use of in project spring-data-couchbase by spring-projects.
the class N1qlUtils method createSort.
* Create a N1QL {@link N1QLExpression} out of a Spring Data {@link Sort}. Note that the later must use alternative
* field names as declared by the {@link Field} annotation on the entity, if any.
public static N1QLExpression[] createSort(Sort sort) {
List<N1QLExpression> cbSortList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Sort.Order order : sort) {
String orderProperty = order.getProperty();
// FIXME the order property should be converted to its corresponding fieldName
String[] orderPropertyParts = orderProperty.split("\\.");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String part : orderPropertyParts) {
if (sb.length() != 0) {
N1QLExpression orderFieldName = x(sb.toString());
if (order.isIgnoreCase()) {
orderFieldName = orderFieldName.convertToString().lower();
if (order.isAscending()) {
} else {
return cbSortList.toArray(new N1QLExpression[cbSortList.size()]);
use of in project spring-data-couchbase by spring-projects.
the class N1qlUtils method createReturningExpressionForDelete.
* Creates the returning clause for N1ql deletes with all attributes of the entity and meta information
* @param bucketName the bucket that stores the entity documents (will be escaped).
* @return the needed returning clause of the statement.
public static N1QLExpression createReturningExpressionForDelete(String bucketName) {
N1QLExpression fullEntity = path(i(bucketName), "*");
N1QLExpression metaId = path(meta(i(bucketName)), "id").as(x(SELECT_ID));
N1QLExpression metaCas = path(meta(i(bucketName)), "cas").as(x(SELECT_CAS));
List<N1QLExpression> expList = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (N1QLExpression exp : expList) {
if (sb.length() != 0) {
sb.append(", ");
return x(sb.toString());
use of in project spring-data-couchbase by spring-projects.
the class N1qlUtils method createWhereFilterForEntity.
* Produces an {@link N1QLExpression} that can serve as a WHERE clause criteria to only select documents in a bucket
* that matches a particular Spring Data entity (as given by the {@link EntityMetadata} parameter).
* @param baseWhereCriteria the other criteria of the WHERE clause, or null if none.
* @param converter the {@link CouchbaseConverter} giving the attribute storing the type information can be extracted.
* @param entityInformation the expected type information.
* @return an {@link N1QLExpression} to be used as a WHERE clause, that additionally restricts on the given type.
public static N1QLExpression createWhereFilterForEntity(N1QLExpression baseWhereCriteria, CouchbaseConverter converter, EntityMetadata<?> entityInformation) {
// add part that filters on type key
String typeKey = converter.getTypeKey();
String typeValue = entityInformation.getJavaType().getName();
N1QLExpression typeSelector = i(typeKey).eq(s(typeValue));
if (baseWhereCriteria == null) {
baseWhereCriteria = typeSelector;
} else {
baseWhereCriteria = x("(" + baseWhereCriteria.toString() + ")").and(typeSelector);
return baseWhereCriteria;
use of in project spring-data-couchbase by spring-projects.
the class PartTreeN1qlBasedQuery method getExpression.
protected N1QLExpression getExpression(ParameterAccessor accessor, Object[] runtimeParameters, ReturnedType returnedType) {
String bucketName = getCouchbaseOperations().getBucketName();
N1QLExpression bucket = N1qlUtils.escapedBucket(bucketName);
if (partTree.isDelete()) {
N1QLExpression deleteUsePath = delete().from(bucket);
N1qlMutateQueryCreator mutateQueryCreator = new N1qlMutateQueryCreator(partTree, accessor, deleteUsePath, getCouchbaseOperations().getConverter(), getQueryMethod());
N1QLExpression mutateFromWhereOrderBy = mutateQueryCreator.createQuery();
this.placeHolderValues = mutateQueryCreator.getPlaceHolderValues();
if (partTree.isLimiting()) {
return mutateFromWhereOrderBy.limit(partTree.getMaxResults());
} else {
return mutateFromWhereOrderBy.returning(createReturningExpressionForDelete(bucketName));
} else {
N1QLExpression select;
if (partTree.isCountProjection()) {
select = select(count(x("*")));
} else {
select = N1qlUtils.createSelectClauseForEntity(bucketName, returnedType, this.getCouchbaseOperations().getConverter());
N1QLExpression selectFrom = select.from(bucket);
OldN1qlQueryCreator queryCreator = new OldN1qlQueryCreator(partTree, accessor, selectFrom, getCouchbaseOperations().getConverter(), getQueryMethod());
N1QLExpression selectFromWhereOrderBy = queryCreator.createQuery();
this.placeHolderValues = queryCreator.getPlaceHolderValues();
if (queryMethod.isPageQuery()) {
Pageable pageable = accessor.getPageable();
Assert.notNull(pageable, "Pageable must not be null!");
return selectFromWhereOrderBy.limit(pageable.getPageSize()).offset(Math.toIntExact(pageable.getOffset()));
} else if (queryMethod.isSliceQuery() && accessor.getPageable().isPaged()) {
Pageable pageable = accessor.getPageable();
Assert.notNull(pageable, "Pageable must not be null!");
return selectFromWhereOrderBy.limit(pageable.getPageSize() + 1).offset(Math.toIntExact(pageable.getOffset()));
} else if (partTree.isLimiting()) {
return selectFromWhereOrderBy.limit(partTree.getMaxResults());
} else {
return selectFromWhereOrderBy;
use of in project spring-data-couchbase by spring-projects.
the class AbstractN1qlBasedQuery method execute.
public Object execute(Object[] parameters) {
ParametersParameterAccessor accessor = new ParametersParameterAccessor(queryMethod.getParameters(), parameters);
ResultProcessor processor = this.queryMethod.getResultProcessor().withDynamicProjection(accessor);
ReturnedType returnedType = processor.getReturnedType();
// TODO: review this - I just hacked it to work, basically...
// This was what was here in sdk2, but seem to end up being always Object. Forcing
// it to be the same as the object type for the repo.
// Class<?> typeToRead = returnedType.getTypeToRead();
// typeToRead = typeToRead == null ? returnedType.getDomainType() : typeToRead;
Class<?> typeToRead = queryMethod.getEntityInformation().getJavaType();
N1QLExpression statement = getExpression(accessor, parameters, returnedType);
JsonValue queryPlaceholderValues = getPlaceholderValues(accessor);
// prepare the final query
N1QLQuery query = buildQuery(statement, queryPlaceholderValues, getScanConsistency());
// prepare a count query
N1QLExpression countStatement = getCount(accessor, parameters);
// the place holder values are the same for the count query as well
N1QLQuery countQuery = buildQuery(countStatement, queryPlaceholderValues, getScanConsistency());
return processor.processResult(executeDependingOnType(query, countQuery, queryMethod, accessor.getPageable(), typeToRead));