use of org.spongepowered.api.text.action.ClickAction in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeClickAction method getHandle.
public static ClickEvent getHandle(ClickAction<?> action) {
final String text;
if (action instanceof ClickAction.ExecuteCallback) {
UUID callbackId = SpongeCallbackHolder.getInstance().getOrCreateIdForCallback(((ClickAction.ExecuteCallback) action).getResult());
text = SpongeCallbackHolder.CALLBACK_COMMAND_QUALIFIED + " " + callbackId;
} else {
text = action.getResult().toString();
ClickEvent event = new ClickEvent(getType(action), text);
((IMixinClickEvent) event).setHandle(action);
return event;
use of org.spongepowered.api.text.action.ClickAction in project SpongeAPI by SpongePowered.
the class Text method of.
* Builds a {@link Text} from a given array of objects.
* <p>For instance, you can use this like
* <code>Text.of(TextColors.DARK_AQUA, "Hi", TextColors.AQUA, "Bye")</code>
* </p>
* <p>This will create the correct {@link Text} instance if the input object
* is the input for one of the {@link Text} types or convert the object to a
* string otherwise.</p>
* <p>For instances of type {@link TextRepresentable} (e.g. {@link Text},
* {@link Builder}, ...) the formatting of appended text has priority over
* the current formatting in the method, e.g. the following results in a
* green, then yellow and at the end green again {@link Text}:</p>
* <code>Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, "Hello ", Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW,
* "Spongie"), '!');</code>
* @param objects The object array
* @return The built text object
public static Text of(Object... objects) {
// Shortcut for lonely TextRepresentables
if (objects.length == 1 && objects[0] instanceof TextRepresentable) {
return ((TextRepresentable) objects[0]).toText();
final Text.Builder builder = builder();
TextFormat format = TextFormat.NONE;
HoverAction<?> hoverAction = null;
ClickAction<?> clickAction = null;
ShiftClickAction<?> shiftClickAction = null;
boolean changedFormat = false;
for (Object obj : objects) {
// Text formatting + actions
if (obj instanceof TextFormat) {
changedFormat = true;
format = (TextFormat) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof TextColor) {
changedFormat = true;
format = format.color((TextColor) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof TextStyle) {
changedFormat = true;
format = ? TextStyles.NONE : format.getStyle().and((TextStyle) obj));
} else if (obj instanceof TextAction) {
changedFormat = true;
if (obj instanceof HoverAction) {
hoverAction = (HoverAction<?>) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof ClickAction) {
clickAction = (ClickAction<?>) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof ShiftClickAction) {
shiftClickAction = (ShiftClickAction<?>) obj;
} else {
// Unsupported TextAction
} else if (obj instanceof TextRepresentable) {
// Special content
changedFormat = false;
Text.Builder childBuilder = ((TextRepresentable) obj).toText().toBuilder();
// Merge format (existing format has priority)
// Overwrite text actions if *NOT* present
if (childBuilder.clickAction == null) {
childBuilder.clickAction = clickAction;
if (childBuilder.hoverAction == null) {
childBuilder.hoverAction = hoverAction;
if (childBuilder.shiftClickAction == null) {
childBuilder.shiftClickAction = shiftClickAction;
} else {
// Simple content
changedFormat = false;
Text.Builder childBuilder;
if (obj instanceof String) {
childBuilder = builder((String) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof Translation) {
childBuilder = builder((Translation) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof Translatable) {
childBuilder = builder(((Translatable) obj).getTranslation());
} else if (obj instanceof Selector) {
childBuilder = builder((Selector) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof Score) {
childBuilder = builder((Score) obj);
} else {
childBuilder = builder(String.valueOf(obj));
if (hoverAction != null) {
if (clickAction != null) {
if (shiftClickAction != null) {
if (changedFormat) {
// Did the formatting change without being applied to something?
// Then just append an empty text with that formatting
final Text.Builder childBuilder = builder();
if (hoverAction != null) {
if (clickAction != null) {
if (shiftClickAction != null) {
if (builder.children.size() == 1) {
// Single content, reduce Text depth
return builder.children.get(0);
use of org.spongepowered.api.text.action.ClickAction in project Nucleus by NucleusPowered.
the class ListPowertoolCommand method from.
private Text from(final PowertoolUserDataModule inu, Player src, String powertool, List<String> commands) {
Optional<ItemType> oit = Sponge.getRegistry().getType(ItemType.class, powertool);
MessageProvider mp = plugin.getMessageProvider();
// Create the click actions.
ClickAction viewAction = TextActions.executeCallback(pl -> Util.getPaginationBuilder(src).title(mp.getTextMessageWithFormat("command.powertool.ind.header", powertool)).padding(Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, "-")).contents( -> Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, x)).collect(Collectors.toList())).sendTo(src));
ClickAction deleteAction = TextActions.executeCallback(pl -> {
pl.sendMessage(mp.getTextMessageWithFormat("command.powertool.removed", powertool));
TextColor tc = -> TextColors.YELLOW).orElse(TextColors.GRAY);
// id - [View] - [Delete]
return Text.builder().append(Text.of(tc, powertool)).append(Text.of(" - ")).append(Text.builder(mp.getMessageWithFormat("standard.view")).color(TextColors.YELLOW).onClick(viewAction).build()).append(Text.of(" - ")).append(Text.builder(mp.getMessageWithFormat("standard.delete")).color(TextColors.DARK_RED).onClick(deleteAction).build()).build();