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Example 71 with SBOLValidationException

use of org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLValidationException in project libSBOLj by SynBioDex.

the class GenericTopLevel method copy.

// /**
// * @param newDisplayId
// * @return
// */
// public GenericTopLevel copy(String newDisplayId) {
// GenericTopLevel cloned = (GenericTopLevel) this.deepCopy();
// cloned.updateCompliantURI(newDisplayId);
// return cloned;
// }
// /**
// * Get a deep copy of the object first, and set its major version to the specified value, and minor version to "0".
// * @param newVersion
// * @return the copied {@link ComponentDefinition} instance with the specified major version.
// */
// public GenericTopLevel newVersion(String newVersion) {
// GenericTopLevel cloned = (GenericTopLevel) super.newVersion(newVersion);
// cloned.updateVersion(newVersion);
// return cloned;
// }
/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.sbolstandard.core2.abstract_classes.TopLevel#copy(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
 * @throws SBOLValidationException if an SBOL validation rule violation occurred in
 * any of the following methods:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link #deepCopy()},</li>
 * <li>{@link URIcompliance#createCompliantURI(String, String, String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setDisplayId(String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setVersion(String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setWasDerivedFrom(URI)}, or</li>
 * <li>{@link #setIdentity(URI)}.</li>
 * </ul>
GenericTopLevel copy(String URIprefix, String displayId, String version) throws SBOLValidationException {
    GenericTopLevel cloned = this.deepCopy();
    cloned.setPersistentIdentity(createCompliantURI(URIprefix, displayId, ""));
    URI newIdentity = createCompliantURI(URIprefix, displayId, version);
    if (!this.getIdentity().equals(newIdentity)) {
    } else {
    return cloned;
Also used : URI( URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(org.sbolstandard.core2.URIcompliance.createCompliantURI)

Example 72 with SBOLValidationException

use of org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLValidationException in project libSBOLj by SynBioDex.

the class Module method createMapsTo.

 * Creates a child mapsTo for this module with the given arguments, and then adds it to its list of mapsTos.
 * <p>
 * This method creates compliant local and remote URIs first.
 * The compliant local URI is created with this module's persistent identity URI, followed by
 * the given local module's display ID, followed by this module's version.
 * The compliant remote URI is created following the same pattern.
 * It then calls {@link #createMapsTo(String, RefinementType, URI, URI)} with the given mapsTo's display ID, its refinement type,
 * and the created compliant local and remote functional components' URIs.
 * <p>
 * This method calls {@link ModuleDefinition#createFunctionalComponent(String, AccessType, String, String, DirectionType)}
 * to automatically create a local functional component with the given display ID of referenced local component definition,
 * {@link AccessType#PUBLIC}, an empty version string, and {@link DirectionType#INOUT}, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the associated SBOLDocument instance for this module is not {@code null};</li>
 * <li>if default functional components should be automatically created when not present in the associated SBOLDocument instance,
 * i.e., {@link SBOLDocument#isCreateDefaults} returns {@code true};</li>
 * <li>if this module's parent ModuleDefinition instance exists; and</li>
 * <li>if this module's parent ModuleDefinition instance does not already have a functional component
 * with the created compliant local URI.</li>
 * </ul>
 * This automatically created created functional component has the same display ID as its referenced component definition.
 * @param displayId the display ID of the mapsTo to be created
 * @param refinement the relationship between the local and remote components
 * @param localId the display ID of the local functional component
 * @param remoteId the display ID of the remote functional component
 * @return the created mapsTo
 * @throws SBOLValidationException if any of the following condition is satisfied:
 * <ul>
 * <li>if either of the following SBOL validation rules was violated: 10204, 10206;</li>
 * <li>an SBOL validation exception occurred in {@link ModuleDefinition#createFunctionalComponent(String, AccessType, String, String, DirectionType)}; or</li>
 * <li>an SBOL validation exception occurred in {@link #createMapsTo(String, RefinementType, URI, URI)}.</li>
 * </ul>
public MapsTo createMapsTo(String displayId, RefinementType refinement, String localId, String remoteId) throws SBOLValidationException {
    URI localURI = URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(moduleDefinition.getPersistentIdentity().toString(), localId, moduleDefinition.getVersion());
    if (this.getSBOLDocument() != null && this.getSBOLDocument().isCreateDefaults() && moduleDefinition != null && moduleDefinition.getFunctionalComponent(localURI) == null) {
        moduleDefinition.createFunctionalComponent(localId, AccessType.PUBLIC, localId, "", DirectionType.INOUT);
    URI remoteURI = URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(getDefinition().getPersistentIdentity().toString(), remoteId, getDefinition().getVersion());
    return createMapsTo(displayId, refinement, localURI, remoteURI);
Also used : URI( URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(org.sbolstandard.core2.URIcompliance.createCompliantURI)

Example 73 with SBOLValidationException

use of org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLValidationException in project libSBOLj by SynBioDex.

the class ModuleDefinition method copy.

