use of org.snomed.snowstorm.core.pojo.LanguageDialect in project snowstorm by IHTSDO.
the class ConceptController method findConcepts.
@GetMapping(value = "/{branch}/concepts", produces = { "application/json", "text/csv" })
public ItemsPage<?> findConcepts(@PathVariable String branch, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean activeFilter, @RequestParam(required = false) String definitionStatusFilter, @ApiParam(value = "Set of module ids to filter concepts by. Defaults to any.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> module, @ApiParam(value = "Search term to match against concept descriptions using a case-insensitive multi-prefix matching strategy.") @RequestParam(required = false) String term, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean termActive, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description type ids to use for the term search. Defaults to any. " + "Pick descendants of '900000000000446008 | Description type (core metadata concept) |'. " + "Examples: 900000000000003001 (FSN), 900000000000013009 (Synonym), 900000000000550004 (Definition)") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> descriptionType, @ApiParam(value = "Set of two character language codes to match. " + "The English language code 'en' will not be added automatically, in contrast to the Accept-Language header which always includes it. " + "Accept-Language header still controls result FSN and PT language selection.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<String> language, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description language reference sets. The description must be preferred in at least one of these to match.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> preferredIn, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description language reference sets. The description must be acceptable in at least one of these to match.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> acceptableIn, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description language reference sets. The description must be preferred OR acceptable in at least one of these to match.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> preferredOrAcceptableIn, @RequestParam(required = false) String ecl, @RequestParam(required = false) Integer effectiveTime, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean isNullEffectiveTime, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean isPublished, @RequestParam(required = false) String statedEcl, @RequestParam(required = false) Set<String> conceptIds, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean returnIdOnly, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "0") int offset, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "50") int limit, @RequestParam(required = false) String searchAfter, @ApiParam("Accept-Language header can take the format en-x-900000000000508004 which sets the language reference set to use in the results.") @RequestHeader(value = "Accept-Language", defaultValue = Config.DEFAULT_ACCEPT_LANG_HEADER) String acceptLanguageHeader) {
branch = BranchPathUriUtil.decodePath(branch);
// Parameter validation
if (ecl != null && statedEcl != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters ecl and statedEcl can not be combined.");
if ((ecl != null || statedEcl != null) && activeFilter != null && !activeFilter) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ECL search can not be used on inactive concepts.");
boolean stated = true;
if (isNotBlank(ecl)) {
eclValidator.validate(ecl, branch);
stated = false;
} else {
ecl = statedEcl;
List<LanguageDialect> languageDialects = ControllerHelper.parseAcceptLanguageHeaderWithDefaultFallback(acceptLanguageHeader);
QueryService.ConceptQueryBuilder queryBuilder = queryService.createQueryBuilder(stated).activeFilter(activeFilter).descriptionCriteria(descriptionCriteria ->;
queryBuilder.getDescriptionCriteria().preferredOrAcceptableValues(preferredOrAcceptableIn, preferredIn, acceptableIn);
PageRequest pageRequest = getPageRequestWithSort(offset, limit, searchAfter, Sort.sort(Concept.class).by(Concept::getConceptId).descending());
if (ecl != null) {
pageRequest = getPageRequestWithSort(offset, limit, searchAfter, Sort.sort(QueryConcept.class).by(QueryConcept::getConceptIdL).descending());
if (returnIdOnly) {
SearchAfterPage<Long> longsPage = queryService.searchForIds(queryBuilder, branch, pageRequest);
SearchAfterPageImpl<String> stringPage = new SearchAfterPageImpl<>(, longsPage.getPageable(), longsPage.getTotalElements(), longsPage.getSearchAfter());
return new ItemsPage<>(stringPage);
} else {
return new ItemsPage<>(, branch, pageRequest));
use of org.snomed.snowstorm.core.pojo.LanguageDialect in project snowstorm by IHTSDO.
the class ConceptController method findBrowserConcept.
@ApiOperation(value = "Load a concept in the browser format.", notes = "During content authoring previous versions of the concept can be loaded from version control.\n" + "To do this use the branch path format {branch@" + BranchTimepoint.DATE_FORMAT_STRING + "} or {branch@epoch_milliseconds}.\n" + "The version of the concept when the branch was created can be loaded using {branch@" + BRANCH_CREATION_TIMEPOINT + "}.")
