMethod method) {
Function callbackFn = null;
FunctionType nativeFnType = null;
boolean useCWrapper = requiresCWrapper(method);
if (useCWrapper) {
// The C wrapper is the function which is called by native code. It
// handles structs passed/returned by value. It calls an LLVM function
// which has the same signature but all structs passed/returned by value
// replaced by pointers (i8*).
FunctionRef callbackCWrapperRef = getCallbackCWrapperRef(method, Symbols.callbackCSymbol(method));
getCWrapperFunctions().add(createCallbackCWrapper(callbackCWrapperRef.getType(), callbackCWrapperRef.getName(), Symbols.callbackInnerCSymbol(method)));
moduleBuilder.addFunctionDeclaration(new FunctionDeclaration(callbackCWrapperRef));
Type callbackRetType = callbackCWrapperRef.getType().getReturnType() instanceof StructureType ? I8_PTR : callbackCWrapperRef.getType().getReturnType();
Type[] callbackParamTypes = new Type[callbackCWrapperRef.getType().getParameterTypes().length];
for (int i = 0; i < callbackParamTypes.length; i++) {
Type t = callbackCWrapperRef.getType().getParameterTypes()[i];
if (t instanceof StructureType) {
t = I8_PTR;
callbackParamTypes[i] = t;
moduleBuilder.addAlias(new Alias(Symbols.callbackPtrSymbol(method), Linkage._private, new ConstantBitcast(callbackCWrapperRef, I8_PTR)));
callbackFn = new FunctionBuilder(Symbols.callbackInnerCSymbol(method), new FunctionType(callbackRetType, callbackParamTypes)).build();
nativeFnType = callbackCWrapperRef.getType();
} else {
FunctionType callbackFnType = getCallbackFunctionType(method, false);
callbackFn = FunctionBuilder.callback(method, callbackFnType);
moduleBuilder.addAlias(new Alias(Symbols.callbackPtrSymbol(method), Linkage._private, new ConstantBitcast(callbackFn.ref(), I8_PTR)));
nativeFnType = callbackFnType;
String targetName = method.isSynchronized() ? Symbols.synchronizedWrapperSymbol(method) : Symbols.methodSymbol(method);
FunctionRef targetFn = new FunctionRef(targetName, getFunctionType(method));
// Increase the attach count for the current thread (attaches the thread
// if not attached)
Value env = call(callbackFn, BC_ATTACH_THREAD_FROM_CALLBACK);
BasicBlockRef bbSuccess = callbackFn.newBasicBlockRef(new Label("success"));
BasicBlockRef bbFailure = callbackFn.newBasicBlockRef(new Label("failure"));
pushCallbackFrame(callbackFn, env);
trycatchAllEnter(callbackFn, env, bbSuccess, bbFailure);
List<MarshaledArg> marshaledArgs = new ArrayList<MarshaledArg>();
ArrayList<Value> args = new ArrayList<Value>();
if (!method.isStatic()) {
MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, MarshalSite.RECEIVER));
MarshaledArg marshaledArg = new MarshaledArg();
marshaledArg.paramIndex = MarshalSite.RECEIVER;
Value arg = callbackFn.getParameterRef(0);
String targetClassName = getInternalName(method.getDeclaringClass());
arg = marshalNativeToObject(callbackFn, marshalerMethod, marshaledArg, env, targetClassName, arg, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK);
for (int i = 0, argIdx = 0; i < method.getParameterCount(); i++, argIdx++) {
if (!method.isStatic() && argIdx == 0) {
Value arg = callbackFn.getParameterRef(argIdx);
soot.Type type = method.getParameterType(i);
if (needsMarshaler(type)) {
MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method, i));
String targetClassName = getInternalName(type);
if (arg.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType) {
arg = marshalNativeToValueObject(callbackFn, marshalerMethod, env, targetClassName, arg, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK);
} else {
MarshaledArg marshaledArg = new MarshaledArg();
marshaledArg.paramIndex = i;
Type nativeType = nativeFnType.getParameterTypes()[argIdx];
if (nativeType instanceof StructureType) {
// Struct passed by value on the stack. Make a heap copy of the data and marshal that.
