use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PutRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class NodeArchiveServiceRestApiTest method testRestoreDeletedItems.
* This test method restores some deleted nodes from the archive store.
public void testRestoreDeletedItems() throws Exception {
JSONObject archivedNodesJson = getArchivedNodes();
JSONObject dataJsonObj = archivedNodesJson.getJSONObject("data");
JSONArray archivedNodesArray = dataJsonObj.getJSONArray(AbstractArchivedNodeWebScript.DELETED_NODES);
int archivedNodesLength = archivedNodesArray.length();
assertTrue("Insufficient archived nodes for test to run.", archivedNodesLength > 1);
// Take a specific archived node and restore it.
JSONObject firstArchivedNode = archivedNodesArray.getJSONObject(0);
// So we have identified a specific Node in the archive that we want to restore.
String nodeRefString = firstArchivedNode.getString(AbstractArchivedNodeWebScript.NODEREF);
assertTrue("nodeRef string is invalid", NodeRef.isNodeRef(nodeRefString));
NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(nodeRefString);
// This is not the StoreRef where the node originally lived e.g. workspace://SpacesStore
// This is its current StoreRef i.e. archive://SpacesStore
final StoreRef currentStoreRef = nodeRef.getStoreRef();
String restoreUrl = getArchiveUrl(currentStoreRef) + "/" + nodeRef.getId();
int archivedNodesCountBeforeRestore = getArchivedNodesCount();
// Send the PUT REST call.
String jsonString = new JSONStringer().object().key("restoreLocation").value("").endObject().toString();
Response rsp = sendRequest(new PutRequest(restoreUrl, jsonString, "application/json"), 200);
assertEquals("Expected archive to shrink by one", archivedNodesCountBeforeRestore - 1, getArchivedNodesCount());
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PutRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class SubscriptionServiceRestApiTest method setSubscriptionListPrivate.
protected void setSubscriptionListPrivate(String user, boolean setPrivate) throws Exception {
JSONObject privateObject = new JSONObject();
privateObject.put("private", setPrivate);
String url = getUrl(URL_PRIVATE, user);
Response response = sendRequest(new PutRequest(url, privateObject.toString(), "application/json"), Status.STATUS_OK);
JSONObject resultObject = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString());
assertEquals(setPrivate, resultObject.getBoolean("private"));
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PutRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class ThumbnailServiceTest method testUpdateThumbnail.
public void testUpdateThumbnail() throws Exception {
// Do a image transformation
String url = "/api/node/" + jpgNode.getStoreRef().getProtocol() + "/" + jpgNode.getStoreRef().getIdentifier() + "/" + jpgNode.getId() + "/content/thumbnails";
JSONObject tn = new JSONObject();
tn.put("thumbnailName", "doclib");
Response response = sendRequest(new PostRequest(url, tn.toString(), "application/json"), 200);
// Check getAll whilst we are here
Response getAllResp = sendRequest(new GetRequest(getThumbnailsURL(jpgNode)), 200);
JSONArray getArr = new JSONArray(getAllResp.getContentAsString());
assertEquals(1, getArr.length());
assertEquals("doclib", getArr.getJSONObject(0).get("thumbnailName"));
// Now we know that thumbnail was created
sendRequest(new GetRequest(getThumbnailsURL(jpgNode) + "/incorrectname"), 404);
// Request for update of thumbnail, that is absent
sendRequest(new PutRequest(getThumbnailsURL(jpgNode) + "/incorrectname", "", "application/json"), 404);
// Request for update of correct thumbnail
sendRequest(new PutRequest(getThumbnailsURL(jpgNode) + "/doclib", "", "application/json"), 200);
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PutRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class AbstractWorkflowRestApiTest method runReviewPooledFlow.