@GetMapping(value = "/browser/{branch}/concepts/{conceptId}")
@JsonView(value = View.Component.class)
public ConceptView findBrowserConcept(@PathVariable String branch, @PathVariable String conceptId, @ApiParam("If this parameter is set a descendantCount will be included in the response using stated/inferred as requested.") @RequestParam(required = false) Relationship.CharacteristicType descendantCountForm, @RequestHeader(value = "Accept-Language", defaultValue = Config.DEFAULT_ACCEPT_LANG_HEADER) String acceptLanguageHeader) {
List<LanguageDialect> languageDialects = ControllerHelper.parseAcceptLanguageHeaderWithDefaultFallback(acceptLanguageHeader);
BranchTimepoint branchTimepoint = parseBranchTimepoint(branch);
Concept concept = conceptService.find(conceptId, languageDialects, branchTimepoint);
if (descendantCountForm != null) {
queryService.joinDescendantCount(concept, descendantCountForm, languageDialects, branchTimepoint);
return ControllerHelper.throwIfNotFound("Concept", concept);
use of org.snomed.snowstorm.core.pojo.LanguageDialect in project snowstorm by IHTSDO.
the class ControllerHelper method parseAcceptLanguageHeader.
public static List<LanguageDialect> parseAcceptLanguageHeader(String acceptLanguageHeader) {
// en-ie-x-21000220103;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5
List<LanguageDialect> languageDialects = new ArrayList<>();
if (acceptLanguageHeader == null) {
acceptLanguageHeader = "";
acceptLanguageHeader = acceptLanguageHeader.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
String[] acceptLanguageList = acceptLanguageHeader.toLowerCase().split(",");
for (String acceptLanguage : acceptLanguageList) {
if (acceptLanguage.isEmpty()) {
String languageCode;
Long languageReferenceSet = null;
String[] valueAndWeight = acceptLanguage.split(";");
// We don't use the weight, just take the value
String value = valueAndWeight[0];
Matcher matcher = LANGUAGE_PATTERN.matcher(value);
if (matcher.matches()) {
languageCode =;
// Check if there is a default language reference set for a given language
languageReferenceSet = DialectConfigurationService.instance().findRefsetForDialect(value);
} else if ((matcher = LANGUAGE_AND_REFSET_PATTERN.matcher(value)).matches()) {
languageCode =;
languageReferenceSet = parseLong(;
} else if ((matcher = LANGUAGE_AND_DIALECT_PATTERN.matcher(value)).matches()) {
languageCode =;
languageReferenceSet = DialectConfigurationService.instance().findRefsetForDialect(value);
} else if ((matcher = LANGUAGE_AND_DIALECT_AND_REFSET_PATTERN.matcher(value)).matches()) {
languageCode =;
languageReferenceSet = parseLong(;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected value within Accept-Language request header '" + value + "'.");
LanguageDialect languageDialect = new LanguageDialect(languageCode, languageReferenceSet);
if (!languageDialects.contains(languageDialect)) {
// Would normally use a Set here, but the order may be important
return languageDialects;
use of org.snomed.snowstorm.core.pojo.LanguageDialect in project snowstorm by IHTSDO.
the class DescriptionController method findBrowserDescriptions.
@ApiOperation(value = "Search for concept descriptions.", notes = "The Accept-Language header is used to specify the user's preferred language, 'en' is always added as a fallback if not already included in the list. " + "Each language is used as an optional clause for matching and will include the correct character folding behaviour for that language. " + "The Accept-Language header list is also used to chose the best translated FSN and PT values in the response.")