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	 * org.sbolstandard.core2.abstract_classes.TopLevel#copy(java.lang.String,
	 * java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
 * @throws SBOLValidationException if an SBOL validation rule violation occurred in
 * any one of the following methods:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link #deepCopy()},</li>
 * <li>{@link URIcompliance#createCompliantURI(String, String, String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setDisplayId(String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setVersion(String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setWasDerivedFrom(URI)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #setIdentity(URI)},</li>
 * <li>{@link FunctionalComponent#setDisplayId(String)}</li>
 * <li>{@link FunctionalComponent#updateCompliantURI(String, String, String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #addFunctionalComponent(FunctionalComponent)},</li>
 * <li>{@link Module#setDisplayId(String)}</li>
 * <li>{@link Module#updateCompliantURI(String, String, String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link #addModule(Module)},</li>
 * <li>{@link Interaction#setDisplayId(String)},</li>
 * <li>{@link Interaction#updateCompliantURI(String, String, String)}, or</li>
 * <li>{@link #addInteraction(Interaction)}.</li>
 * </ul>
ModuleDefinition copy(String URIprefix, String displayId, String version) throws SBOLValidationException {
    ModuleDefinition cloned = this.deepCopy();
    cloned.setPersistentIdentity(createCompliantURI(URIprefix, displayId, ""));
    URI newIdentity = createCompliantURI(URIprefix, displayId, version);
    if (!this.getIdentity().equals(newIdentity)) {
    } else {
    int count = 0;
    for (FunctionalComponent component : cloned.getFunctionalComponents()) {
        if (!component.isSetDisplayId())
            component.setDisplayId("functionalComponent" + ++count);
        component.updateCompliantURI(cloned.getPersistentIdentity().toString(), component.getDisplayId(), version);
        cloned.removeChildSafely(component, cloned.functionalComponents);
    count = 0;
    for (Module module : cloned.getModules()) {
        if (!module.isSetDisplayId())
            module.setDisplayId("module" + ++count);
        module.updateCompliantURI(cloned.getPersistentIdentity().toString(), module.getDisplayId(), version);
        cloned.removeChildSafely(module, cloned.modules);
    count = 0;
    for (Interaction interaction : cloned.getInteractions()) {
        if (!interaction.isSetDisplayId())
            interaction.setDisplayId("interaction" + ++count);
        interaction.updateCompliantURI(cloned.getPersistentIdentity().toString(), interaction.getDisplayId(), version);
        cloned.removeChildSafely(interaction, cloned.interactions);
    return cloned;
Also used : URI( URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(org.sbolstandard.core2.URIcompliance.createCompliantURI)

Example 74 with SBOLValidationException

use of org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLValidationException in project libSBOLj by SynBioDex.

the class ModuleDefinition method copy.

void copy(ModuleDefinition moduleDefinition) throws SBOLValidationException {
    ((TopLevel) this).copy((TopLevel) moduleDefinition);
    for (URI role : moduleDefinition.getRoles()) {
    for (FunctionalComponent component : moduleDefinition.getFunctionalComponents()) {
        String displayId = URIcompliance.findDisplayId(component);
        FunctionalComponent newComponent = this.createFunctionalComponent(displayId, component.getAccess(), component.getDefinitionURI(), component.getDirection());
    for (Module subModule : moduleDefinition.getModules()) {
        String displayId = URIcompliance.findDisplayId(subModule);
        Module newModule = this.createModule(displayId, subModule.getDefinitionURI());
    for (Interaction interaction : moduleDefinition.getInteractions()) {
        String displayId = URIcompliance.findDisplayId(interaction);
        Interaction newInteraction = this.createInteraction(displayId, interaction.getTypes());
Also used : URI( URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(org.sbolstandard.core2.URIcompliance.createCompliantURI)

Example 75 with SBOLValidationException

use of org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLValidationException in project libSBOLj by SynBioDex.

the class ModuleDefinition method createInteraction.

 * Creates a child interaction for this module definition with
 * the given arguments, and then adds to this module definition's list of interactions.
 * <p>
 * This method first creates a compliant interaction URI. It starts with this module definition's
 * persistent identity, followed by the given display ID of the interaction to be created, and
 * ends with the version of this module definition.
 * @param displayId the display ID of the interaction to be created
 * @param type the type to be added to the interaction to be created
 * @return the created interaction
 * @throws SBOLValidationException if any of the following SBOL validation rules was violated:
 * 10201, 10202, 10204, 10206, 11902, 12003.
public Interaction createInteraction(String displayId, URI type) throws SBOLValidationException {
    String URIprefix = this.getPersistentIdentity().toString();
    String version = this.getVersion();
    URI newInteractionURI = createCompliantURI(URIprefix, displayId, version);
    HashSet<URI> types = new HashSet<URI>();
    Interaction i = createInteraction(newInteractionURI, types);
    i.setPersistentIdentity(createCompliantURI(URIprefix, displayId, ""));
    return i;
Also used : URI( URIcompliance.createCompliantURI(org.sbolstandard.core2.URIcompliance.createCompliantURI) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


URI ( URIcompliance.createCompliantURI (org.sbolstandard.core2.URIcompliance.createCompliantURI)75 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)36 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)35 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)31 Literal (org.sbolstandard.core.datatree.Literal)30 StringifyQName ( IdentifiableDocument (org.sbolstandard.core.datatree.IdentifiableDocument)17 Test (org.junit.Test)16 NestedDocument (org.sbolstandard.core.datatree.NestedDocument)13 ComponentDefinition (org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentDefinition)9 SBOLDocument (org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument)9 ModuleDefinition (org.sbolstandard.core2.ModuleDefinition)6 Sequence (org.sbolstandard.core2.Sequence)5 Interaction (org.sbolstandard.core2.Interaction)4 GenericTopLevel (org.sbolstandard.core2.GenericTopLevel)3 MapsTo (org.sbolstandard.core2.MapsTo)3 Set (java.util.Set)2 Annotation (org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation)2 GenericLocation (org.sbolstandard.core2.GenericLocation)2