use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Transaction in project dropwizard by dropwizard.
the class LoggingDBIExceptionMapperTest method testPlainDBIException.
public void testPlainDBIException() throws Exception {
DBIException dbiException = new TransactionFailedException("Transaction failed for unknown reason");
dbiExceptionMapper.logException(9812, dbiException);
verify(logger).error("Error handling a request: 0000000000002654", dbiException);
use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Transaction in project druid by druid-io.
the class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator method announceHistoricalSegment.
* Attempts to insert a single segment to the database. If the segment already exists, will do nothing; although,
* this checking is imperfect and callers must be prepared to retry their entire transaction on exceptions.
* @return true if the segment was added, false if it already existed
private boolean announceHistoricalSegment(final Handle handle, final DataSegment segment, final boolean used) throws IOException {
try {
if (segmentExists(handle, segment)) {"Found [%s] in DB, not updating DB", segment.getIdentifier());
return false;
// SELECT -> INSERT can fail due to races; callers must be prepared to retry.
// Avoiding ON DUPLICATE KEY since it's not portable.
// Avoiding try/catch since it may cause inadvertent transaction-splitting.
handle.createStatement(String.format("INSERT INTO %1$s (id, dataSource, created_date, start, %2$send%2$s, partitioned, version, used, payload) " + "VALUES (:id, :dataSource, :created_date, :start, :end, :partitioned, :version, :used, :payload)", dbTables.getSegmentsTable(), connector.getQuoteString())).bind("id", segment.getIdentifier()).bind("dataSource", segment.getDataSource()).bind("created_date", new DateTime().toString()).bind("start", segment.getInterval().getStart().toString()).bind("end", segment.getInterval().getEnd().toString()).bind("partitioned", (segment.getShardSpec() instanceof NoneShardSpec) ? false : true).bind("version", segment.getVersion()).bind("used", used).bind("payload", jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(segment)).execute();"Published segment [%s] to DB", segment.getIdentifier());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e, "Exception inserting segment [%s] into DB", segment.getIdentifier());
throw e;
return true;
use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Transaction in project druid by druid-io.
the class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator method announceHistoricalSegments.
* {@inheritDoc}
public SegmentPublishResult announceHistoricalSegments(final Set<DataSegment> segments, final DataSourceMetadata startMetadata, final DataSourceMetadata endMetadata) throws IOException {
if (segments.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("segment set must not be empty");
final String dataSource = segments.iterator().next().getDataSource();
for (DataSegment segment : segments) {
if (!dataSource.equals(segment.getDataSource())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("segments must all be from the same dataSource");
if ((startMetadata == null && endMetadata != null) || (startMetadata != null && endMetadata == null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("start/end metadata pair must be either null or non-null");
// Find which segments are used (i.e. not overshadowed).
final Set<DataSegment> usedSegments = Sets.newHashSet();
for (TimelineObjectHolder<String, DataSegment> holder : VersionedIntervalTimeline.forSegments(segments).lookup(JodaUtils.ETERNITY)) {
for (PartitionChunk<DataSegment> chunk : holder.getObject()) {
final AtomicBoolean txnFailure = new AtomicBoolean(false);
try {
return connector.retryTransaction(new TransactionCallback<SegmentPublishResult>() {
public SegmentPublishResult inTransaction(final Handle handle, final TransactionStatus transactionStatus) throws Exception {
final Set<DataSegment> inserted = Sets.newHashSet();
if (startMetadata != null) {
final DataSourceMetadataUpdateResult result = updateDataSourceMetadataWithHandle(handle, dataSource, startMetadata, endMetadata);
if (result != DataSourceMetadataUpdateResult.SUCCESS) {
if (result == DataSourceMetadataUpdateResult.FAILURE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Aborting transaction!");
} else if (result == DataSourceMetadataUpdateResult.TRY_AGAIN) {
throw new RetryTransactionException("Aborting transaction!");
for (final DataSegment segment : segments) {
if (announceHistoricalSegment(handle, segment, usedSegments.contains(segment))) {
return new SegmentPublishResult(ImmutableSet.copyOf(inserted), true);
}, 3, SQLMetadataConnector.DEFAULT_MAX_TRIES);
} catch (CallbackFailedException e) {
if (txnFailure.get()) {
return new SegmentPublishResult(ImmutableSet.<DataSegment>of(), false);
} else {
throw e;
use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Transaction in project druid by druid-io.
the class SQLMetadataSegmentManager method poll.
public void poll() {
try {
if (!started) {
ConcurrentHashMap<String, DruidDataSource> newDataSources = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DruidDataSource>();
log.debug("Starting polling of segment table");
// some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
// to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
// setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
// to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the query
final List<DataSegment> segments = connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>() {
public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status) throws Exception {
return handle.createQuery(String.format("SELECT payload FROM %s WHERE used=true", getSegmentsTable())).setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize()).map(new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>() {
public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
try {
return DATA_SEGMENT_INTERNER.intern(jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from db.");
return null;
if (segments == null || segments.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("No segments found in the database!");
final Collection<DataSegment> segmentsFinal = Collections2.filter(segments, Predicates.notNull());"Polled and found %,d segments in the database", segments.size());
for (final DataSegment segment : segmentsFinal) {
String datasourceName = segment.getDataSource();
DruidDataSource dataSource = newDataSources.get(datasourceName);
if (dataSource == null) {
dataSource = new DruidDataSource(datasourceName, ImmutableMap.of("created", new DateTime().toString()));
Object shouldBeNull = newDataSources.put(datasourceName, dataSource);
if (shouldBeNull != null) {
log.warn("Just put key[%s] into dataSources and what was there wasn't null!? It was[%s]", datasourceName, shouldBeNull);
if (!dataSource.getSegments().contains(segment)) {
dataSource.addSegment(segment.getIdentifier(), segment);
synchronized (lock) {
if (started) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.makeAlert(e, "Problem polling DB.").emit();
use of org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.Transaction in project hive by apache.