@RequestMapping(value = "browser/{branch}/descriptions", method = RequestMethod.GET)
@JsonView(value = View.Component.class)
public Page<BrowserDescriptionSearchResult> findBrowserDescriptions(@PathVariable String branch, @RequestParam(required = false) String term, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean active, @RequestParam(required = false) Set<String> module, @ApiParam(value = "Set of two character language codes to match. " + "The English language code 'en' will not be added automatically, in contrast to the Accept-Language header which always includes it. " + "Accept-Language header still controls result FSN and PT language selection.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<String> language, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description type ids to use include. Defaults to any. " + "Pick descendants of '900000000000446008 | Description type (core metadata concept) |'. " + "Examples: 900000000000003001 (FSN), 900000000000013009 (Synonym), 900000000000550004 (Definition)") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> type, @Deprecated @RequestParam(required = false) String semanticTag, @ApiParam(value = "Set of semantic tags.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<String> semanticTags, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description language reference sets. The description must be preferred in at least one of these to match.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> preferredIn, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description language reference sets. The description must be acceptable in at least one of these to match.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> acceptableIn, @ApiParam(value = "Set of description language reference sets. The description must be preferred OR acceptable in at least one of these to match.") @RequestParam(required = false) Set<Long> preferredOrAcceptableIn, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean conceptActive, @RequestParam(required = false) String conceptRefset, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") boolean groupByConcept, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "STANDARD") DescriptionService.SearchMode searchMode, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int offset, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "50") int limit, @RequestHeader(value = "Accept-Language", defaultValue = Config.DEFAULT_ACCEPT_LANG_HEADER) String acceptLanguageHeader) throws TooCostlyException {
branch = BranchPathUriUtil.decodePath(branch);
PageRequest pageRequest = ControllerHelper.getPageRequest(offset, limit);
List<LanguageDialect> languageDialects = ControllerHelper.parseAcceptLanguageHeaderWithDefaultFallback(acceptLanguageHeader);
PageWithBucketAggregations<Description> page = descriptionService.findDescriptionsWithAggregations(branch, new DescriptionCriteria().term(term).active(active).modules(module).searchLanguageCodes(language).type(type).semanticTag(semanticTag).semanticTags(semanticTags).preferredIn(preferredIn).acceptableIn(acceptableIn).preferredOrAcceptableIn(preferredOrAcceptableIn).conceptActive(conceptActive).conceptRefset(conceptRefset).groupByConcept(groupByConcept).searchMode(searchMode), // Page
Set<String> conceptIds = page.getContent().stream().map(Description::getConceptId).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Map<String, ConceptMini> conceptMinis = conceptService.findConceptMinis(branch, conceptIds, languageDialects).getResultsMap();
List<BrowserDescriptionSearchResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
page.getContent().forEach(d -> results.add(new BrowserDescriptionSearchResult(d.getTerm(), d.isActive(), d.getLanguageCode(), d.getModuleId(), conceptMinis.get(d.getConceptId()))));
PageWithBucketAggregations<BrowserDescriptionSearchResult> pageWithBucketAggregations = new PageWithBucketAggregations<>(results, page.getPageable(), page.getTotalElements(), page.getBuckets());
addBucketConcepts(branch, languageDialects, pageWithBucketAggregations);
return pageWithBucketAggregations;
use of org.snomed.snowstorm.core.pojo.LanguageDialect in project snowstorm by IHTSDO.
the class FHIRHelper method getLanguageDialects.
public List<LanguageDialect> getLanguageDialects(List<String> designations, String acceptLanguageHeader) throws FHIROperationException {
// Use designations preferably, or fall back to language headers
final List<LanguageDialect> languageDialects = new ArrayList<>();
if (designations != null) {
for (String designation : designations) {
if (designation.length() > MAX_LANGUAGE_CODE_LENGTH) {
// in this case we're expecting a designation token
// of the form snomed PIPE langrefsetId
String[] tokenParts = designation.split(PIPE);
if (tokenParts.length < 2 || !StringUtils.isNumeric(tokenParts[1]) || // TODO: version support?
!tokenParts[0].matches(SNOMED_URI + "(/\\d*)?")) {
throw new FHIROperationException(IssueType.VALUE, "Malformed designation token '" + designation + "' expected format PIPE langrefsetId");
LanguageDialect languageDialect = new LanguageDialect(null, Long.parseLong(tokenParts[1]));
if (!languageDialects.contains(languageDialect)) {
} else {
} else {
if (acceptLanguageHeader != null) {
if (languageDialects.isEmpty()) {
return languageDialects;