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Example 1 with OpenmrsObject

use of org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class ValidateUtil method validateFieldLengths.

 * Test the field lengths are valid
 * @param errors
 * @param aClass the class of the object being tested
 * @param fields a var args that contains all of the fields from the model
 * @should pass validation if regEx field length is not too long
 * @should fail validation if regEx field length is too long
 * @should fail validation if name field length is too long
 * @should return immediately if validation is disabled and have no errors
public static void validateFieldLengths(Errors errors, Class<?> aClass, String... fields) {
    if (disableValidation) {
    Assert.notNull(errors, "Errors object must not be null");
    for (String field : fields) {
        Object value = errors.getFieldValue(field);
        if (value == null || !(value instanceof String)) {
        int length = Context.getAdministrationService().getMaximumPropertyLength((Class<? extends OpenmrsObject>) aClass, field);
        if (length == -1) {
        if (((String) value).length() > length) {
            errors.rejectValue(field, "error.exceededMaxLengthOfField", new Object[] { length }, null);
Also used : OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject)

Example 2 with OpenmrsObject

use of org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class RequiredDataAdvice method before.

 * @see org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice#before(java.lang.reflect.Method,
 *      java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Object)
 * @should not fail on update method with no arguments
public void before(Method method, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable {
    String methodName = method.getName();
    // skip out early if there are no arguments
    if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
    Object mainArgument = args[0];
    // fail early on a null parameter
    if (mainArgument == null) {
    // not updating the primary argument. eg: ConceptService.updateConceptWord(Concept)
    if (methodName.startsWith("save") || methodName.startsWith("create")) {
        // if the first argument is an OpenmrsObject, handle it now
        Reflect reflect = new Reflect(OpenmrsObject.class);
        if (reflect.isSuperClass(mainArgument)) {
            // fail early if the method name is not like saveXyz(Xyz)
            if (!methodNameEndsWithClassName(method, mainArgument.getClass())) {
            // if a second argument exists, pass that to the save handler as well
            // (with current code, it means we're either in an obs save or a user save)
            String other = null;
            if (args.length > 1 && args[1] instanceof String) {
                other = (String) args[1];
            recursivelyHandle(SaveHandler.class, (OpenmrsObject) mainArgument, other);
        } else // if the first argument is a list of openmrs objects, handle them all now
        if (Reflect.isCollection(mainArgument) && isOpenmrsObjectCollection(mainArgument)) {
            // ideally we would fail early if the method name is not like savePluralOfXyz(Collection<Xyz>)
            // but this only occurs once in the API (AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperties
            // so it is not worth handling this case
            // if a second argument exists, pass that to the save handler as well
            // (with current code, it means we're either in an obs save or a user save)
            String other = null;
            if (args.length > 1) {
                other = (String) args[1];
            Collection<OpenmrsObject> openmrsObjects = (Collection<OpenmrsObject>) mainArgument;
            for (OpenmrsObject object : openmrsObjects) {
                recursivelyHandle(SaveHandler.class, object, other);
    } else {
        // with Patients or Concepts as the first argument
        if (!methodNameEndsWithClassName(method, mainArgument.getClass())) {
        if (methodName.startsWith("void")) {
            Voidable voidable = (Voidable) args[0];
            Date dateVoided = voidable.getDateVoided() == null ? new Date() : voidable.getDateVoided();
            String voidReason = (String) args[1];
            recursivelyHandle(VoidHandler.class, voidable, Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), dateVoided, voidReason, null);
        } else if (methodName.startsWith("unvoid")) {
            Voidable voidable = (Voidable) args[0];
            Date originalDateVoided = voidable.getDateVoided();
            User originalVoidingUser = voidable.getVoidedBy();
            recursivelyHandle(UnvoidHandler.class, voidable, originalVoidingUser, originalDateVoided, null, null);
        } else if (methodName.startsWith("retire")) {
            Retireable retirable = (Retireable) args[0];
            String retireReason = (String) args[1];
            recursivelyHandle(RetireHandler.class, retirable, retireReason);
        } else if (methodName.startsWith("unretire")) {
            Retireable retirable = (Retireable) args[0];
            Date originalDateRetired = retirable.getDateRetired();
            recursivelyHandle(UnretireHandler.class, retirable, Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), originalDateRetired, null, null);
Also used : ConceptNameSaveHandler(org.openmrs.api.handler.ConceptNameSaveHandler) SaveHandler(org.openmrs.api.handler.SaveHandler) User(org.openmrs.User) Retireable(org.openmrs.Retireable) Reflect(org.openmrs.util.Reflect) OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject) Collection(java.util.Collection) OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject) Voidable(org.openmrs.Voidable) UnretireHandler(org.openmrs.api.handler.UnretireHandler) Date(java.util.Date) UnvoidHandler(org.openmrs.api.handler.UnvoidHandler)

Example 3 with OpenmrsObject

use of org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class BaseOpenmrsDatatypeTest method serialize_shouldReturnTheUuidOfTheObject.

 * @see BaseOpenmrsDatatype#serialize(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject)
public void serialize_shouldReturnTheUuidOfTheObject() {
    OpenmrsObject location = new Location();
    String expectedUuid = "some uuid";
    BaseOpenmrsDatatype datatype = new MockLocationDatatype();
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedUuid, datatype.serialize(location));
Also used : OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject) Location(org.openmrs.Location) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with OpenmrsObject

use of org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class RequiredDataAdvice method recursivelyHandle.

