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Example 1 with Plugin

use of org.robovm.compiler.plugin.Plugin in project robovm by robovm.

the class AppCompiler method printUsageAndExit.

private static void printUsageAndExit(String errorMessage, List<Plugin> plugins) {
    if (errorMessage != null) {
        System.err.format("robovm: %s\n", errorMessage);
    List<String> targets = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Plugin plugin : plugins) {
        if (plugin instanceof TargetPlugin) {
            targets.add(((TargetPlugin) plugin).getTarget().getType());
    // @formatter:off 
    System.err.println("Usage: robovm [-options] class [run-args]");
    System.err.println("   or  robovm [-options] -jar jarfile [run-args]");
    System.err.println("  -bootclasspath <list> ");
    System.err.println("  -bootcp <list>        ");
    System.err.println("  -bcp <list>           : separated list of directories, JAR archives, and ZIP \n" + "                        archives to search for class files. Used to locate the \n" + "                        java.* and javax.* classes. Default is \n" + "                        <robovm-home>/lib/robovm-rt.jar.");
    System.err.println("  -cp <list>            ");
    System.err.println("  -classpath <list>     : separated list of directories, JAR archives, and ZIP \n" + "                        archives to search for class files.");
    System.err.println("  -cache <dir>          Directory where cached compiled class files will be placed.\n" + "                        Default is ~/.robovm/cache");
    System.err.println("  -clean                Compile class files even if a compiled version already \n" + "                        exists in the cache.");
    System.err.println("  -d <dir>              Install the generated executable and other files in <dir>.\n" + "                        Default is <wd>/<executableName>. Ignored if -run is specified.");
    System.err.println("  -cc <path>            Path to the c compiler binary. gcc and clang are supported.");
    System.err.println("  -home <dir>           Directory where RoboVM runtime has been installed.\n" + "                        Default is $ROBOVM_HOME. If not set the following paths\n" + "                        will be searched: ~/Applications/robovm/, ~/.robovm/home/,\n" + "                        /usr/local/lib/robovm/, /opt/robovm/, /usr/lib/robovm/.");
    System.err.println("  -tmp <dir>            Directory where temporary files will be placed during\n" + "                        compilation. By default a new dir will be created under\n" + "                        ${}.");
    System.err.println("  -jar <path>           Use main class as specified by the manifest in this JAR \n" + "                        archive.");
    System.err.println("  -o <name>             The name of the target binary");
    System.err.println("  -os <name>            The name of the OS to build for. Allowed values are \n" + "                        'auto', 'linux', 'macosx' and 'ios'. Default is 'auto' which\n" + "                        means use the LLVM deafult.");
    System.err.println("  -arch <name>          The name of the LLVM arch to compile for. Allowed values\n" + "                        are 'auto', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'thumbv7', 'arm64'. Default is\n" + "                        'auto' which means use the LLVM default.");
    System.err.println("  -archs <list>         : separated list of archs. Used to build a fat binary which\n" + "                        includes all the specified archs. Allowed values\n" + "                        are 'x86', 'x86_64', 'thumbv7', 'arm64'.");
    System.err.println("  -cpu <name>           The name of the LLVM cpu to compile for. The LLVM default\n" + "                        is used if not specified. Use llc to determine allowed values.");
    System.err.println("  -target <name>        The target to build for. One of:\n" + "                          'auto', '" + StringUtils.join(targets, "', '") + "'\n" + "                        The default is 'auto' which means use -os to decide.");
    System.err.println("  -forcelinkclasses <list>\n" + "                        : separated list of class patterns matching\n" + "                        classes that must be linked in even if not referenced\n" + "                        (directly or indirectly) from the main class. If no main\n" + "                        class is specified all classes will be linked in unless this\n" + "                        option has been given. A pattern is an ANT style path pattern,\n" + "                        e.g.**.bar.*.Main. An alternative syntax using # is\n" + "                        also supported, e.g. com.##.#.Main.");
    System.err.println("  -treeshaker <mode>    The tree shaking algorithm to use. 'none', 'conservative' or\n" + "                        'aggressive'. 'aggressive' will remove all unreachable method\n" + "                        implementations when it's safe to do so. 'conservative' only\n" + "                        removes unreachable methods marked as @WeaklyLinked. Methods\n" + "                        in the main class and in force linked classes will never be\n" + "                        stripped. Default is 'none'.");
    System.err.println("  -threads <n>          The number of threads to use during class compilation. By\n" + "                        default the number returned by Runtime.availableProcessors()\n" + "                        will be used (" + Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + " on this host).");
    System.err.println("  -run                  Run the executable directly without installing it (-d is\n" + "                        ignored). The executable will be executed from the\n" + "                        temporary dir specified with -tmp.");
    System.err.println("  -archive              Archives the binary along with resources and supporting\n" + "                        files in a format suitable for distribution (e.g. an IPA\n" + "                        file for iOS apps). The archive will be created in the\n" + "                        install dir specified using -d.");
    System.err.println("  -debug                Generates debug information");
    System.err.println("  -use-debug-libs       Links against debug versions of the RoboVM VM libraries");
    System.err.println("  -libs <list>          : separated list of static library files (.a), object\n" + "                        files (.o) and system libraries that should be included\n" + "                        when linking the final executable.");
    System.err.println("  -exportedsymbols <list>\n" + "                        : separated list of symbols that should be exported\n" + "                        when linking the executable. This can be used when\n" + "                        linking in function which will be called using bro.\n" + "                        Wildcards can be used. * matches zero or more characters,\n" + "                        ? matches one character. [abc], [a-z] matches one character\n" + "                        from the specified set of characters.");
