use of in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SynchedEntityDataMixin method set.
* @author gabizou December 27th, 2017
* @reason Inject ChangeValueEvent for entities by utilizing keys. Keys are registered
* based on the entity of which they belong to. This is to make the events more streamlined
* with regards to "when" they are being changed.
* @param key The parameter key
* @param value The value
* @param <T> The type of value
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public <T> void set(final EntityDataAccessor<T> key, T value) {
final SynchedEntityData.DataItem<T> dataentry = this.<T>getItem(key);
// Sponge Start - set up the current value, so we don't have to retrieve it multiple times
final T currentValue = dataentry.getValue();
final T incomingValue = value;
if (ObjectUtils.notEqual(value, currentValue)) {
// I don't know, ask Grum....
if (this.entity != null && this.entity.level != null && !this.entity.level.isClientSide && !((EntityBridge) this.entity).bridge$isConstructing()) {
// We only want to spam the server world ;)
final Optional<DataParameterConverter<T>> converter = ((EntityDataAccessorBridge) key).bridge$getDataConverter();
// At this point it is changing
if (converter.isPresent()) {
// Ok, we have a key ready to use the converter
final Optional<DataTransactionResult> optional = converter.get().createTransaction(this.entity, currentValue, value);
if (optional.isPresent()) {
// Only need to make a transaction if there are actual changes necessary.
final DataTransactionResult transaction = optional.get();
final ChangeDataHolderEvent.ValueChange event = SpongeEventFactory.createChangeDataHolderEventValueChange(PhaseTracker.getCauseStackManager().currentCause(), transaction, (DataHolder.Mutable) this.entity);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
// If the event is cancelled, well, don't change the underlying value.
try {
value = converter.get().getValueFromEvent(currentValue, event.endResult());
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Worst case scenario, we don't want to cause an issue, so we just set the value
value = incomingValue;
// Sponge End
this.isDirty = true;