 * This loops over all declared collections on the given object and all declared collections on
 * parent objects to use the given <code>handlerType</code>.
 * @param <H> the type of Handler to get (should extend {@link RequiredDataHandler})
 * @param handlerType the type of Handler to get (should extend {@link RequiredDataHandler})
 * @param openmrsObject the object that is being acted upon
 * @param currentUser the current user to set recursively on the object
 * @param currentDate the date to set recursively on the object
 * @param other an optional second argument that was passed to the service method (usually a
 *            void/retire reason)
 * @param alreadyHandled an optional list of objects that have already been handled and should
 *            not be processed again. this is intended to prevent infinite recursion when
 *            handling collection properties.
 * @see HandlerUtil#getHandlersForType(Class, Class)
public static <H extends RequiredDataHandler> void recursivelyHandle(Class<H> handlerType, OpenmrsObject openmrsObject, User currentUser, Date currentDate, String other, List<OpenmrsObject> alreadyHandled) {
    if (openmrsObject == null) {
    Class<? extends OpenmrsObject> openmrsObjectClass = openmrsObject.getClass();
    if (alreadyHandled == null) {
        alreadyHandled = new ArrayList<>();
    // fetch all handlers for the object being saved
    List<H> handlers = HandlerUtil.getHandlersForType(handlerType, openmrsObjectClass);
    // loop over all handlers, calling onSave on each
    for (H handler : handlers) {
        handler.handle(openmrsObject, currentUser, currentDate, other);
    Reflect reflect = new Reflect(OpenmrsObject.class);
    List<Field> allInheritedFields = reflect.getInheritedFields(openmrsObjectClass);
    // loop over all child collections of OpenmrsObjects and recursively save on those
    for (Field field : allInheritedFields) {
        // skip field if it's declared independent
        if (Reflect.isAnnotationPresent(openmrsObjectClass, field.getName(), Independent.class)) {
        if (reflect.isCollectionField(field) && !isHandlerMarkedAsDisabled(handlerType, field)) {
            // the collection we'll be looping over
            Collection<OpenmrsObject> childCollection = getChildCollection(openmrsObject, field);
            if (childCollection != null) {
                for (Object collectionElement : childCollection) {
                    if (!alreadyHandled.contains(collectionElement)) {
                        recursivelyHandle(handlerType, (OpenmrsObject) collectionElement, currentUser, currentDate, other, alreadyHandled);
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Reflect(org.openmrs.util.Reflect) OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject) OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject)

Example 5 with OpenmrsObject

use of org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject in project openmrs-core by openmrs.

the class RequiredDataAdvice method getChildCollection.

 * This method gets a child attribute off of an OpenmrsObject. It usually uses the getter for
 * the attribute, but can use the direct field (even if its private) if told to by the
 * {@link AllowDirectAccess} annotation.
 * @param openmrsObject the object to get the collection off of
 * @param field the name of the field that is the collection
 * @return the actual collection of objects that is on the given <code>openmrsObject</code>
 * @should get value of given child collection on given field
 * @should should be able to get annotated private fields
 * @should throw APIException if getter method not found
protected static Collection<OpenmrsObject> getChildCollection(OpenmrsObject openmrsObject, Field field) {
    String fieldName = field.getName();
    String getterName = "get" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName);
    try {
        // checks if direct access is allowed
        if (field.isAnnotationPresent(AllowDirectAccess.class)) {
            boolean previousFieldAccessibility = field.isAccessible();
            Collection<OpenmrsObject> childCollection = (Collection<OpenmrsObject>) field.get(openmrsObject);
            return childCollection;
        } else {
            // access the field via its getter method
            Class<? extends OpenmrsObject> openmrsObjectClass = openmrsObject.getClass();
            Method getterMethod = openmrsObjectClass.getMethod(getterName, (Class[]) null);
            return (Collection<OpenmrsObject>) getterMethod.invoke(openmrsObject, new Object[] {});
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        if (field.isAnnotationPresent(AllowDirectAccess.class)) {
            throw new APIException("unable.get.field", new Object[] { fieldName, openmrsObject.getClass() });
        } else {
            throw new APIException("unable.getter.method", new Object[] { "use", getterName, fieldName, openmrsObject.getClass() });
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        throw new APIException("unable.getter.method", new Object[] { "run", getterName, fieldName, openmrsObject.getClass() });
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new APIException("unable.getter.method", new Object[] { "find", getterName, fieldName, openmrsObject.getClass() });
Also used : AllowDirectAccess(org.openmrs.annotation.AllowDirectAccess) OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) APIException(org.openmrs.api.APIException) Collection(java.util.Collection) OpenmrsObject(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject)


OpenmrsObject (org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject)7 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)2 Collection (java.util.Collection)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 Location (org.openmrs.Location)2 Voidable (org.openmrs.Voidable)2 APIException (org.openmrs.api.APIException)2 Reflect (org.openmrs.util.Reflect)2 PropertyDescriptor (java.beans.PropertyDescriptor)1 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)1 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 BaseOpenmrsObject (org.openmrs.BaseOpenmrsObject)1 Obs (org.openmrs.Obs)1 Retireable (org.openmrs.Retireable)1 User (org.openmrs.User)1 AllowDirectAccess (org.openmrs.annotation.AllowDirectAccess)1 AllowEmptyStrings (org.openmrs.annotation.AllowEmptyStrings)1 AllowLeadingOrTrailingWhitespace (org.openmrs.annotation.AllowLeadingOrTrailingWhitespace)1