use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerType in project robovm by robovm.
the class MethodCompiler method assign.
private void assign(DefinitionStmt stmt) {
* leftOp is either a Local, an ArrayRef or a FieldRef
* rightOp is either a Local, a Ref, or an Expr
soot.Value rightOp = stmt.getRightOp();
Value result;
if (rightOp instanceof Immediate) {
Immediate immediate = (Immediate) rightOp;
result = immediate(stmt, immediate);
} else if (rightOp instanceof ThisRef) {
result = function.getParameterRef(1);
} else if (rightOp instanceof ParameterRef) {
ParameterRef ref = (ParameterRef) rightOp;
int index = (sootMethod.isStatic() ? 1 : 2) + ref.getIndex();
Value p = new VariableRef("p" + index, getType(ref.getType()));
result = widenToI32Value(stmt, p, isUnsigned(ref.getType()));
} else if (rightOp instanceof CaughtExceptionRef) {
result = call(stmt, BC_EXCEPTION_CLEAR, env);
} else if (rightOp instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) rightOp;
VariableRef base = (VariableRef) immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase());
if (ref.getType() instanceof NullType) {
// The base value is always null. Do a null check which will
// always throw NPE.
checkNull(stmt, base);
} else {
Value index = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getIndex());
checkNull(stmt, base);
checkBounds(stmt, base, index);
result = call(stmt, getArrayLoad(ref.getType()), base, index);
result = widenToI32Value(stmt, result, isUnsigned(ref.getType()));
} else if (rightOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) rightOp;
Value base = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase());
checkNull(stmt, base);
FunctionRef fn = null;
if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) {
fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.getterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(getType(ref.getType()), ENV_PTR, OBJECT_PTR));
} else {
soot.Type runtimeType = ref.getBase().getType();
String targetClassName = getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass());
String runtimeClassName = runtimeType == NullType.v() ? targetClassName : getInternalName(runtimeType);
Trampoline trampoline = new GetField(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type()), runtimeClassName);
fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef();
result = call(stmt, fn, env, base);
result = widenToI32Value(stmt, result, isUnsigned(ref.getType()));
} else if (rightOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) rightOp;
FunctionRef fn = config.isDebug() ? null : Intrinsics.getIntrinsic(sootMethod, stmt);
if (fn == null) {
if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) {
fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.getterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(getType(ref.getType()), ENV_PTR));
} else {
String targetClassName = getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass());
Trampoline trampoline = new GetStatic(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type()));
fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef();
result = call(stmt, fn, env);
result = widenToI32Value(stmt, result, isUnsigned(ref.getType()));
} else if (rightOp instanceof Expr) {
if (rightOp instanceof BinopExpr) {
BinopExpr expr = (BinopExpr) rightOp;
Type rightType = getLocalType(expr.getType());
Variable resultVar = function.newVariable(rightType);
result = resultVar.ref();
Value op1 = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getOp1());
Value op2 = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getOp2());
if (rightOp instanceof AddExpr) {
if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) {
function.add(new Add(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Fadd(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof AndExpr) {
function.add(new And(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof CmpExpr) {
Variable t1 = function.newVariable(I1);
Variable t2 = function.newVariable(I1);
Variable t3 = function.newVariable(resultVar.getType());
Variable t4 = function.newVariable(resultVar.getType());
function.add(new Icmp(t1, Condition.slt, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
function.add(new Icmp(t2, Condition.sgt, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
function.add(new Zext(t3, new VariableRef(t1), resultVar.getType())).attach(stmt);
function.add(new Zext(t4, new VariableRef(t2), resultVar.getType())).attach(stmt);
function.add(new Sub(resultVar, new VariableRef(t4), new VariableRef(t3))).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof DivExpr) {
if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) {
