use of in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class GoalSelectorMixin method onAddEntityTask.
* @author gabizou - February 1st, 2016
* Purpose: Rewrites the overwrite to use a redirect when an entry is being added
* to the task entries. We throw an event for plugins to potentially cancel.
@Redirect(method = "addGoal", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Ljava/util/Set;add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z", remap = false))
private boolean onAddEntityTask(final Set<WrappedGoal> goals, final Object task, final int priority, final Goal base) {
((GoalBridge) base).bridge$setGoalExecutor((GoalExecutor<?>) this);
if (!ShouldFire.GOAL_EVENT_ADD || this.owner == null || ((EntityBridge) this.owner).bridge$isConstructing()) {
// Event is fired in bridge$fireConstructors
return goals.add(new WrappedGoal(priority, base));
final GoalEvent.Add event = SpongeEventFactory.createGoalEventAdd(PhaseTracker.getCauseStackManager().currentCause(), priority, priority, (Agent) this.owner, (GoalExecutor<?>) this, (<?>) base);;
if (event.isCancelled()) {
((GoalBridge) base).bridge$setGoalExecutor(null);
return false;
return goals.add(new WrappedGoal(event.priority(), base));