use of org.springframework.ide.vscode.commons.yaml.completion.YamlAssistContext in project sts4 by spring-projects.
the class YamlHoverInfoProvider method getHoverInfo.
public Tuple2<Renderable, IRegion> getHoverInfo(IDocument doc, int offset) throws Exception {
YamlFileAST ast = getAst(doc);
if (ast != null) {
IRegion region = getHoverRegion(ast, offset);
if (region != null) {
YamlDocument ymlDoc = new YamlDocument(doc, structureProvider);
YamlAssistContext assistContext = assistContextProvider.getGlobalAssistContext(ymlDoc);
if (assistContext != null) {
List<NodeRef<?>> astPath = ast.findPath(offset);
final YamlPath path = YamlPath.fromASTPath(astPath);
if (path != null) {
YamlPath assistPath = path;
if (assistPath.pointsAtKey()) {
// When a path points at a key we must tramsform it to a
// 'value-terminating path'
// to be able to reuse the 'getHoverInfo' method on
// YamlAssistContext (as navigation
// into 'key' is not defined for YamlAssistContext.
String key = path.getLastSegment().toPropString();
assistPath = path.dropLast().append(YamlPathSegment.valueAt(key));
assistContext = assistPath.traverse(assistContext);
if (assistContext != null) {
Renderable info = path.pointsAtValue() ? assistContext.getValueHoverInfo(ymlDoc, new DocumentRegion(doc, region)) : assistContext.getHoverInfo();
// Fix for: PT 134914895. If assist context cannot provide an info, then don't return a Tuple.
if (info != null) {
return Tuples.of(info, region);
return null;