use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.UnableToExecuteStatementException in project killbill by killbill.
the class TestDefaultRolledUpUsageDao method testDuplicateRecords.
@Test(groups = "slow")
public void testDuplicateRecords() {
final UUID subscriptionId = UUID.randomUUID();
final String unitType1 = "foo";
final String unitType2 = "bar";
final LocalDate startDate = new LocalDate(2013, 1, 1);
final LocalDate endDate = new LocalDate(2013, 2, 1);
final Long amount1 = 10L;
final Long amount2 = 5L;
final Long amount3 = 13L;
RolledUpUsageModelDao usage1 = new RolledUpUsageModelDao(subscriptionId, unitType1, startDate, amount1, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
RolledUpUsageModelDao usage2 = new RolledUpUsageModelDao(subscriptionId, unitType1, startDate.plusDays(1), amount2, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
RolledUpUsageModelDao usage3 = new RolledUpUsageModelDao(subscriptionId, unitType2, endDate.minusDays(1), amount3, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
List<RolledUpUsageModelDao> usages = new ArrayList<RolledUpUsageModelDao>();
rolledUpUsageDao.record(usages, internalCallContext);
final List<RolledUpUsageModelDao> result = rolledUpUsageDao.getAllUsageForSubscription(subscriptionId, startDate, endDate, internalCallContext);
assertEquals(result.size(), 3);
try {
rolledUpUsageDao.record(usages, internalCallContext);
fail("duplicate records accepted");
} catch (UnableToExecuteStatementException e) {
assertEquals(result.size(), 3);
use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.UnableToExecuteStatementException in project SONG by overture-stack.
the class UploadService method upload.
public ResponseEntity<String> upload(@NonNull String studyId, @NonNull String payload, boolean isAsyncValidation) {
String analysisType;
String uploadId;
val status = JsonUtils.ObjectNode();
status.put("status", "ok");
try {
val analysisId = JsonUtils.readTree(payload).at("/analysisId").asText();
List<String> ids;
if (isNullOrEmpty(analysisId)) {
// Our business rules say that we always want to create a new record if no analysisId is set,
// even if the rest of the content is duplicated.
ids = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
ids = uploadRepository.findByBusinessKey(studyId, analysisId);
if (isNull(ids) || ids.isEmpty()) {
uploadId = id.generate(UPLOAD_PREFIX);
create(studyId, analysisId, uploadId, payload);
} else if (ids.size() == 1) {
uploadId = ids.get(0);
val previousUpload = uploadRepository.get(uploadId);
status.put("status", format("WARNING: replaced content for analysisId '%s'", analysisId));
status.put("replaced", previousUpload.getPayload());
update(uploadId, payload);
} else {
throw buildServerException(getClass(), UPLOAD_ID_NOT_FOUND, "Multiple upload ids found for analysisId='%s', study='%s'", analysisId, studyId);
analysisType = JsonUtils.readTree(payload).at("/analysisType").asText("");
} catch (UnableToExecuteStatementException jdbie) {
throw buildServerException(getClass(), UPLOAD_REPOSITORY_CREATE_RECORD, "Unable to create record in upload repository");
} catch (JsonProcessingException jpe) {
throw buildServerException(getClass(), PAYLOAD_PARSING, "Unable parse the input payload: %s ", payload);
if (isAsyncValidation) {
// Asynchronous operation.
validator.asyncValidate(uploadId, payload, analysisType);
} else {
// Synchronous operation
validator.syncValidate(uploadId, payload, analysisType);
status.put("uploadId", uploadId);
return ok(status.toString());