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Example 1 with BlockGetterBridge

use of in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.

the class BlockGetterMixin_RayTraceChunkLoadOptimizations method clip.

// @formatter:on
 * Can be modified later when
 * <a href="">the mixin feature</a>
 * is resolved.
 * <p>
 * Check if a chunk is loaded before attempting to check the state of the block
 * return null if the chunk is not loaded. Based on
 * <a href="">a Paper patch</a>
 * @author gabizou - Minecraft 1.15.2 - October 16th, 2020
 * @reason Because this patch requires a lambda injection, I don't want
 * to risk the breakages that can be caused by injecting into an interface.
default BlockHitResult clip(final ClipContext context) {
    return BlockGetter.traverseBlocks(context, (p_217297_1_, p_217297_2_) -> {
        // Sponge start - check if the blockstate is loaded/null
        // final BlockState blockstate = this.shadow$getBlockState(p_217297_2_); // Vanilla
        @Nullable final BlockState lvt_3_1_ = ((BlockGetterBridge) this).bridge$getBlockIfLoaded(p_217297_2_);
        if (lvt_3_1_ == null) {
            // copied the last function parameter (listed below)
            final Vec3 vec3d = p_217297_1_.getFrom().subtract(p_217297_1_.getTo());
            return BlockHitResult.miss(context.getTo(), Direction.getNearest(vec3d.x, vec3d.y, vec3d.z), new BlockPos(p_217297_1_.getTo()));
        // Sponge end
        final FluidState lvt_4_1_ = this.shadow$getFluidState(p_217297_2_);
        final Vec3 lvt_5_1_ = p_217297_1_.getFrom();
        final Vec3 lvt_6_1_ = p_217297_1_.getTo();
        final VoxelShape lvt_7_1_ = p_217297_1_.getBlockShape(lvt_3_1_, (BlockGetter) this, p_217297_2_);
        final BlockHitResult lvt_8_1_ = this.shadow$clipWithInteractionOverride(lvt_5_1_, lvt_6_1_, p_217297_2_, lvt_7_1_, lvt_3_1_);
        final VoxelShape lvt_9_1_ = p_217297_1_.getFluidShape(lvt_4_1_, (BlockGetter) this, p_217297_2_);
        final BlockHitResult lvt_10_1_ = lvt_9_1_.clip(lvt_5_1_, lvt_6_1_, p_217297_2_);
        final double lvt_11_1_ = lvt_8_1_ == null ? 1.7976931348623157E308D : p_217297_1_.getFrom().distanceToSqr(lvt_8_1_.getLocation());
        final double lvt_13_1_ = lvt_10_1_ == null ? 1.7976931348623157E308D : p_217297_1_.getFrom().distanceToSqr(lvt_10_1_.getLocation());
        return lvt_11_1_ <= lvt_13_1_ ? lvt_8_1_ : lvt_10_1_;
    }, (p_217302_0_) -> {
        final Vec3 lvt_1_1_ = p_217302_0_.getFrom().subtract(p_217302_0_.getTo());
        return BlockHitResult.miss(p_217302_0_.getTo(), Direction.getNearest(lvt_1_1_.x, lvt_1_1_.y, lvt_1_1_.z), new BlockPos(p_217302_0_.getTo()));
Also used : BlockState( VoxelShape( Vec3( BlockPos(net.minecraft.core.BlockPos) BlockHitResult( Nullable(org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable) BlockGetterBridge( FluidState( Overwrite(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)


BlockPos (net.minecraft.core.BlockPos)1 BlockState ( FluidState ( BlockHitResult ( Vec3 ( VoxelShape ( Nullable (org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable)1 Overwrite (org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)1 BlockGetterBridge (