use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.ShardingModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class DialectFactory method saveOrUpdateAll.
* @todo 批量保存或修改数据
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param entities
* @param batchSize
* @param forceUpdateProps
* @param reflectPropertyHandler
* @param dataSource
* @param autoCommit
* @throws Exception
public Long saveOrUpdateAll(final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final List<?> entities, final int batchSize, final String[] forceUpdateProps, final ReflectPropertyHandler reflectPropertyHandler, final DataSource dataSource, final Boolean autoCommit) throws Exception {
if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty())
return new Long(0);
try {
SqlExecuteStat.start(entities.get(0).getClass().getName(), "saveOrUpdateAll", null);
List<Long> result = ParallelUtils.execute(sqlToyContext, entities, true, dataSource, new ParallelCallbackHandler() {
public List execute(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, ShardingGroupModel batchModel) throws Exception {
final ShardingModel shardingModel = batchModel.getShardingModel();
Long updateCnt = (Long) DataSourceUtils.processDataSource(sqlToyContext, shardingModel.getDataSource(), new DataSourceCallbackHandler() {
public void doConnection(Connection conn, Integer dbType, String dialect) throws Exception {
this.setResult(getDialectSqlWrapper(dbType).saveOrUpdateAll(sqlToyContext, batchModel.getEntities(), batchSize, reflectPropertyHandler, forceUpdateProps, conn, autoCommit, shardingModel.getTableName()));
List<Long> tmp = new ArrayList();
return tmp;
long updateTotalCnt = 0;
if (result != null) {
for (Long cnt : result) {
updateTotalCnt = updateTotalCnt + cnt.longValue();
return new Long(updateTotalCnt);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.ShardingModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class DialectFactory method saveAll.
* @todo 批量保存
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param entities
* @param batchSize
* @param reflectPropertyHandler
* @param dataSource
* @param autoCommit
* @throws Exception
public Long saveAll(final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final List<?> entities, final int batchSize, final ReflectPropertyHandler reflectPropertyHandler, final DataSource dataSource, final Boolean autoCommit) throws Exception {
if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty())
return new Long(0);
try {
// 分库分表并行执行
List<Long> result = ParallelUtils.execute(sqlToyContext, entities, true, dataSource, new ParallelCallbackHandler() {
public List execute(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, ShardingGroupModel batchModel) throws Exception {
final ShardingModel shardingModel = batchModel.getShardingModel();
Long updateCnt = (Long) DataSourceUtils.processDataSource(sqlToyContext, shardingModel.getDataSource(), new DataSourceCallbackHandler() {
public void doConnection(Connection conn, Integer dbType, String dialect) throws Exception {
this.setResult(getDialectSqlWrapper(dbType).saveAll(sqlToyContext, batchModel.getEntities(), batchSize, reflectPropertyHandler, conn, autoCommit, shardingModel.getTableName()));
List<Long> tmp = new ArrayList();
return tmp;
long updateTotalCnt = 0;
if (result != null) {
for (Long cnt : result) {
updateTotalCnt = updateTotalCnt + cnt.longValue();
return new Long(updateTotalCnt);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.ShardingModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class ShardingUtils method getSharding.
* @todo 单个对象sharding策略处理,适用于load、save、update、delete单对象操作
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param entity
* @param wrapIdValue
* @param dataSource
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static ShardingModel getSharding(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable entity, boolean wrapIdValue, DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {
ShardingModel shardingModel = new ShardingModel();
EntityMeta entityMeta = sqlToyContext.getEntityMeta(entity.getClass());
// 主键值需要提前按照主键策略赋予(sequence 和assign模式的不会实际执行赋值)
if (wrapIdValue)
assignPK(sqlToyContext, entityMeta, entity);
ShardingConfig shardingConfig = entityMeta.getShardingConfig();
if (shardingConfig == null)
return shardingModel;
ShardingStrategy shardingStrategy;
ShardingStrategyConfig strategyConfig;
// 分库策略处理
if (shardingConfig.getShardingDBStrategy() != null) {
strategyConfig = shardingConfig.getShardingDBStrategy();
shardingStrategy = sqlToyContext.getShardingStrategy(strategyConfig.getName());
if (shardingStrategy == null)
throw new Exception("POJO 对象:" + entity.getClass().getName() + " Sharding DB Strategy:" + strategyConfig.getName() + " 未定义,请检查!");
IgnoreCaseLinkedMap<String, Object> valueMap = hashParams(strategyConfig.getAliasNames(), BeanUtil.reflectBeanToAry(entity, strategyConfig.getFields(), null, null));
ShardingDBModel dbModel = shardingStrategy.getShardingDB(sqlToyContext, entity.getClass(), entityMeta.getSchemaTable(), strategyConfig.getDecisionType(), valueMap);
if (dbModel.getDataSource() == null)
// 分表策略
if (shardingConfig.getShardingTableStrategy() != null) {
strategyConfig = shardingConfig.getShardingTableStrategy();
shardingStrategy = sqlToyContext.getShardingStrategy(strategyConfig.getName());
if (shardingStrategy == null)
throw new Exception("POJO 对象:" + entity.getClass().getName() + " Sharding Table Strategy:" + strategyConfig.getName() + " 未定义,请检查!");
IgnoreCaseLinkedMap<String, Object> valueMap = hashParams(strategyConfig.getAliasNames(), BeanUtil.reflectBeanToAry(entity, strategyConfig.getFields(), null, null));
String tableName = shardingStrategy.getShardingTable(sqlToyContext, entity.getClass(), entityMeta.getSchemaTable(), strategyConfig.getDecisionType(), valueMap);
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(tableName))
return shardingModel;
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.ShardingModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class ShardingUtils method groupShardings.
