use of org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3d in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeEntityArchetype method getRotation.
private Vector3d getRotation() {
final ListTag tag = this.compound.getList("Rotation", 5);
final float rotationYaw = tag.getFloat(0);
final float rotationPitch = tag.getFloat(1);
return new Vector3d(rotationPitch, rotationYaw, 0);
use of org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3d in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class DataUtil method getLocation.
public static ServerLocation getLocation(final DataView view, final boolean castToInt) {
final ResourceKey world = view.getResourceKey(Queries.WORLD_KEY).orElseThrow(DataUtil.dataNotFound());
final Vector3d pos = DataUtil.getPosition3d(view, null);
if (castToInt) {
return ServerLocation.of(, pos.toInt());
return ServerLocation.of(, pos);
use of org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3d in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeAABB method intersects.
public Optional<Tuple<Vector3d, Vector3d>> intersects(final Vector3d start, final Vector3d direction) {
Objects.requireNonNull(start, "start");
Objects.requireNonNull(direction, "direction");
// Adapted from:
// The box is interpreted as 6 infinite perpendicular places, one for each face (being expanded infinitely)
// "t" variables are multipliers: start + direction * t gives the intersection point
// Find the intersections on the -x and +x planes, oriented by direction
final double txMin;
final double txMax;
final Vector3d xNormal;
if (Math.copySign(1, direction.x()) > 0) {
txMin = (this.min.x() - start.x()) / direction.x();
txMax = (this.max.x() - start.x()) / direction.x();
xNormal = Vector3d.UNIT_X;
} else {
txMin = (this.max.x() - start.x()) / direction.x();
txMax = (this.min.x() - start.x()) / direction.x();
xNormal = Vector3d.UNIT_X.negate();
// Find the intersections on the -y and +y planes, oriented by direction
final double tyMin;
final double tyMax;
final Vector3d yNormal;
if (Math.copySign(1, direction.y()) > 0) {
tyMin = (this.min.y() - start.y()) / direction.y();
tyMax = (this.max.y() - start.y()) / direction.y();
yNormal = Vector3d.UNIT_Y;
} else {
tyMin = (this.max.y() - start.y()) / direction.y();
tyMax = (this.min.y() - start.y()) / direction.y();
yNormal = Vector3d.UNIT_Y.negate();
// the -y plane before the +x plane, else it is outside the box
if (txMin > tyMax || txMax < tyMin) {
return Optional.empty();
// Keep track of the intersection normal which also helps with floating point errors
Vector3d normalMax;
Vector3d normalMin;
// The ray intersects only the furthest min plane on the box and only the closest
// max plane on the box
double tMin;
if (tyMin == txMin) {
tMin = tyMin;
normalMin = xNormal.negate().sub(yNormal);
} else if (tyMin > txMin) {
tMin = tyMin;
normalMin = yNormal.negate();
} else {
tMin = txMin;
normalMin = xNormal.negate();
double tMax;
if (tyMax == txMax) {
tMax = tyMax;
normalMax = xNormal.add(yNormal);
} else if (tyMax < txMax) {
tMax = tyMax;
normalMax = yNormal;
} else {
tMax = txMax;
normalMax = xNormal;
// Find the intersections on the -z and +z planes, oriented by direction
final double tzMin;
final double tzMax;
final Vector3d zNormal;
if (Math.copySign(1, direction.z()) > 0) {
tzMin = (this.min.z() - start.z()) / direction.z();
tzMax = (this.max.z() - start.z()) / direction.z();
zNormal = Vector3d.UNIT_Z;
} else {
tzMin = (this.max.z() - start.z()) / direction.z();
tzMax = (this.min.z() - start.z()) / direction.z();
zNormal = Vector3d.UNIT_Z.negate();
// max plane on the box
if (tMin > tzMax || tMax < tzMin) {
return Optional.empty();
// plane outside last
if (tzMin == tMin) {
normalMin = normalMin.sub(zNormal);
} else if (tzMin > tMin) {
tMin = tzMin;
normalMin = zNormal.negate();
if (tzMax == tMax) {
normalMax = normalMax.add(zNormal);
} else if (tzMax < tMax) {
tMax = tzMax;
normalMax = zNormal;
// Both intersection points are behind the start, there are no intersections
if (tMax < 0) {
return Optional.empty();
// Find the final intersection multiplier and normal
final double t;
Vector3d normal;
if (tMin < 0) {
// Only the furthest intersection is after the start, so use it
t = tMax;
normal = normalMax;
} else {
// Both are after the start, use the closest one
t = tMin;
normal = normalMin;
normal = normal.normalize();
// To avoid rounding point errors leaving the intersection point just off the plane
// we check the normal to use the actual plane value from the box coordinates
final double x;
final double y;
final double z;
if (normal.x() > 0) {
x = this.max.x();
} else if (normal.x() < 0) {
x = this.min.x();
} else {
x = direction.x() * t + start.x();
if (normal.y() > 0) {
y = this.max.y();
} else if (normal.y() < 0) {
y = this.min.y();
} else {
y = direction.y() * t + start.y();
if (normal.z() > 0) {
z = this.max.z();
} else if (normal.z() < 0) {
z = this.min.z();
} else {
z = direction.z() * t + start.z();
return Optional.of(new Tuple<>(new Vector3d(x, y, z), normal));
use of org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3d in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeAABB method intersects.
public boolean intersects(final AABB other) {
Objects.requireNonNull(other, "other");
final Vector3d mins = this.min;
final Vector3d maxs = this.max;
final Vector3d mino = other.min();
final Vector3d maxo = other.max();
return maxs.x() >= mino.x() && maxo.x() >= mins.x() && maxs.y() >= mino.y() && maxo.y() >= mins.y() && maxs.z() >= mino.z() && maxo.z() >= mins.z();
use of org.spongepowered.math.vector.Vector3d in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class ServerGamePacketListenerImplMixin method impl$callMoveEntityEvent.
