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Example 1 with APIException

use of org.openmrs.api.APIException in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.

the class AssignDossierNumber method afterPatientCreated.

public synchronized void afterPatientCreated(Patient patient, Map<String, String[]> map) {
    PatientIdentifierType dossierIdentifierType = MetadataUtils.existing(PatientIdentifierType.class, PihHaitiPatientIdentifierTypes.DOSSIER_NUMBER.uuid());
    Location medicalRecordLocation = getMedicalRecordLocation();
    String dossierId = "";
    dossierId = identifierSourceService.generateIdentifier(dossierIdentifierType, medicalRecordLocation, "generating a new dossier number");
    // double check to make sure this identifier is not in use--since manual entry is allowed, it could be
    while (dossierIdentifierInUse(dossierId, dossierIdentifierType, medicalRecordLocation)) {
        log.error("Attempted to generate duplicate dossier identifier " + dossierId);
        dossierId = identifierSourceService.generateIdentifier(dossierIdentifierType, medicalRecordLocation, "generating a new dossier number");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(dossierId)) {
        throw new APIException("Unable to generate dossier number for patient " + patient);
    PatientIdentifier dossierIdentifier = new PatientIdentifier(dossierId, dossierIdentifierType, medicalRecordLocation);
Also used : APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) PatientIdentifierType(org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType) PatientIdentifier(org.openmrs.PatientIdentifier) Location(org.openmrs.Location)

Example 2 with APIException

use of org.openmrs.api.APIException in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.

the class ActiveVisitsAjaxController method toJson.

public static String toJson(Object obj) {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    try {
        mapper.writeValue(sw, obj);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new APIException("Error converting to JSON", e);
    return sw.toString();
Also used : APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) StringWriter( ObjectMapper( APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) EvaluationException(org.openmrs.module.reporting.evaluation.EvaluationException) IOException(

Example 3 with APIException

use of org.openmrs.api.APIException in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class BinaryDataHandler method saveObs.

 * TODO should this support a StringReader too?
 * @see org.openmrs.obs.ComplexObsHandler#saveObs(org.openmrs.Obs)
public Obs saveObs(Obs obs) throws APIException {
    // Get the buffered file  from the ComplexData.
    ComplexData complexData = obs.getComplexData();
    if (complexData == null) {
        log.error("Cannot save complex data where obsId=" + obs.getObsId() + " because its ComplexData is null.");
        return obs;
    FileOutputStream fout = null;
    try {
        File outfile = getOutputFileToWrite(obs);
        fout = new FileOutputStream(outfile);
        Object data = obs.getComplexData().getData();
        if (data instanceof byte[]) {
            fout.write((byte[]) data);
        } else if (InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(data.getClass())) {
            try {
                OpenmrsUtil.copyFile((InputStream) data, fout);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new APIException("", new Object[] { "input stream" }, e);
        // Set the Title and URI for the valueComplex
        obs.setValueComplex(outfile.getName() + " file |" + outfile.getName());
        // Remove the ComplexData from the Obs
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new APIException("Obs.error.trying.write.complex", null, ioe);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // pass
    return obs;
Also used : APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) ComplexData(org.openmrs.obs.ComplexData) InputStream( FileOutputStream( IOException( File( APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) IOException(

Example 4 with APIException

use of org.openmrs.api.APIException in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class ImageHandler method saveObs.

 * @see org.openmrs.obs.ComplexObsHandler#saveObs(org.openmrs.Obs)
public Obs saveObs(Obs obs) throws APIException {
    // Get the buffered image from the ComplexData.
    BufferedImage img = null;
    Object data = obs.getComplexData().getData();
    if (data instanceof BufferedImage) {
        img = (BufferedImage) obs.getComplexData().getData();
    } else if (data instanceof InputStream) {
        try {
            img = data);
            if (img == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid image file");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIException("", new Object[] { "input stream" }, e);
    if (img == null) {
        throw new APIException("", new Object[] { obs.getObsId() });
    File outfile = null;
    try {
        outfile = getOutputFileToWrite(obs);
        String extension = getExtension(obs.getComplexData().getTitle());
        // TODO: Check this extension against the registered extensions for validity
        // Write the file to the file system.
        ImageIO.write(img, extension, outfile);
        // Set the Title and URI for the valueComplex
        obs.setValueComplex(extension + " image |" + outfile.getName());
        // Remove the ComlexData from the Obs
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (outfile != null && outfile.length() == 0) {
            // OpenJDK 7 & 8 may leave a 0-byte file when ImageIO.write(..) fails.
        throw new APIException("Obs.error.trying.write.complex", null, ioe);
    return obs;
Also used : APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) FileImageInputStream( InputStream( IOException( File( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage)

Example 5 with APIException

use of org.openmrs.api.APIException in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class BinaryStreamHandler method saveObs.

 * @see ComplexObsHandler#saveObs(Obs)
public Obs saveObs(Obs obs) throws APIException {
    try {
        // Write the File to the File System
        String fileName = obs.getComplexData().getTitle();
        InputStream in = (InputStream) obs.getComplexData().getData();
        File outfile = getOutputFileToWrite(obs);
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outfile, false);
        OpenmrsUtil.copyFile(in, out);
        // Store the filename in the Obs
        obs.setValueComplex(fileName + "|" + outfile.getName());
        // close the stream
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new APIException("", null, e);
    return obs;
Also used : APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) FileInputStream( InputStream( OutputStream( FileOutputStream( FileOutputStream( File( APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException)


APIException (org.openmrs.api.APIException)84 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 Date (java.util.Date)10 File ( Obs (org.openmrs.Obs)7 List (java.util.List)6 Map (java.util.Map)6 FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( Concept (org.openmrs.Concept)5 OpenmrsObject (org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject)5 User (org.openmrs.User)5 InputStream ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( Order (org.openmrs.Order)4 FileNotFoundException ( OutputStreamWriter ( MessageDigest ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3