the class DruidStorageHandlerUtils method publishSegmentsAndCommit.
* First computes the segments timeline to accommodate new segments for insert into case
* Then moves segments to druid deep storage with updated metadata/version
* @param connector DBI connector to commit
* @param metadataStorageTablesConfig Druid metadata tables definitions
* @param dataSource Druid datasource name
* @param segments List of segments to move and commit to metadata
* @param overwrite if it is an insert overwrite
* @param conf Configuration
* @param dataSegmentPusher segment pusher
* @return List of successfully published Druid segments.
* This list has the updated versions and metadata about segments after move and timeline sorting
* @throws CallbackFailedException
public static List<DataSegment> publishSegmentsAndCommit(final SQLMetadataConnector connector, final MetadataStorageTablesConfig metadataStorageTablesConfig, final String dataSource, final List<DataSegment> segments, boolean overwrite, Configuration conf, DataSegmentPusher dataSegmentPusher) throws CallbackFailedException {
return connector.getDBI().inTransaction((handle, transactionStatus) -> {
// We create the timeline for the existing and new segments
VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment> timeline;
if (overwrite) {
// If we are overwriting, we disable existing sources
disableDataSourceWithHandle(handle, metadataStorageTablesConfig, dataSource);
// When overwriting, we just start with empty timeline,
// as we are overwriting segments with new versions
timeline = new VersionedIntervalTimeline<>(Ordering.natural());
} else {
// Append Mode
if (segments.isEmpty()) {
// If there are no new segments, we can just bail out
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
// Otherwise, build a timeline of existing segments in metadata storage
Interval indexedInterval = JodaUtils.umbrellaInterval(Iterables.transform(segments, input -> input.getInterval()));"Building timeline for umbrella Interval [{}]", indexedInterval);
timeline = getTimelineForIntervalWithHandle(handle, dataSource, indexedInterval, metadataStorageTablesConfig);
final List<DataSegment> finalSegmentsToPublish = Lists.newArrayList();
for (DataSegment segment : segments) {
List<TimelineObjectHolder<String, DataSegment>> existingChunks = timeline.lookup(segment.getInterval());
if (existingChunks.size() > 1) {
// Druid shard specs does not support multiple partitions for same interval with different granularity.
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Cannot allocate new segment for dataSource[%s], interval[%s], already have [%,d] chunks. Not possible to append new segment.", dataSource, segment.getInterval(), existingChunks.size()));
// Find out the segment with latest version and maximum partition number
SegmentIdentifier max = null;
final ShardSpec newShardSpec;
final String newVersion;
if (!existingChunks.isEmpty()) {
// Some existing chunk, Find max
TimelineObjectHolder<String, DataSegment> existingHolder = Iterables.getOnlyElement(existingChunks);
for (PartitionChunk<DataSegment> existing : existingHolder.getObject()) {
if (max == null || max.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum() < existing.getObject().getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()) {
max = SegmentIdentifier.fromDataSegment(existing.getObject());
if (max == null) {
// No existing shard present in the database, use the current version.
newShardSpec = segment.getShardSpec();
newVersion = segment.getVersion();
} else {
// use version of existing max segment to generate new shard spec
newShardSpec = getNextPartitionShardSpec(max.getShardSpec());
newVersion = max.getVersion();
DataSegment publishedSegment = publishSegmentWithShardSpec(segment, newShardSpec, newVersion, getPath(segment).getFileSystem(conf), dataSegmentPusher);
timeline.add(publishedSegment.getInterval(), publishedSegment.getVersion(), publishedSegment.getShardSpec().createChunk(publishedSegment));
// Publish new segments to metadata storage
final PreparedBatch batch = handle.prepareBatch(String.format("INSERT INTO %1$s (id, dataSource, created_date, start, \"end\", partitioned, version, used, payload) " + "VALUES (:id, :dataSource, :created_date, :start, :end, :partitioned, :version, :used, :payload)", metadataStorageTablesConfig.getSegmentsTable()));
for (final DataSegment segment : finalSegmentsToPublish) {
batch.add(new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>().put("id", segment.getIdentifier()).put("dataSource", segment.getDataSource()).put("created_date", new DateTime().toString()).put("start", segment.getInterval().getStart().toString()).put("end", segment.getInterval().getEnd().toString()).put("partitioned", (segment.getShardSpec() instanceof NoneShardSpec) ? false : true).put("version", segment.getVersion()).put("used", true).put("payload", JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsBytes(segment)).build());"Published {}", segment.getIdentifier());
return finalSegmentsToPublish;