use of org.spongepowered.plugin.InvalidPluginException in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class JavaPluginLoader method loadPlugin.
public VanillaJavaPluginContainer loadPlugin(final Environment environment, final PluginCandidate<JVMPluginResource> candidate, final ClassLoader targetClassLoader) throws InvalidPluginException {
final VanillaJavaPluginContainer container = new VanillaJavaPluginContainer(candidate);
try {
final String mainClass = container.metadata().entrypoint();
final Class<?> pluginClass = Class.forName(mainClass, true, targetClassLoader);
final Injector parentInjector = Launch.instance().lifecycle().platformInjector();
final Object plugin;
if (parentInjector != null) {
final Injector childInjector = parentInjector.createChildInjector(new PluginModule(container, pluginClass));
plugin = childInjector.getInstance(pluginClass);
} else {
plugin = pluginClass.newInstance();
return container;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
throw new InvalidPluginException("An error occurred creating an instance of plugin '" + container.metadata().id() + "'!", ex);
use of org.spongepowered.plugin.InvalidPluginException in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class VanillaPluginManager method loadPlugins.
public void loadPlugins(final VanillaPluginPlatform platform) {
final Map<PluginCandidate<PluginResource>, PluginLanguageService<PluginResource>> pluginLanguageLookup = new HashMap<>();
final Map<PluginLanguageService<PluginResource>, PluginLoader<PluginResource, PluginContainer>> pluginLoaders = new HashMap<>();
// Initialise the plugin language loaders.
for (final Map.Entry<PluginLanguageService<PluginResource>, List<PluginCandidate<PluginResource>>> candidate : platform.getCandidates().entrySet()) {
final PluginLanguageService<PluginResource> languageService = candidate.getKey();
final String loaderClass = languageService.pluginLoader();
try {
pluginLoaders.put(languageService, (PluginLoader<PluginResource, PluginContainer>) Class.forName(loaderClass).getConstructor().newInstance());
} catch (final InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
candidate.getValue().forEach(x -> pluginLanguageLookup.put(x, languageService));
// Priority to platform plugins that will already exist here -- meaning the resolver will act upon them first
// and if someone decides to give a plugin an ID that is the same as a platform plugin, the resolver will effectively
// reject it.
final Set<PluginCandidate<PluginResource>> resources = new LinkedHashSet<>();
pluginLanguageLookup.keySet().stream().filter(x -> this.plugins.containsKey(x.metadata().id())).forEach(resources::add);
final ResolutionResult<PluginResource> resolutionResult = DependencyResolver.resolveAndSortCandidates(resources, platform.logger());
final Map<PluginCandidate<PluginResource>, String> failedInstances = new HashMap<>();
final Map<PluginCandidate<PluginResource>, String> consequentialFailedInstances = new HashMap<>();
final ClassLoader launchClassloader = VanillaLaunch.instance().getClass().getClassLoader();
for (final PluginCandidate<PluginResource> candidate : resolutionResult.sortedSuccesses()) {
final PluginContainer plugin = this.plugins.get(candidate.metadata().id());
if (plugin != null) {
if (plugin instanceof VanillaDummyPluginContainer) {
// If we get here, we screwed up - duplicate IDs should have been detected earlier.
// Place it in the resolution result... it'll then get picked up in the big error message
// but this is our screw up, let's also make a big point of it
final PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter(120).add("ATTEMPTED TO CREATE PLUGIN WITH DUPLICATE PLUGIN ID").centre().hr().addWrapped("Sponge attempted to create a second plugin with ID '%s'. This is not allowed - all plugins must have a unique " + "ID. Usually, Sponge will catch this earlier -- but in this case Sponge has validated two plugins with " + "the same ID. Please report this error to Sponge.", candidate.metadata().id()).add().add("Technical Details:").add("Plugins to load:", 4);
resolutionResult.sortedSuccesses().forEach(x -> prettyPrinter.add("*" + x.metadata().id(), 4));
prettyPrinter.add().add("Detected Duplicate IDs:", 4);
resolutionResult.duplicateIds().forEach(x -> prettyPrinter.add("*" + x, 4));
prettyPrinter.log(platform.logger(), Level.ERROR);
// This should work fine, we're sorted so all deps should be in place at this stage.
if (this.stillValid(candidate, consequentialFailedInstances)) {
final PluginLanguageService<PluginResource> languageService = pluginLanguageLookup.get(candidate);
final PluginLoader<PluginResource, PluginContainer> pluginLoader = pluginLoaders.get(languageService);
try {
final PluginContainer container = pluginLoader.loadPlugin(platform.getStandardEnvironment(), candidate, launchClassloader);
this.containerToResource.put(container, candidate.resource());
} catch (final InvalidPluginException e) {
failedInstances.put(candidate, "Failed to construct: see stacktrace(s) above this message for details.");
resolutionResult.printErrorsIfAny(failedInstances, consequentialFailedInstances, platform.logger());
platform.logger().info("Loaded plugin(s): {}", -> p.metadata().id()).collect(Collectors.toList()));