protected void runReviewPooledFlow(boolean approve) throws Exception {
// Start workflow as USER1
WorkflowDefinition reviewDef = workflowService.getDefinitionByName(getReviewPooledWorkflowDefinitionName());
Map<QName, Serializable> params = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
// Reviewer is group GROUP
params.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_GROUP_ASSIGNEE, groupManager.get(GROUP));
Date dueDate = new Date();
params.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_DUE_DATE, dueDate);
params.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_PRIORITY, 1);
params.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_PACKAGE, packageRef);
params.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_CONTEXT, packageRef);
WorkflowPath reviewPath = workflowService.startWorkflow(reviewDef.getId(), params);
String workflowId = reviewPath.getInstance().getId();
WorkflowTask startTask = workflowService.getTasksForWorkflowPath(reviewPath.getId()).get(0);
// End start task
startTask = workflowService.endTask(startTask.getId(), null);
// Check if task is NOT available in list USER3, not a member of the
// group
Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(MessageFormat.format(URL_USER_TASKS, USER3)), 200);
assertEquals(Status.STATUS_OK, response.getStatus());
String jsonStr = response.getContentAsString();
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
JSONArray results = json.getJSONArray("data");
assertEquals(0, results.length());
// Check if task is available in list of reviewer, member of GROUP:
// USER2
response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(MessageFormat.format(URL_USER_TASKS, USER2)), 200);
assertEquals(Status.STATUS_OK, response.getStatus());
jsonStr = response.getContentAsString();
json = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
results = json.getJSONArray("data");
assertEquals(1, results.length());
// Check if task is claimable and pooled
JSONObject taskJson = results.getJSONObject(0);
String taskId = taskJson.getString("id");
// Claim task, using PUT, updating the owner
JSONObject properties = new JSONObject();
properties.put(qnameToString(ContentModel.PROP_OWNER), USER2);
sendRequest(new PutRequest(URL_TASKS + "/" + taskId, properties.toString(), "application/json"), 200);
// Check if task insn't claimable anymore
response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(MessageFormat.format(URL_USER_TASKS, USER2)), 200);
assertEquals(Status.STATUS_OK, response.getStatus());
jsonStr = response.getContentAsString();
json = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
results = json.getJSONArray("data");
assertEquals(1, results.length());
taskJson = results.getJSONObject(0);
// Delegate approval/rejection to implementing engine-test
if (approve) {
} else {
// 'Approved'/'Rejected' task should be available for initiator
response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(MessageFormat.format(URL_USER_TASKS, USER1)), 200);
assertEquals(Status.STATUS_OK, response.getStatus());
jsonStr = response.getContentAsString();
json = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
results = json.getJSONArray("data");
assertEquals(1, results.length());
// Correct task type check
String taskType = results.getJSONObject(0).getString("name");
if (approve) {
assertEquals("wf:approvedTask", taskType);
} else {
assertEquals("wf:rejectedTask", taskType);
use of org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.TestWebScriptServer.PutRequest in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class InviteServiceTest method testAcceptInvite.
public void testAcceptInvite() throws Exception {
// inviter starts invite (sends out invitation)
// get hold of invite ID and invite ticket of started invite
JSONObject data = result.getJSONObject("data");
String inviteId = data.getString("inviteId");
String inviteTicket = data.getString("inviteTicket");
// Invitee accepts invitation to a Site from Inviter
String acceptInviteUrl = URL_INVITE + "/" + inviteId + "/" + inviteTicket + "/accept";
sendRequest(new PutRequest(acceptInviteUrl, (byte[]) null, null), Status.STATUS_OK);
// Invitee attempts to accept the invitation again
sendRequest(new PutRequest(acceptInviteUrl, (byte[]) null, null), Status.STATUS_CONFLICT);
// Invitee attempts to reject an invitation that has already been accepted.
rejectInvite(inviteId, inviteTicket, Status.STATUS_CONFLICT);
// test that invitation represented by invite ID (of invitation started above)
// is no longer pending (as a result of the invitation having being accepted)
// get pending invite matching inviteId from invite started above (run as inviter user)
JSONObject getInvitesResult = getInvitesByInviteId(inviteId, Status.STATUS_OK);
// there should no longer be any invites identified by invite ID pending
// assertEquals(0, getInvitesResult.getJSONArray("invites").length());