use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PostRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class FormRestApiJsonPost_Test method testAddChildAssocThatAlreadyExists.
* This test method attempts to add the same child association twice. This attempt
* will not succeed, but the test case is to confirm that there is no exception thrown
* back across the REST API.
public void testAddChildAssocThatAlreadyExists() throws Exception {
// Add an association
JSONObject jsonPostData = new JSONObject();
String assocsToAdd = this.childDoc_C.toString();
jsonPostData.put(ASSOC_SYS_CHILDREN_ADDED, assocsToAdd);
String jsonPostString = jsonPostData.toString();
sendRequest(new PostRequest(referencingNodeUpdateUrl, jsonPostString, APPLICATION_JSON), 200);
// Try to add the same child association again
sendRequest(new PostRequest(referencingNodeUpdateUrl, jsonPostString, APPLICATION_JSON), 200);
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PostRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class FormRestApiJsonPost_Test method testAddNewChildAssociationsToNode.
* This test method attempts to add new associations between existing nodes.
public void testAddNewChildAssociationsToNode() throws Exception {
List<NodeRef> associatedNodes;
// Add three additional associations
JSONObject jsonPostData = new JSONObject();
String assocsToAdd = childDoc_C + "," + childDoc_D + "," + childDoc_E;
jsonPostData.put(ASSOC_SYS_CHILDREN_ADDED, assocsToAdd);
String jsonPostString = jsonPostData.toString();
sendRequest(new PostRequest(containingNodeUpdateUrl.toString(), jsonPostString, APPLICATION_JSON), 200);
// Check the now updated child associations via the node service
List<ChildAssociationRef> modifiedAssocs = nodeService.getChildAssocs(containerNodeRef);
assertEquals(5, modifiedAssocs.size());
// Extract the target nodeRefs to make them easier to examine
associatedNodes = new ArrayList<NodeRef>(5);
for (ChildAssociationRef assocRef : modifiedAssocs) {
// The Rest API should also give us the modified assocs.
/*Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(containingNodeUpdateUrl), 200);
String jsonRspString = response.getContentAsString();
JSONObject jsonGetResponse = new JSONObject(jsonRspString);
JSONObject jsonData = (JSONObject)jsonGetResponse.get("data");
JSONObject jsonFormData = (JSONObject)jsonData.get("formData");
String jsonAssocs = (String)jsonFormData.get(ASSOC_SYS_CHILDREN);
// We expect exactly 5 assocs on the test node
assertEquals(5, jsonAssocs.split(",").length);
for (ChildAssociationRef assocRef : modifiedAssocs)
String childNodeRef = assocRef.getChildRef().toString();
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PostRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class FormRestApiJsonPost_Test method testRemoveAssociationsFromNode.
* This test method attempts to remove an existing association between two existing
* nodes.
public void testRemoveAssociationsFromNode() throws Exception {
List<NodeRef> associatedNodes;
// Remove an association
JSONObject jsonPostData = new JSONObject();
String assocsToRemove = associatedDoc_B.toString();
jsonPostData.put(ASSOC_CM_REFERENCES_REMOVED, assocsToRemove);
String jsonPostString = jsonPostData.toString();
sendRequest(new PostRequest(referencingNodeUpdateUrl, jsonPostString, APPLICATION_JSON), 200);
// Check the now updated associations via the node service
List<AssociationRef> modifiedAssocs = nodeService.getTargetAssocs(referencingDocNodeRef, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL);
assertEquals(1, modifiedAssocs.size());
// Extract the target nodeRefs to make them easier to examine
associatedNodes = new ArrayList<NodeRef>(5);
for (AssociationRef assocRef : modifiedAssocs) {
// The Rest API should also give us the modified assocs.
/*Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(referencingNodeUpdateUrl), 200);
String jsonRspString = response.getContentAsString();
JSONObject jsonGetResponse = new JSONObject(jsonRspString);
JSONObject jsonData = (JSONObject)jsonGetResponse.get("data");
JSONObject jsonFormData = (JSONObject)jsonData.get("formData");
String jsonAssocs = (String)jsonFormData.get(ASSOC_CM_REFERENCES);
// We expect exactly 1 assoc on the test node
assertEquals(1, jsonAssocs.split(",").length);
for (AssociationRef assocRef : modifiedAssocs)
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PostRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class GroupsTest method testUpdateGroup.
* Detailed test of update group
* @throws Exception
public void testUpdateGroup() throws Exception {
String myGroupName = "GT_UG";
String myDisplayName = "GT_UGDisplay";
String myNewDisplayName = "GT_UGDisplayNew";
try {
* Create a root group
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
newGroupJSON.put("displayName", myDisplayName);
sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_ROOTGROUPS + "/" + myGroupName, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_CREATED);
* Now change its display name
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
newGroupJSON.put("displayName", myNewDisplayName);
Response response = sendRequest(new PutRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myGroupName, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONObject data = top.getJSONObject("data");
assertTrue(data.length() > 0);
assertEquals("displayName wrong", myNewDisplayName, data.getString("displayName"));
* Now get it and verify that the name has changed
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myGroupName), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONObject data = top.getJSONObject("data");
assertTrue(data.length() > 0);
assertEquals("displayName wrong", myNewDisplayName, data.getString("displayName"));
* Negative test
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
newGroupJSON.put("displayName", myNewDisplayName);
sendRequest(new PutRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + "rubbish", newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
} finally {
sendRequest(new DeleteRequest(URL_ROOTGROUPS + "/" + myGroupName), 0);
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PostRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class GroupsTest method testLinkChild.
* Detailed test of link group
public void testLinkChild() throws Exception {
String myRootGroup = "GT_LGROOT";
try {
sendRequest(new DeleteRequest(URL_ROOTGROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup), 0);
String groupLinkFullName = "";
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + TEST_LINK), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONObject data = top.getJSONObject("data");
assertTrue(data.length() > 0);
groupLinkFullName = data.getString("fullName");
* Create a root group
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
newGroupJSON.put("displayName", myRootGroup);
sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_ROOTGROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_CREATED);
* Link an existing group (GROUPB) to my root group.
* Negative test Link Group B without administrator access.
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children/" + groupLinkFullName, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
* Link Group B
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
Response response = sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children/" + groupLinkFullName, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONObject data = top.getJSONObject("data");
* Link the group again - this fails
* - duplicate groups (children with the same name) are not allowed
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
Response response = sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children/" + groupLinkFullName, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
* Get All Children of myGroup which are GROUPS - should find GROUP B
logger.debug("Get child GROUPS of myRootGroup");
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children?authorityType=GROUP"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONArray data = top.getJSONArray("data");
assertTrue("no child groups of myGroup", data.length() == 1);
JSONObject subGroup = data.getJSONObject(0);
assertEquals("shortName wrong", TEST_LINK, subGroup.getString("shortName"));
assertEquals("authorityType wrong", "GROUP", subGroup.getString("authorityType"));
* Now link in an existing user
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
String userOneFullName = USER_ONE;
Response response = sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children/" + userOneFullName, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONObject data = top.getJSONObject("data");
* Get All Children of myGroup which are USERS - should find USER ONE
logger.debug("Get child USERS of myRootGroup");
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children?authorityType=USER"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONArray data = top.getJSONArray("data");
assertTrue("no child groups of myGroup", data.length() == 1);
JSONObject subGroup = data.getJSONObject(0);
assertEquals("shortName wrong", USER_ONE, subGroup.getString("shortName"));
assertEquals("authorityType wrong", "USER", subGroup.getString("authorityType"));
* Unlink Group B
logger.debug("Unlink Test Link");
Response response = sendRequest(new DeleteRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children/" + groupLinkFullName), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
* Get All Children of myGroup which are GROUPS - should no longer find GROUP B
logger.debug("Get child GROUPS of myRootGroup");
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children?authorityType=GROUP"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONArray data = top.getJSONArray("data");
// TODO TEST failing
// assertTrue("group B not removed", data.length() == 0);
* Create a new group (BUFFY)
String myNewGroup = "GROUP_BUFFY";
// Delete incase it already exists from a previous test run
sendRequest(new DeleteRequest(URL_ROOTGROUPS + "/BUFFY"), 0);
JSONObject newGroupJSON = new JSONObject();
Response response = sendRequest(new PostRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children/" + myNewGroup, newGroupJSON.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_CREATED);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONObject data = top.getJSONObject("data");
assertEquals("shortName wrong", "BUFFY", data.getString("shortName"));
assertEquals("fullName wrong", myNewGroup, data.getString("fullName"));
assertEquals("authorityType wrong", "GROUP", data.getString("authorityType"));
* Get All Children of myGroup which are GROUPS - should find GROUP(BUFFY)
logger.debug("Get child GROUPS of myRootGroup");
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_GROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup + "/children?authorityType=GROUP"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject top = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
JSONArray data = top.getJSONArray("data");
for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
JSONObject rootGroup = data.getJSONObject(i);
if (rootGroup.getString("fullName").equals(myNewGroup)) {
* Negative tests
} finally {
sendRequest(new DeleteRequest(URL_ROOTGROUPS + "/" + myRootGroup), 0);