FunctionRef f = rightType == I64 ? LDIV : IDIV;
result = call(stmt, f, env, op1, op2);
} else {
// float or double
function.add(new Fdiv(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof MulExpr) {
if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) {
function.add(new Mul(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Fmul(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof OrExpr) {
function.add(new Or(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof RemExpr) {
if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) {
FunctionRef f = rightType == I64 ? LREM : IREM;
result = call(stmt, f, env, op1, op2);
} else {
FunctionRef f = rightType == DOUBLE ? DREM : FREM;
result = call(stmt, f, env, op1, op2);
} else if (rightOp instanceof ShlExpr || rightOp instanceof ShrExpr || rightOp instanceof UshrExpr) {
IntegerType type = (IntegerType) op1.getType();
int bits = type.getBits();
Variable t = function.newVariable(op2.getType());
function.add(new And(t, op2, new IntegerConstant(bits - 1, (IntegerType) op2.getType()))).attach(stmt);
Value shift = t.ref();
if (((IntegerType) shift.getType()).getBits() < bits) {
Variable tmp = function.newVariable(type);
function.add(new Zext(tmp, shift, type)).attach(stmt);
shift = tmp.ref();
if (rightOp instanceof ShlExpr) {
function.add(new Shl(resultVar, op1, shift)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof ShrExpr) {
function.add(new Ashr(resultVar, op1, shift)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Lshr(resultVar, op1, shift)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof SubExpr) {
if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) {
function.add(new Sub(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Fsub(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof XorExpr) {
function.add(new Xor(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof XorExpr) {
function.add(new Xor(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof CmplExpr) {
FunctionRef f = op1.getType() == FLOAT ? FCMPL : DCMPL;
function.add(new Call(resultVar, f, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else if (rightOp instanceof CmpgExpr) {
FunctionRef f = op1.getType() == FLOAT ? FCMPG : DCMPG;
function.add(new Call(resultVar, f, op1, op2)).attach(stmt);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for rightOp: " + rightOp.getClass());
} else if (rightOp instanceof CastExpr) {
Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((CastExpr) rightOp).getOp());
soot.Type sootTargetType = ((CastExpr) rightOp).getCastType();
soot.Type sootSourceType = ((CastExpr) rightOp).getOp().getType();
if (sootTargetType instanceof PrimType) {
Type targetType = getType(sootTargetType);
Type sourceType = getType(sootSourceType);
if (targetType instanceof IntegerType && sourceType instanceof IntegerType) {
// op is at least I32 and has already been widened if source type had fewer bits then I32
IntegerType toType = (IntegerType) targetType;
IntegerType fromType = (IntegerType) op.getType();
Variable v = function.newVariable(toType);
if (fromType.getBits() < toType.getBits()) {
// Widening
if (isUnsigned(sootSourceType)) {
function.add(new Zext(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Sext(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt);
} else if (fromType.getBits() == toType.getBits()) {
function.add(new Bitcast(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt);
} else {
// Narrow
function.add(new Trunc(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt);
result = widenToI32Value(stmt, v.ref(), isUnsigned(sootTargetType));
} else if (targetType instanceof FloatingPointType && sourceType instanceof IntegerType) {
// we always to a signed conversion since if op is char it has already been zero extended to I32
Variable v = function.newVariable(targetType);
function.add(new Sitofp(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt);
result = v.ref();
} else if (targetType instanceof FloatingPointType && sourceType instanceof FloatingPointType) {
Variable v = function.newVariable(targetType);
if (targetType == FLOAT && sourceType == DOUBLE) {
function.add(new Fptrunc(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt);
} else if (targetType == DOUBLE && sourceType == FLOAT) {
function.add(new Fpext(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Bitcast(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt);
result = v.ref();
} else {
// F2I, F2L, D2I, D2L
FunctionRef f = null;
if (targetType == I32 && sourceType == FLOAT) {
f = F2I;
} else if (targetType == I64 && sourceType == FLOAT) {
f = F2L;
} else if (targetType == I32 && sourceType == DOUBLE) {
f = D2I;