* @todo 批量sharding策略处理
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param entities
* @param entityMeta
* @param dataSource
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static Collection<ShardingGroupModel> groupShardings(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, List<?> entities, EntityMeta entityMeta, DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {
ShardingConfig shardingConfig = entityMeta.getShardingConfig();
ShardingModel shardingModel = null;
// 没有sharding配置,则作为单个分组返回
if (shardingConfig == null) {
Collection<ShardingGroupModel> result = new ArrayList<ShardingGroupModel>();
ShardingGroupModel model = new ShardingGroupModel();
shardingModel = new ShardingModel();
return result;
Class entityClass = entities.get(0).getClass();
String entityTable = entityMeta.getSchemaTable();
// 分库
boolean hasDB = false;
ShardingStrategy dbStrategy = null;
List<Object[]> shardingDBValues = null;
ShardingStrategyConfig dbConfig = shardingConfig.getShardingDBStrategy();
if (dbConfig != null) {
hasDB = true;
dbStrategy = sqlToyContext.getShardingStrategy(dbConfig.getName());
if (dbStrategy == null)
throw new Exception("POJO 对象:" + entityClass.getName() + " Sharding DB Strategy:" + dbConfig.getName() + " 未定义,请检查!");
shardingDBValues = BeanUtil.reflectBeansToInnerAry(entities, dbConfig.getFields(), null, null, false, 0);
// 分表
boolean hasTable = false;
ShardingStrategy tableStrategy = null;
ShardingStrategyConfig tableConfig = shardingConfig.getShardingTableStrategy();
List<Object[]> shardingTableValues = null;
if (tableConfig != null) {
hasTable = true;
tableStrategy = sqlToyContext.getShardingStrategy(tableConfig.getName());
if (tableStrategy == null)
throw new Exception("POJO 对象:" + entityClass.getName() + " Sharding Table Strategy:" + tableConfig.getName() + " 未定义,请检查!");
shardingTableValues = BeanUtil.reflectBeansToInnerAry(entities, tableConfig.getFields(), null, null, false, 0);
Map<String, ShardingGroupModel> shardingGroupMaps = new HashMap<String, ShardingGroupModel>();
IgnoreCaseLinkedMap<String, Object> valueMap;
ShardingDBModel shardingDBModel = null;
// 数据分组key(dataSourceName+tableName)
String dataGroupKey;
String tableName = null;
String dataSourceName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
// 分库
if (hasDB) {
valueMap = hashParams(dbConfig.getAliasNames(), shardingDBValues.get(i));
shardingDBModel = dbStrategy.getShardingDB(sqlToyContext, entityClass, entityTable, dbConfig.getDecisionType(), valueMap);
dataSourceName = shardingDBModel.getDataSourceName();
// 分表
if (hasTable) {
valueMap = hashParams(tableConfig.getAliasNames(), shardingTableValues.get(i));
tableName = tableStrategy.getShardingTable(sqlToyContext, entityClass, entityTable, tableConfig.getDecisionType(), valueMap);
dataGroupKey = dataSourceName + tableName;
// 归并到相同分组
if (shardingGroupMaps.containsKey(dataGroupKey)) {
} else {
// 不同分组
ShardingGroupModel groupModel = new ShardingGroupModel();
// 创建数据分组集合
List items = new ArrayList();
shardingModel = new ShardingModel();
// 分库,设置分组对应的数据库
if (hasDB) {
if (shardingDBModel.getDataSource() == null)
} else
// 分表,设置表名
if (hasTable && StringUtil.isNotBlank(tableName))
shardingGroupMaps.put(dataGroupKey, groupModel);
return shardingGroupMaps.values();
use of org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.ShardingModel in project sagacity-sqltoy by chenrenfei.
the class DialectFactory method saveAllNotExist.
* @todo 批量保存数据,当已经存在的时候忽视掉
* @param sqlToyContext
* @param entities
* @param batchSize
* @param reflectPropertyHandler
* @param dataSource
* @param autoCommit
* @throws Exception
public Long saveAllNotExist(final SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, final List<?> entities, final int batchSize, final ReflectPropertyHandler reflectPropertyHandler, final DataSource dataSource, final Boolean autoCommit) throws Exception {
if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty())
return new Long(0);
try {
SqlExecuteStat.start(entities.get(0).getClass().getName(), "saveAllNotExist", null);
List<Long> result = ParallelUtils.execute(sqlToyContext, entities, true, dataSource, new ParallelCallbackHandler() {
public List execute(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, ShardingGroupModel batchModel) throws Exception {
final ShardingModel shardingModel = batchModel.getShardingModel();
Long updateCnt = (Long) DataSourceUtils.processDataSource(sqlToyContext, shardingModel.getDataSource(), new DataSourceCallbackHandler() {
public void doConnection(Connection conn, Integer dbType, String dialect) throws Exception {
this.setResult(getDialectSqlWrapper(dbType).saveAllIgnoreExist(sqlToyContext, batchModel.getEntities(), batchSize, reflectPropertyHandler, conn, autoCommit, shardingModel.getTableName()));
List<Long> tmp = new ArrayList();
return tmp;
long updateTotalCnt = 0;
if (result != null) {
for (Long cnt : result) {
updateTotalCnt = updateTotalCnt + cnt.longValue();
return new Long(updateTotalCnt);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {