use of org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockState in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.
the class LanternBlockVolumeWorker method merge.
public void merge(BlockVolume second, BlockVolumeMerger merger, MutableBlockVolume destination) {
final Vector3i offsetSecond = align(second);
final int xOffsetSecond = offsetSecond.getX();
final int yOffsetSecond = offsetSecond.getY();
final int zOffsetSecond = offsetSecond.getZ();
final Vector3i offsetDestination = align(destination);
final int xOffsetDestination = offsetDestination.getX();
final int yOffsetDestination = offsetDestination.getY();
final int zOffsetDestination = offsetDestination.getZ();
final UnmodifiableBlockVolume firstUnmodifiableVolume = this.volume.getUnmodifiableBlockView();
final int xMin = firstUnmodifiableVolume.getBlockMin().getX();
final int yMin = firstUnmodifiableVolume.getBlockMin().getY();
final int zMin = firstUnmodifiableVolume.getBlockMin().getZ();
final int xMax = firstUnmodifiableVolume.getBlockMax().getX();
final int yMax = firstUnmodifiableVolume.getBlockMax().getY();
final int zMax = firstUnmodifiableVolume.getBlockMax().getZ();
final UnmodifiableBlockVolume secondUnmodifiableVolume = second.getUnmodifiableBlockView();
for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
final BlockState block = merger.merge(firstUnmodifiableVolume, x, y, z, secondUnmodifiableVolume, x + xOffsetSecond, y + yOffsetSecond, z + zOffsetSecond);
destination.setBlock(x + xOffsetDestination, y + yOffsetDestination, z + zOffsetDestination, block);
use of org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockState in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.
the class LanternBlockVolumeWorker method map.
public void map(BlockVolumeMapper mapper, MutableBlockVolume destination) {
final Vector3i offset = align(destination);
final int xOffset = offset.getX();
final int yOffset = offset.getY();
final int zOffset = offset.getZ();
final UnmodifiableBlockVolume unmodifiableVolume = this.volume.getUnmodifiableBlockView();
final int xMin = unmodifiableVolume.getBlockMin().getX();
final int yMin = unmodifiableVolume.getBlockMin().getY();
final int zMin = unmodifiableVolume.getBlockMin().getZ();
final int xMax = unmodifiableVolume.getBlockMax().getX();
final int yMax = unmodifiableVolume.getBlockMax().getY();
final int zMax = unmodifiableVolume.getBlockMax().getZ();
for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
final BlockState block =, x, y, z);
destination.setBlock(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, z + zOffset, block);
use of org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockState in project Nucleus by NucleusPowered.
the class SellCommand method executeCommand.
public CommandResult executeCommand(final Player src, CommandContext args) throws Exception {
// Get the item in the hand.
ItemStack is = src.getItemInHand(HandTypes.MAIN_HAND).orElseThrow(() -> new ReturnMessageException(plugin.getMessageProvider().getTextMessageWithFormat("command.generalerror.handempty")));
String id;
Optional<BlockState> blockState = is.get(Keys.ITEM_BLOCKSTATE);
id = -> blockState1.getId().toLowerCase()).orElseGet(() -> is.getType().getId());
ItemDataNode node = itemDataService.getDataForItem(id);
final double sellPrice = node.getServerSellPrice();
if (sellPrice < 0) {
return CommandResult.empty();
// Get the cost.
final int amt = is.getQuantity();
final double overallCost = sellPrice * amt;
if (econHelper.depositInPlayer(src, overallCost, false)) {
src.setItemInHand(HandTypes.MAIN_HAND, null);
src.sendMessage(plugin.getMessageProvider().getTextMessageWithTextFormat("command.itemsell.summary", Text.of(amt), Text.of(is), Text.of(econHelper.getCurrencySymbol(overallCost))));
return CommandResult.success();
src.sendMessage(plugin.getMessageProvider().getTextMessageWithTextFormat("command.itemsell.error", Text.of(is)));
return CommandResult.empty();
use of org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeBlockSnapshot method restore.
public boolean restore(final boolean force, final BlockChangeFlag flag) {
// TODO - rewrite with the PhaseTracker being the hook or use SpongeImplHooks to do the restore.
final Optional<ServerLevel> optionalWorld = Optional.ofNullable(;
if (!optionalWorld.isPresent()) {
return false;
final ServerLevel world = optionalWorld.get();
// this way we guarantee an exit.
try (final PhaseContext<?> context = BlockPhase.State.RESTORING_BLOCKS.createPhaseContext(PhaseTracker.SERVER)) {
final BlockPos pos = VecHelper.toBlockPos(this.pos);
if (! {
// Invalid position. Inline this check
return false;
final current = world.getBlockState(pos);
final replaced = ( this.blockState;
if (!force && (current.getBlock() != replaced.getBlock() || current != replaced)) {
return false;
// being created during block change removals
if (! this.blockState).getBlock())) {
world.setBlock(pos, replaced, BlockChangeFlagManager.andNotifyClients(flag).getRawFlag());
if (this.compound != null) {
@Nullable BlockEntity te = world.getBlockEntity(pos);
if (te != null) {
te.load(( this.blockState, this.compound);
} else {
// In cases like this, we need to directly just say "fuck it" and deserialize from the compound directly.
try {
te = BlockEntity.loadStatic(( this.blockState, this.compound);
if (te != null) {
world.getChunk(pos).setBlockEntity(pos, te);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Seriously? The mod should be broken then.
final PrettyPrinter printer = new PrettyPrinter(60).add("Unable to restore").centre().hr().add("A mod is not correctly deserializing a TileEntity that is being restored. ").addWrapped(60, "Note that this is not the fault of Sponge. Sponge is understanding that " + "a block is supposed to have a TileEntity, but the mod is breaking the contract" + "on how to re-create the tile entity. Please open an issue with the offending mod.").add("Here's the provided compound:");
try {
printer.addWrapped(80, "%s : %s", "This compound", this.compound);
} catch (final Throwable error) {
printer.addWrapped(80, "Unable to get the string of this compound. Printing out some of the entries to better assist");
printer.add().add("Desired World: " + this.worldKey).add("Position: " + this.pos).add("Desired BlockState: " + this.blockState);
printer.log(SpongeCommon.logger(), Level.ERROR);
// I mean, I guess. the block was set up, but not the tile entity.
return true;
if (te != null) {
// Finally, mark the location as being updated.
return true;
use of org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockState in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeBlockEntityArchetype method apply.
public Optional<BlockEntity> apply(final ServerLocation location) {
final BlockState currentState = location.block();
final Block currentBlock = (( currentState).getBlock();
final Block newBlock = (( this.blockState).getBlock();
final Level minecraftWorld = (;
final BlockPos blockpos = VecHelper.toBlockPos(location);
if (currentBlock != newBlock) {
(( minecraftWorld).setBlock(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ(), this.blockState, BlockChangeFlags.ALL);
final CompoundTag compound = this.compound.copy();
final BlockEntity tileEntity = minecraftWorld.getBlockEntity(blockpos);
if (tileEntity == null) {
return Optional.empty();
compound.putInt(Constants.TileEntity.X_POS, blockpos.getX());
compound.putInt(Constants.TileEntity.Y_POS, blockpos.getY());
compound.putInt(Constants.TileEntity.Z_POS, blockpos.getZ());
tileEntity.load(( currentState, compound);
return Optional.of((org.spongepowered.api.block.entity.BlockEntity) tileEntity);