DataLayout dataLayout = config.getDataLayout();
Value heapCopy = call(callbackFn, BC_COPY_STRUCT, env, arg, new IntegerConstant(dataLayout.getAllocSize(nativeType)));
arg = marshalNativeToObject(callbackFn, marshalerMethod, marshaledArg, env, targetClassName, heapCopy, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK);
} else {
arg = marshalNativeToObject(callbackFn, marshalerMethod, marshaledArg, env, targetClassName, arg, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK);
} else {
arg = marshalNativeToPrimitive(callbackFn, method, i, arg);
Value result = call(callbackFn, targetFn, args);
// Call Marshaler.updateNative() for each object that was marshaled before
// the call.
updateNative(method, callbackFn, env, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK, marshaledArgs);
// Marshal the returned value to a native value before returning
if (needsMarshaler(method.getReturnType())) {
MarshalerMethod marshalerMethod = config.getMarshalerLookup().findMarshalerMethod(new MarshalSite(method));
Type nativeType = callbackFn.getType().getReturnType();
if (nativeType instanceof PrimitiveType) {
result = marshalValueObjectToNative(callbackFn, marshalerMethod, nativeType, env, result, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK);
} else {
result = marshalObjectToNative(callbackFn, marshalerMethod, null, nativeType, env, result, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK);
} else {
result = marshalPrimitiveToNative(callbackFn, method, result);
trycatchLeave(callbackFn, env);
popCallbackFrame(callbackFn, env);
call(callbackFn, BC_DETACH_THREAD_FROM_CALLBACK, env);
callbackFn.add(new Ret(result));
trycatchLeave(callbackFn, env);
popCallbackFrame(callbackFn, env);
Value ex = call(callbackFn, BC_EXCEPTION_CLEAR, env);
// Call Marshaler.updateNative() for each object that was marshaled before
// the call.
updateNative(method, callbackFn, env, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_CALLBACK, marshaledArgs);
call(callbackFn, BC_DETACH_THREAD_FROM_CALLBACK, env);
call(callbackFn, BC_THROW, env, ex);
callbackFn.add(new Unreachable());
return callbackFn;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.DataLayout in project robovm by robovm.
the class Config method build.
private Config build() throws IOException {
// Create a clone of this Config before we have done anything with it so
// that builder() has a fresh Config it can use.
this.configBeforeBuild = clone(this);
if (home == null) {
home = Home.find();
if (bootclasspath == null) {
bootclasspath = new ArrayList<File>();
if (classpath == null) {
classpath = new ArrayList<File>();
if (mainJar != null) {
mainClass = getMainClass(mainJar);
if (executableName == null && imageName != null) {
executableName = imageName;
if (!skipLinking && executableName == null && mainClass == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No target and no main class specified");
if (!skipLinking && classpath.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No classpath specified");
if (skipLinking) {
skipInstall = true;
if (executableName == null) {
executableName = mainClass;
if (imageName == null || !imageName.equals(executableName)) {
imageName = executableName;
List<File> realBootclasspath = bootclasspath == null ? new ArrayList<File>() : bootclasspath;
if (!isSkipRuntimeLib()) {
realBootclasspath = new ArrayList<File>(bootclasspath);
realBootclasspath.add(0, home.rtPath);
this.vtableCache = new VTable.Cache();
this.itableCache = new ITable.Cache();
this.marshalerLookup = new MarshalerLookup(this);
if (!skipInstall) {
if (installDir == null) {
installDir = new File(".", executableName);
if (targetType != null) {
if (ConsoleTarget.TYPE.equals(targetType)) {
target = new ConsoleTarget();
} else if (IOSTarget.TYPE.equals(targetType)) {
target = new IOSTarget();
} else {
for (TargetPlugin plugin : getTargetPlugins()) {
if (plugin.getTarget().getType().equals(targetType)) {
target = plugin.getTarget();
if (target == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported target '" + targetType + "'");
} else {
// Auto
if (os == OS.ios) {
target = new IOSTarget();
} else {
target = new ConsoleTarget();
if (!getArchs().isEmpty()) {
sliceArch = getArchs().get(0);
os = target.getOs();
sliceArch = target.getArch();
dataLayout = new DataLayout(getTriple());
osArchDepLibDir = new File(new File(home.libVmDir, os.toString()), sliceArch.toString());
if (treeShakerMode != null && treeShakerMode != TreeShakerMode.none && os.getFamily() == Family.darwin && sliceArch == Arch.x86) {
logger.warn("Tree shaking is not supported when building " + "for OS X/iOS x86 32-bit due to a bug in Xcode's linker. No tree " + "shaking will be performed. Run in 64-bit mode instead to " + "use tree shaking.");
treeShakerMode = TreeShakerMode.none;
dependencyGraph = new DependencyGraph(getTreeShakerMode());
RamDiskTools ramDiskTools = new RamDiskTools();
ramDiskTools.setupRamDisk(this, this.cacheDir, this.tmpDir);
this.cacheDir = ramDiskTools.getCacheDir();
this.tmpDir = ramDiskTools.getTmpDir();
File osDir = new File(cacheDir, os.toString());
File archDir = new File(osDir, sliceArch.toString());
osArchCacheDir = new File(archDir, debug ? "debug" : "release");
this.clazzes = new Clazzes(this, realBootclasspath, classpath);
return this;