use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Function in project robovm by robovm.
the class ClassCompiler method createLookupFunction.
private void createLookupFunction(SootMethod m) {
Function function = FunctionBuilder.lookup(m, true);
Variable reserved0 = function.newVariable(I8_PTR_PTR);
function.add(new Getelementptr(reserved0, function.getParameterRef(0), 0, 4));
Variable reserved1 = function.newVariable(I8_PTR_PTR);
function.add(new Getelementptr(reserved1, function.getParameterRef(0), 0, 5));
function.add(new Store(getString(m.getName()), reserved0.ref()));
function.add(new Store(getString(getDescriptor(m)), reserved1.ref()));
if (!sootClass.isInterface()) {
int vtableIndex = 0;
try {
VTable vtable = config.getVTableCache().get(sootClass);
vtableIndex = vtable.getEntry(m).getIndex();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// VTable throws this if any of the superclasses of the class is actually an interface.
// Shouldn't happen frequently but the DRLVM test suite has some tests for this.
// Use 0 as vtableIndex since this lookup function will never be called anyway.
Value classPtr = call(function, OBJECT_CLASS, function.getParameterRef(1));
Value vtablePtr = call(function, CLASS_VITABLE, classPtr);
Variable funcPtrPtr = function.newVariable(I8_PTR_PTR);
function.add(new Getelementptr(funcPtrPtr, vtablePtr, 0, 1, vtableIndex));
Variable funcPtr = function.newVariable(I8_PTR);
function.add(new Load(funcPtr, funcPtrPtr.ref()));
Variable f = function.newVariable(function.getType());
function.add(new Bitcast(f, funcPtr.ref(), f.getType()));
Value result = tailcall(function, f.ref(), function.getParameterRefs());
function.add(new Ret(result));
} else {
ITable itable = config.getITableCache().get(sootClass);
ITable.Entry entry = itable.getEntry(m);
List<Value> args = new ArrayList<Value>();
args.add(getInfoStruct(function, sootClass));
args.add(new IntegerConstant(entry.getIndex()));
Value fptr = call(function, BC_LOOKUP_INTERFACE_METHOD_IMPL, args);
Variable f = function.newVariable(function.getType());
function.add(new Bitcast(f, fptr, f.getType()));
Value result = tailcall(function, f.ref(), function.getParameterRefs());
function.add(new Ret(result));
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Function in project robovm by robovm.
the class AbstractMethodCompiler method compile.
public final Function compile(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, SootMethod method) {
sootMethod = method;
trampolines = new HashSet<Trampoline>();
catches = new HashSet<String>();
Function f = doCompile(moduleBuilder, method);
if (method.isSynchronized()) {
compileSynchronizedWrapper(moduleBuilder, method);
return f;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Function in project robovm by robovm.
the class GlobalValueMethodCompiler method doCompile.
protected Function doCompile(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, SootMethod method) {
AnnotationTag globalValueAnnotation = getAnnotation(method, GLOBAL_VALUE);
validateGlobalValueMethod(method, globalValueAnnotation);
boolean optional = readBooleanElem(globalValueAnnotation, "optional", false);
boolean dereference = readBooleanElem(globalValueAnnotation, "dereference", true);
Function fn = createMethodFunction(method);
Type valueType = getStructMemberType(method);
// Load the address of the resolved @GlobalValue method
Variable valuePtr = fn.newVariable(new PointerType(valueType));
Global valuePtrPtr = new Global(Symbols.globalValuePtrSymbol(method), _private, new NullConstant(I8_PTR));
fn.add(new Load(valuePtr, new ConstantBitcast(valuePtrPtr.ref(), new PointerType(valuePtr.getType()))));
Label nullLabel = new Label();
Label notNullLabel = new Label();
Variable nullCheck = fn.newVariable(I1);
fn.add(new Icmp(nullCheck, Condition.eq, valuePtr.ref(), new NullConstant(valuePtr.getType())));
fn.add(new Br(nullCheck.ref(), fn.newBasicBlockRef(nullLabel), fn.newBasicBlockRef(notNullLabel)));
VariableRef env = fn.getParameterRef(0);
call(fn, BC_THROW_UNSATISIFED_LINK_ERROR, env, moduleBuilder.getString(String.format((optional ? "Optional " : "") + "@GlobalValue method %s.%s%s not bound", className, method.getName(), getDescriptor(method))));
fn.add(new Unreachable());
if (method.getParameterCount() == 0) {
// Getter
Value result = loadValueForGetter(method, fn, valueType, valuePtr.ref(), env, dereference, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_GLOBAL_VALUE);
fn.add(new Ret(result));
} else {
// Setter
// 'env' is parameter 0, the value we're interested in is at index 1
Value value = fn.getParameterRef(1);
storeValueForSetter(method, fn, valueType, valuePtr.ref(), env, value, MarshalerFlags.CALL_TYPE_GLOBAL_VALUE);
fn.add(new Ret());
return fn;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Function in project robovm by robovm.