} else if (targetType == I64 && sourceType == DOUBLE) {
f = D2L;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Variable v = function.newVariable(targetType);
function.add(new Call(v, f, op)).attach(stmt);
result = v.ref();
} else {
if (sootTargetType instanceof soot.ArrayType && ((soot.ArrayType) sootTargetType).getElementType() instanceof PrimType) {
soot.Type primType = ((soot.ArrayType) sootTargetType).getElementType();
GlobalRef arrayClassPtr = new GlobalRef("array_" + getDescriptor(primType), CLASS_PTR);
Variable arrayClass = function.newVariable(CLASS_PTR);
function.add(new Load(arrayClass, arrayClassPtr)).attach(stmt);
result = call(stmt, CHECKCAST_PRIM_ARRAY, env, arrayClass.ref(), op);
} else {
String targetClassName = getInternalName(sootTargetType);
Trampoline trampoline = new Checkcast(this.className, targetClassName);
result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, op);
} else if (rightOp instanceof InstanceOfExpr) {
Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((InstanceOfExpr) rightOp).getOp());
soot.Type checkType = ((InstanceOfExpr) rightOp).getCheckType();
if (checkType instanceof soot.ArrayType && ((soot.ArrayType) checkType).getElementType() instanceof PrimType) {
soot.Type primType = ((soot.ArrayType) checkType).getElementType();
GlobalRef arrayClassPtr = new GlobalRef("array_" + getDescriptor(primType), CLASS_PTR);
Variable arrayClass = function.newVariable(CLASS_PTR);
function.add(new Load(arrayClass, arrayClassPtr)).attach(stmt);
result = call(stmt, INSTANCEOF_PRIM_ARRAY, env, arrayClass.ref(), op);
} else {
String targetClassName = getInternalName(checkType);
Trampoline trampoline = new Instanceof(this.className, targetClassName);
result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, op);
} else if (rightOp instanceof NewExpr) {
String targetClassName = getInternalName(((NewExpr) rightOp).getBaseType());
FunctionRef fn = null;
if (targetClassName.equals(this.className)) {
fn = FunctionBuilder.allocator(sootMethod.getDeclaringClass()).ref();
} else {
Trampoline trampoline = new New(this.className, targetClassName);
fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef();
result = call(stmt, fn, env);
} else if (rightOp instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
NewArrayExpr expr = (NewArrayExpr) rightOp;
Value size = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getSize());
if (expr.getBaseType() instanceof PrimType) {
result = call(stmt, getNewArray(expr.getBaseType()), env, size);
} else {
String targetClassName = getInternalName(expr.getType());
Trampoline trampoline = new Anewarray(this.className, targetClassName);
result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, size);
} else if (rightOp instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr) {
NewMultiArrayExpr expr = (NewMultiArrayExpr) rightOp;
if (expr.getBaseType().numDimensions == 1 && expr.getBaseType().getElementType() instanceof PrimType) {
Value size = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getSize(0));
result = call(stmt, getNewArray(expr.getBaseType().getElementType()), env, size);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < expr.getSizeCount(); i++) {
Value size = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getSize(i));
Variable ptr = function.newVariable(new PointerType(I32));
function.add(new Getelementptr(ptr, dims.ref(), 0, i)).attach(stmt);
function.add(new Store(size, ptr.ref())).attach(stmt);
Variable dimsI32 = function.newVariable(new PointerType(I32));
function.add(new Bitcast(dimsI32, dims.ref(), dimsI32.getType())).attach(stmt);
String targetClassName = getInternalName(expr.getType());
Trampoline trampoline = new Multianewarray(this.className, targetClassName);
result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, new IntegerConstant(expr.getSizeCount()), dimsI32.ref());
} else if (rightOp instanceof InvokeExpr) {
result = invokeExpr(stmt, (InvokeExpr) rightOp);
} else if (rightOp instanceof LengthExpr) {
Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((LengthExpr) rightOp).getOp());
checkNull(stmt, op);
Variable v = function.newVariable(I32);
function.add(new Call(v, ARRAY_LENGTH, op)).attach(stmt);
result = v.ref();
} else if (rightOp instanceof NegExpr) {
NegExpr expr = (NegExpr) rightOp;
Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getOp());
Type rightType = op.getType();
Variable v = function.newVariable(op.getType());
if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) {
function.add(new Sub(v, new IntegerConstant(0, (IntegerType) rightType), op)).attach(stmt);
} else {
function.add(new Fmul(v, new FloatingPointConstant(-1.0, (FloatingPointType) rightType), op)).attach(stmt);
