use of in project spring-integration by spring-projects.
the class RedisStoreWritingMessageHandler method handleMessageInternal.
* Will extract the payload from the Message and store it in the collection identified by the
* key (which may be determined by an expression). The type of collection is specified by the
* {@link #collectionType} property. The default CollectionType is LIST.
* <p>
* The rules for storing the payload are:
* <p>
* <b>LIST/SET</b>
* If the payload is of type Collection and {@link #extractPayloadElements} is 'true' (default),
* the payload will be added using the addAll() method. If {@link #extractPayloadElements}
* is set to 'false', then regardless of the payload type, the payload will be added using add().
* <p>
* <b>ZSET</b>
* In addition to the rules described for LIST/SET, ZSET allows 'score' information
* to be provided. The score can be provided using the {@link RedisHeaders#ZSET_SCORE} message header
* when the payload is not a Map, or by sending a Map as the payload where each Map 'key' is a
* value to be saved and each corresponding Map 'value' is the score assigned to it.
* If {@link #extractPayloadElements} is set to 'false' the map will be stored as a single entry.
* If the 'score' can not be determined, the default value (1) will be used.
* <p>
* You can also add items to a Map or Properties based store.
* If the payload itself is of type Map or Properties, it can be stored either as a batch or single
* item following the same rules as described above for other collection types.
* If the payload itself needs to be stored as a value of the map/property then the map key
* must be specified via the mapKeyExpression (default {@link RedisHeaders#MAP_KEY} Message header).
protected void handleMessageInternal(Message<?> message) throws Exception {
String key = this.keyExpression.getValue(this.evaluationContext, message, String.class);
Assert.hasText(key, () -> "Failed to determine a key for the Redis store based on the message: " + message);
RedisStore store = this.createStoreView(key);
Assert.state(this.initialized, "handler not initialized - afterPropertiesSet() must be called before the first use");
try {
if (this.collectionType == CollectionType.ZSET) {
writeToZset((RedisZSet<Object>) store, message);
} else if (this.collectionType == CollectionType.SET) {
writeToSet((RedisSet<Object>) store, message);
} else if (this.collectionType == CollectionType.LIST) {
writeToList((RedisList<Object>) store, message);
} else if (this.collectionType == CollectionType.MAP) {
writeToMap((RedisMap<Object, Object>) store, message);
} else if (this.collectionType == CollectionType.PROPERTIES) {
writeToProperties((RedisProperties) store, message);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MessageHandlingException(message, "Failed to store Message data in Redis collection", e);