the class NativeMethodCompiler method doCompile.
protected Function doCompile(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, SootMethod method) {
Function fn = createMethodFunction(method);
Value env = fn.getParameterRef(0);
ArrayList<Value> args = new ArrayList<Value>(Arrays.asList(fn.getParameterRefs()));
if (method.isStatic()) {
// Add the current class as second parameter
FunctionRef ldcFn = FunctionBuilder.ldcInternal(sootMethod.getDeclaringClass()).ref();
Value clazz = call(fn, ldcFn, env);
args.add(1, clazz);
FunctionRef targetFn = createNative(moduleBuilder, method);
Value result = call(fn, targetFn, args);
fn.add(new Ret(result));
return fn;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.Function in project robovm by robovm.
the class NativeMethodCompiler method createNative.
private FunctionRef createNative(ModuleBuilder mb, SootMethod method) {
String targetInternalName = getInternalName(method.getDeclaringClass());
String methodName = method.getName();
String methodDesc = getDescriptor(method);
FunctionType nativeFunctionType = Types.getNativeFunctionType(methodDesc, method.isStatic());
String shortName = mangleNativeMethod(targetInternalName, methodName);
String longName = mangleNativeMethod(targetInternalName, methodName, methodDesc);
* To support statically linked native method implementation we create
* weak stub functions with the same names as the expected JNI functions
* (long and short names). These will be discarded by the linker if
* proper functions are available at link time.
* The weak stub with the short JNI name just calls the weak stub with
* the long name.
* The weak stub with the long name calls _bcResolveNative() which will
* try to resolve the native method against dynamically loaded JNI libs.
* If _bcResolveNative() finds a matching symbol in a dynamic lib or an
* implementation has previously been registered using JNI
* RegisterNatives() that will be stored in the native method pointer
* passed to it and returned. The stub will call the implementation
* returned by _bcResolveNative(). If no implementation can be found
* _bcResolveNative() throws an UnsatisfiedLinkError and doesn't return
* to the stub.
* The limitation of this approach is that RegisterNatives() only works
* for dynamically linked native methods and can only be used prior to
* the first call of such a method. Native methods can never be rewired
* or unregistered.
* The function with the long JNI name. This is the one that calls
* _bcResolveNative() and then calls the implementation.
Function fn = new FunctionBuilder(longName, nativeFunctionType).linkage(weak).build();
Global g = new Global(Symbols.nativeMethodPtrSymbol(targetInternalName, methodName, methodDesc), new NullConstant(I8_PTR));
FunctionRef ldcFn = FunctionBuilder.ldcInternal(targetInternalName).ref();
Value theClass = call(fn, ldcFn, fn.getParameterRef(0));
Value implI8Ptr = call(fn, BC_RESOLVE_NATIVE, fn.getParameterRef(0), theClass, mb.getString(methodName), mb.getString(methodDesc), mb.getString(shortName), mb.getString(longName), g.ref());
Variable nullTest = fn.newVariable(I1);
fn.add(new Icmp(nullTest,, implI8Ptr, new NullConstant(I8_PTR)));
Label trueLabel = new Label();
Label falseLabel = new Label();
fn.add(new Br(nullTest.ref(), fn.newBasicBlockRef(trueLabel), fn.newBasicBlockRef(falseLabel)));
if (fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof IntegerType) {
fn.add(new Ret(new IntegerConstant(0, (IntegerType) fn.getType().getReturnType())));
} else if (fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof FloatingPointType) {
fn.add(new Ret(new FloatingPointConstant(0.0, (FloatingPointType) fn.getType().getReturnType())));
} else if (fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof PointerType) {
fn.add(new Ret(new NullConstant((PointerType) fn.getType().getReturnType())));
} else {
fn.add(new Ret());
Variable impl = fn.newVariable(nativeFunctionType);
fn.add(new Bitcast(impl, implI8Ptr, impl.getType()));
Value result = call(fn, impl.ref(), fn.getParameterRefs());
fn.add(new Ret(result));
FunctionRef targetFn = fn.ref();
if (!isLongNativeFunctionNameRequired(method)) {
* Generate a function with the short JNI name. This just calls the
* function with the long name.
Function fnShort = new FunctionBuilder(shortName, nativeFunctionType).linkage(weak).build();
Value resultInner = call(fnShort, fn.ref(), fnShort.getParameterRefs());
fnShort.add(new Ret(resultInner));
targetFn = fnShort.ref();
return targetFn;