result = v.ref();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for rightOp: " + rightOp.getClass());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for rightOp: " + rightOp.getClass());
soot.Value leftOp = stmt.getLeftOp();
if (leftOp instanceof Local) {
Local local = (Local) leftOp;
VariableRef v = new VariableRef(local.getName(), new PointerType(getLocalType(leftOp.getType())));
function.add(new Store(result, v, !sootMethod.getActiveBody().getTraps().isEmpty())).attach(stmt);
} else {
Type leftType = getType(leftOp.getType());
Value narrowedResult = narrowFromI32Value(stmt, leftType, result);
if (leftOp instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) leftOp;
VariableRef base = (VariableRef) immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase());
Value index = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getIndex());
checkNull(stmt, base);
checkBounds(stmt, base, index);
if (leftOp.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) {
call(stmt, BC_SET_OBJECT_ARRAY_ELEMENT, env, base, index, narrowedResult);
} else {
call(stmt, getArrayStore(leftOp.getType()), base, index, narrowedResult);
} else if (leftOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) leftOp;
Value base = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase());
checkNull(stmt, base);
FunctionRef fn = null;
if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) {
fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.setterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(VOID, ENV_PTR, OBJECT_PTR, getType(ref.getType())));
} else {
soot.Type runtimeType = ref.getBase().getType();
String targetClassName = getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass());
String runtimeClassName = runtimeType == NullType.v() ? targetClassName : getInternalName(runtimeType);
Trampoline trampoline = new PutField(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type()), runtimeClassName);
fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef();
call(stmt, fn, env, base, narrowedResult);
} else if (leftOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) leftOp;
FunctionRef fn = null;
if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) {
fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.setterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(VOID, ENV_PTR, getType(ref.getType())));
} else {
String targetClassName = getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass());
Trampoline trampoline = new PutStatic(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type()));
fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef();
call(stmt, fn, env, narrowedResult);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for leftOp: " + leftOp.getClass());
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerType in project robovm by robovm.
the class MethodCompiler method narrowFromI32Value.
private Value narrowFromI32Value(Unit unit, Type type, Value value) {
if (value.getType() == I32 && ((IntegerType) type).getBits() < 32) {
Variable t = function.newVariable(type);
function.add(new Trunc(t, value, type)).attach(unit);
value = t.ref();
return value;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerType in project robovm by robovm.
the class NativeMethodCompiler method createNative.
private FunctionRef createNative(ModuleBuilder mb, SootMethod method) {
String targetInternalName = getInternalName(method.getDeclaringClass());
String methodName = method.getName();
String methodDesc = getDescriptor(method);
FunctionType nativeFunctionType = Types.getNativeFunctionType(methodDesc, method.isStatic());
String shortName = mangleNativeMethod(targetInternalName, methodName);
String longName = mangleNativeMethod(targetInternalName, methodName, methodDesc);
* To support statically linked native method implementation we create
* weak stub functions with the same names as the expected JNI functions
* (long and short names). These will be discarded by the linker if
* proper functions are available at link time.
* The weak stub with the short JNI name just calls the weak stub with
* the long name.
* The weak stub with the long name calls _bcResolveNative() which will
* try to resolve the native method against dynamically loaded JNI libs.
* If _bcResolveNative() finds a matching symbol in a dynamic lib or an
* implementation has previously been registered using JNI
* RegisterNatives() that will be stored in the native method pointer
* passed to it and returned. The stub will call the implementation
* returned by _bcResolveNative(). If no implementation can be found
* _bcResolveNative() throws an UnsatisfiedLinkError and doesn't return
* to the stub.
