use of org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised in project openmrs-core by openmrs.
the class ServiceContext method removeAddedAdvice.
* Removes all the advice added by the ServiceContext.
* @param cls the class of the caches service to cleanup
private void removeAddedAdvice(Class cls) {
Advised advisedService = (Advised) services.get(cls);
Set<Advice> adviceToRemove = addedAdvice.get(cls);
if (advisedService != null && adviceToRemove != null) {
for (Advice advice : adviceToRemove.toArray(new Advice[] {})) {
removeAdvice(cls, advice);
use of org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised in project openmrs-core by openmrs.
the class ServiceContext method setService.
* Allow other services to be added to our service layer
* @param cls Interface to proxy
* @param classInstance the actual instance of the <code>cls</code> interface
public void setService(Class cls, Object classInstance) {
log.debug("Setting service: " + cls);
if (cls != null && classInstance != null) {
try {
Advised cachedService = (Advised) services.get(cls);
boolean noExistingService = cachedService == null;
boolean replacingService = cachedService != null && cachedService != classInstance;
boolean serviceAdvised = classInstance instanceof Advised;
if (noExistingService || replacingService) {
Advised advisedService;
if (!serviceAdvised) {
// Adding a bare service, wrap with AOP proxy
Class[] interfaces = { cls };
ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(interfaces);
advisedService = (Advised) factory.getProxy(OpenmrsClassLoader.getInstance());
} else {
advisedService = (Advised) classInstance;
if (replacingService) {
moveAddedAOP(cachedService, advisedService);
services.put(cls, advisedService);
log.debug("Service: " + cls + " set successfully");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new APIException("service.unable.create.proxy.factory", new Object[] { classInstance.getClass().getName() }, e);
use of org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised in project spring-integration by spring-projects.
the class TransactionalPollerWithMixedAopConfigTests method validateTransactionalProxyIsolationToThePollerOnly.
public void validateTransactionalProxyIsolationToThePollerOnly() {
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("TransactionalPollerWithMixedAopConfig-context.xml", this.getClass());
assertTrue(!(context.getBean("foo") instanceof Advised));
assertTrue(!(context.getBean("inputChannel") instanceof Advised));
use of org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised in project spring-integration by spring-projects.
the class ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean method afterPropertiesSet.
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
if (this.beanName == null) {
logger.error("The MessageHandler [" + this.handler + "] will be created without a 'componentName'. " + "Consider specifying the 'beanName' property on this ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean.");
} else {
try {
if (!this.beanName.startsWith("org.springframework")) {
MessageHandler targetHandler = this.handler;
if (AopUtils.isAopProxy(targetHandler)) {
Object target = ((Advised) targetHandler).getTargetSource().getTarget();
if (target instanceof MessageHandler) {
targetHandler = (MessageHandler) target;
if (targetHandler instanceof IntegrationObjectSupport) {
((IntegrationObjectSupport) targetHandler).setComponentName(this.beanName);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Could not set component name for handler " + this.handler + " for " + this.beanName + " :" + e.getMessage());
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.adviceChain)) {
* ARPMHs advise the handleRequestMessage method internally and already have the advice chain injected.
* So we only advise handlers that are not reply-producing.
* Or if one (or more) of advices is IdempotentReceiverInterceptor.
* If the handler is already advised,
* add the configured advices to its chain, otherwise create a proxy.
Class<?> targetClass = AopUtils.getTargetClass(this.handler);
boolean replyMessageHandler = AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass);
for (Advice advice : this.adviceChain) {
if (!replyMessageHandler || advice instanceof HandleMessageAdvice) {
NameMatchMethodPointcutAdvisor handlerAdvice = new NameMatchMethodPointcutAdvisor(advice);
if (this.handler instanceof Advised) {
((Advised) this.handler).addAdvisor(handlerAdvice);
} else {
ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(this.handler);
this.handler = (MessageHandler) proxyFactory.getProxy(this.beanClassLoader);
if (this.channelResolver == null) {
this.channelResolver = new BeanFactoryMessageChannelDestinationResolver(this.beanFactory);
use of org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised in project spring-integration by spring-projects.
the class SecuredChannelsParserTests method testAdminRequiredForSendAndReceive.
public void testAdminRequiredForSendAndReceive() {
String beanName = "adminRequiredForSendAndReceive";
MessageChannel proxy = (MessageChannel) applicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory().applyBeanPostProcessorsAfterInitialization(messageChannel, beanName);
assertTrue("Channel was not proxied", AopUtils.isAopProxy(proxy));
Advisor[] advisors = ((Advised) proxy).getAdvisors();
assertEquals("Wrong number of interceptors", 1, advisors.length);
ChannelSecurityInterceptor interceptor = (ChannelSecurityInterceptor) advisors[0].getAdvice();
ChannelAccessPolicy policy = this.retrievePolicyForPatternString(beanName, interceptor);
assertNotNull("Pattern '" + beanName + "' is not included in mappings", policy);
Collection<ConfigAttribute> sendDefinition = policy.getConfigAttributesForSend();
Collection<ConfigAttribute> receiveDefinition = policy.getConfigAttributesForReceive();
assertNotNull("Pattern does not apply to 'send'", sendDefinition);
assertNotNull("Pattern does not apply to 'receive'", receiveDefinition);
Collection<String> sendRoles = this.getRolesFromDefintion(sendDefinition);
Collection<String> receiveRoles = this.getRolesFromDefintion(receiveDefinition);
assertTrue("ROLE_ADMIN not found in send attributes", sendRoles.contains("ROLE_ADMIN"));
assertTrue("ROLE_ADMIN not found in receive attributes", receiveRoles.contains("ROLE_ADMIN"));