* Effectively, hooking into the following code block:
* <pre>
* if (isMovePlayerPacketInvalid(packetIn)) {
* this.disconnect(new TranslationTextComponent("multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_movement"));
* } else {
* ServerWorld serverworld =;
* if (!this.player.queuedEndExit) { // <---- Here is where we're injecting
* if (this.networkTickCount == 0) {
* this.captureCurrentPosition();
* }
* </pre>
* we can effectively short circuit the method to handle movement code where
* returning {@code true} will escape the packet being processed further entirely and
* {@code false} will allow the remaining processing of the method run.
* @param packetIn The movement packet
@Inject(method = "handleMovePlayer", at = @At(value = "FIELD", opcode = Opcodes.GETFIELD, target = "Lnet/minecraft/server/network/ServerGamePacketListenerImpl;awaitingPositionFromClient:Lnet/minecraft/world/phys/Vec3;"), slice = @Slice(from = @At(value = "FIELD", target = "Lnet/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer;wonGame:Z"), to = @At(value = "FIELD", target = "Lnet/minecraft/server/network/ServerGamePacketListenerImpl;tickCount:I", ordinal = 1)), cancellable = true)
private void impl$callMoveEntityEvent(final ServerboundMovePlayerPacket packetIn, final CallbackInfo ci) {
// If the movement is modified we pretend that the player has queuedEndExit = true
// so that vanilla wont process that packet further
final ServerboundMovePlayerPacketAccessor packetInAccessor = (ServerboundMovePlayerPacketAccessor) packetIn;
// We don't fire an event to avoid confusing plugins.
if (!packetInAccessor.accessor$hasPos() && !packetInAccessor.accessor$hasRot()) {
final boolean goodMovementPacket = this.receivedMovePacketCount - this.knownMovePacketCount <= 5;
final boolean fireMoveEvent = goodMovementPacket && packetInAccessor.accessor$hasPos() && ShouldFire.MOVE_ENTITY_EVENT;
final boolean fireRotationEvent = goodMovementPacket && packetInAccessor.accessor$hasRot() && ShouldFire.ROTATE_ENTITY_EVENT;
final ServerPlayer player = (ServerPlayer) this.player;
final Vector3d fromRotation = new Vector3d(this.player.yRot, this.player.xRot, 0);
// Use the position of the last movement with an event or the current player position if never called
// We need this because we ignore very small position changes as to not spam as many move events.
final Vector3d fromPosition = player.position();
Vector3d toPosition = new Vector3d(packetIn.getX(this.player.getX()), packetIn.getY(this.player.getY()), packetIn.getZ(this.player.getZ()));
Vector3d toRotation = new Vector3d(packetIn.getYRot(this.player.yRot), packetIn.getXRot(this.player.xRot), 0);
final boolean significantRotation = fromRotation.distanceSquared(toRotation) > (.15f * .15f);
final Vector3d originalToPosition = toPosition;
boolean cancelMovement = false;
boolean cancelRotation = false;
// Call move & rotate event as needed...
if (fireMoveEvent) {
final MoveEntityEvent event = SpongeEventFactory.createMoveEntityEvent(PhaseTracker.getCauseStackManager().currentCause(), (ServerPlayer) this.player, fromPosition, toPosition, toPosition);
if ( {
cancelMovement = true;
} else {
toPosition = event.destinationPosition();
if (significantRotation && fireRotationEvent) {
final RotateEntityEvent event = SpongeEventFactory.createRotateEntityEvent(PhaseTracker.getCauseStackManager().currentCause(), (ServerPlayer) this.player, fromRotation, toRotation);
if ( {
cancelRotation = true;
toRotation = fromRotation;
} else {
toRotation = event.toRotation();
// player position and update the player's relation in the chunk manager.
if (cancelMovement) {
if (fromPosition.distanceSquared(toPosition) > 0) {
// Set the location, as if the player was teleporting
this.awaitingTeleportTime = this.tickCount;
this.shadow$teleport(fromPosition.x(), fromPosition.y(), fromPosition.z(), (float) toRotation.x(), (float) toRotation.y());
} else {
// If this is only rotation do not teleport back
this.player.absMoveTo(fromPosition.x(), fromPosition.y(), fromPosition.z(), (float) toRotation.x(), (float) toRotation.y());
// Handle event results
if (!toPosition.equals(originalToPosition)) {
// Check if we have to say it's a "teleport" vs a standard move
final double d4 = packetIn.getX(this.player.getX());
final double d5 = packetIn.getY(this.player.getY());
final double d6 = packetIn.getZ(this.player.getZ());
final double d7 = d4 - this.firstGoodX;
final double d8 = d5 - this.firstGoodY;
final double d9 = d6 - this.firstGoodZ;
final double d10 = this.player.getDeltaMovement().lengthSqr();
final double d11 = d7 * d7 + d8 * d8 + d9 * d9;
final float f2 = this.player.isFallFlying() ? 300.0F : 100.0F;
final int i = this.receivedMovePacketCount - this.knownMovePacketCount;
if (d11 - d10 > (double) (f2 * (float) i) && !this.shadow$isSingleplayerOwner()) {
// At this point, we need to set the target position so the teleport code forces it
this.awaitingPositionFromClient = VecHelper.toVanillaVector3d(toPosition);
((EntityAccessor) this.player).invoker$setRot((float) toRotation.x(), (float) toRotation.y());
// And reset the position update so the force set is done.
this.awaitingTeleportTime = this.tickCount - Constants.Networking.MAGIC_TRIGGER_TELEPORT_CONFIRM_DIFF;
} else {
// otherwise, set the data back onto the packet