* The limitation of this approach is that RegisterNatives() only works
* for dynamically linked native methods and can only be used prior to
* the first call of such a method. Native methods can never be rewired
* or unregistered.
* The function with the long JNI name. This is the one that calls
* _bcResolveNative() and then calls the implementation.
Function fn = new FunctionBuilder(longName, nativeFunctionType).linkage(weak).build();
Global g = new Global(Symbols.nativeMethodPtrSymbol(targetInternalName, methodName, methodDesc), new NullConstant(I8_PTR));
FunctionRef ldcFn = FunctionBuilder.ldcInternal(targetInternalName).ref();
Value theClass = call(fn, ldcFn, fn.getParameterRef(0));
Value implI8Ptr = call(fn, BC_RESOLVE_NATIVE, fn.getParameterRef(0), theClass, mb.getString(methodName), mb.getString(methodDesc), mb.getString(shortName), mb.getString(longName), g.ref());
Variable nullTest = fn.newVariable(I1);
fn.add(new Icmp(nullTest,, implI8Ptr, new NullConstant(I8_PTR)));
Label trueLabel = new Label();
Label falseLabel = new Label();
fn.add(new Br(nullTest.ref(), fn.newBasicBlockRef(trueLabel), fn.newBasicBlockRef(falseLabel)));
if (fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof IntegerType) {
fn.add(new Ret(new IntegerConstant(0, (IntegerType) fn.getType().getReturnType())));
} else if (fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof FloatingPointType) {
fn.add(new Ret(new FloatingPointConstant(0.0, (FloatingPointType) fn.getType().getReturnType())));
} else if (fn.getType().getReturnType() instanceof PointerType) {
fn.add(new Ret(new NullConstant((PointerType) fn.getType().getReturnType())));
} else {
fn.add(new Ret());
Variable impl = fn.newVariable(nativeFunctionType);
fn.add(new Bitcast(impl, implI8Ptr, impl.getType()));
Value result = call(fn, impl.ref(), fn.getParameterRefs());
fn.add(new Ret(result));
FunctionRef targetFn = fn.ref();
if (!isLongNativeFunctionNameRequired(method)) {
* Generate a function with the short JNI name. This just calls the
* function with the long name.
Function fnShort = new FunctionBuilder(shortName, nativeFunctionType).linkage(weak).build();
Value resultInner = call(fnShort, fn.ref(), fnShort.getParameterRefs());
fnShort.add(new Ret(resultInner));
targetFn = fnShort.ref();
return targetFn;
use of org.robovm.compiler.llvm.IntegerType in project robovm by robovm.
the class MethodCompiler method initializeClassFields.
private void initializeClassFields() {
for (SootField field : sootMethod.getDeclaringClass().getFields()) {
if (!field.isStatic()) {
for (Tag tag : field.getTags()) {
Value value = null;
if (tag instanceof DoubleConstantValueTag) {
DoubleConstantValueTag dtag = (DoubleConstantValueTag) tag;
value = new FloatingPointConstant(dtag.getDoubleValue());
} else if (tag instanceof FloatConstantValueTag) {
FloatConstantValueTag ftag = (FloatConstantValueTag) tag;
value = new FloatingPointConstant(ftag.getFloatValue());
} else if (tag instanceof IntegerConstantValueTag) {
IntegerConstantValueTag itag = (IntegerConstantValueTag) tag;
value = new IntegerConstant(itag.getIntValue());
IntegerType type = (IntegerType) getType(field.getType());
if (type.getBits() < 32) {
value = new ConstantTrunc((Constant) value, type);
} else if (tag instanceof LongConstantValueTag) {
LongConstantValueTag ltag = (LongConstantValueTag) tag;
value = new IntegerConstant(ltag.getLongValue());
} else if (tag instanceof StringConstantValueTag) {
String s = ((StringConstantValueTag) tag).getStringValue();
value = call(ldcString(s), env);
if (value != null) {
FunctionRef fn = FunctionBuilder.setter(field).ref();
call(fn, env, value);