    System.err.println("  -unhidesymbols <list>\n" + "                        : separated list of global hidden symbols in linked in static\n" + "                        libraries or frameworks that should be unhidden to be\n" + "                        accessible to bro @Bridge methods. Wildcards are not\n" + "                        supported. Unhidden symbols will always be exported.");
    System.err.println("  -frameworks <list>    : separated list of frameworks that should be included\n" + "                        when linking the final executable.");
    System.err.println("  -weakframeworks <list>\n" + "                        : separated list of frameworks that should be weakly linked\n" + "                        into the final executable.");
    System.err.println("  -frameworkpaths <list>\n" + "                        : separated list of framework search paths used when searching\n" + "                        for custom frameworks.");
    System.err.println("  -resources <list>     : separated list of files and directories that should be\n" + "                        copied to the install dir. Accepts Ant-style patterns.\n" + "                        If a pattern is specified the longest non-pattern path before\n" + "                        the first wildcard will be used as base directory and will\n" + "                        not be recreated in the install dir.");
    System.err.println("  -cacerts <value>      Use the specified cacerts file. Allowed value are 'none',\n" + "                        'full'. Default is 'full' but no cacerts will be included\n" + "                        unless the code actually needs them.");
    System.err.println("  -skiprt               Do not add default robovm-rt.jar to bootclasspath");
    System.err.println("  -config <file>        Reads the specified configuration XML file. Values set in\n" + "                        the file will override values set earlier in the command\n" + "                        line. Later options will override values set in the XML file.\n" + "                        Can be specified multiple times to read multiple config files.");
    System.err.println("  -dumpconfig <file>    Dumps a configuration XML file to the specified file. Specify\n" + "                        '-' to dump the config to stdout.");
    System.err.println("  -properties <file>    Reads a Java properties file which will be used when resolving\n" + "                        variables (enclosed in ${...}) in config XML files and\n" + "                        Info.plist files. Can be specified multiple times.");
    System.err.println("  -Pname=value          Sets a property value. See the -properties option.");
    System.err.println("  -verbose              Output messages about what the compiler is doing");
    System.err.println("  -version              Print the version of the compiler and exit");
    System.err.println("  -help, -?             Display this information");
    System.err.println("Target specific options:");
    System.err.println("  -createipa            (iOS) Create a .IPA file from the app bundle and place it in\n" + "                        the install dir specified with -d. Alias for -archive.");
    System.err.println("  -ipaarchs             (iOS) : separated list of architectures to include in the IPA.\n" + "                        Either thumbv7 or arm64 or both. Alias for -archs.");
    System.err.println("  -plist <file>         (iOS/OSX) Info.plist file to be used by the app. If not specified\n" + "                        a simple Info.plist will be generated with a CFBundleIdentifier\n" + "                        based on the main class name or executable file name.");
    System.err.println("  -entitlements <file>  (iOS) Property list (.plist) file containing entitlements\n" + "                        passed to codesign when signing the app.");
    System.err.println("  -resourcerules <file> (iOS) Property list (.plist) file containing resource rules\n" + "                        passed to codesign when signing the app.");
    System.err.println("  -signidentity <id>    (iOS) Sign using this identity. Default is to look for an\n" + "                        identity starting with 'iPhone Developer' or 'iOS Development'.\n" + "                        Enclose in '/' to search by regexp, e.g. '/foo|bar/'");
    System.err.println("  -skipsign             (iOS) Skips signing of the compiled Application. Can be used\n" + "                        to create unsigned packages for testing on a jailbroken device.");
    System.err.println("  -provisioningprofile <file>\n" + "                        (iOS) Provisioning profile to use when building for a device.\n" + "                        Either a UUID, an app name or app id prefix. If not specified\n" + "                        a provisioning profile matching the signing identity and bundle\n" + "                        id from the Info.plist file will be used.");
    System.err.println("  -sdk <version>        (iOS) Version number of the iOS SDK to build against. If not\n" + "                        specified the latest SDK that can be found will be used.");
    System.err.println("iOS simulator launch options:");
    System.err.println("  -printdevicetypes     The device type ids that can be used to launch a specific\n" + "                        simulator via the -devicetype flag.");
    System.err.println("  -devicetype <type>    The device type to use to launch the simulator e.g. \"iPhone-6, 8.0\"\n" + "                        (defaults to an iPhone simulator using the latest SDK).");
    if (plugins != null) {
        for (Plugin plugin : plugins) {
            if (plugin.getArguments().getArguments().size() > 0) {
                System.err.println(plugin.getClass().getSimpleName() + " options:");
                for (PluginArgument arg : plugin.getArguments().getArguments()) {
                    String argString = "  -" + plugin.getArguments().getPrefix() + ":" + arg.getName() + (arg.hasValue() ? "=" + arg.getValueName() : "");
                    int whitespace = Math.max(1, 24 - argString.length());
                    System.err.println(argString + repeat(" ", whitespace) + arg.getDescription());
    System.exit(errorMessage != null ? 1 : 0);
// @formatter:on
Also used : TargetPlugin(org.robovm.compiler.plugin.TargetPlugin) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PluginArgument(org.robovm.compiler.plugin.PluginArgument) LaunchPlugin(org.robovm.compiler.plugin.LaunchPlugin) Plugin(org.robovm.compiler.plugin.Plugin) TargetPlugin(org.robovm.compiler.plugin.TargetPlugin)


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 LaunchPlugin (org.robovm.compiler.plugin.LaunchPlugin)1 Plugin (org.robovm.compiler.plugin.Plugin)1 PluginArgument (org.robovm.compiler.plugin.PluginArgument)1 TargetPlugin (org.robovm.compiler.plugin.TargetPlugin)1