use of org.springframework.ide.vscode.languageserver.testharness.CodeAction in project sts4 by spring-projects.
the class BoshEditorTest method missingPropertiesQuickfix.
public void missingPropertiesQuickfix() throws Exception {
Editor editor = harness.newEditor("name: blah\n" + "stemcells:\n" + "- alias: ubuntu\n" + " os: ubuntu-trusty\n" + " version: 3421.11\n" + "- alias: centos\n" + " os: centos-7\n" + " version: latest");
Diagnostic problem = editor.assertProblems("t|Properties [instance_groups, releases, update] are required").get(0);
CodeAction quickfix = editor.assertCodeAction(problem);
assertEquals("Add properties: [instance_groups, releases, update]", quickfix.getLabel());
editor.assertText("name: blah\n" + "stemcells:\n" + "- alias: ubuntu\n" + " os: ubuntu-trusty\n" + " version: 3421.11\n" + "- alias: centos\n" + " os: centos-7\n" + " version: latest\n" + "releases:\n" + "- name: <*>\n" + " version: \n" + "update:\n" + " canaries: \n" + " max_in_flight: \n" + " canary_watch_time: \n" + " update_watch_time: \n" + "instance_groups:\n" + "- name: \n" + " azs:\n" + " - \n" + " instances: \n" + " jobs:\n" + " - name: \n" + " release: \n" + " vm_type: \n" + " stemcell: \n" + " networks:\n" + " - name: ");
use of org.springframework.ide.vscode.languageserver.testharness.CodeAction in project sts4 by spring-projects.
the class ConcourseEditorTest method addSingleRequiredPropertiesQuickfix.
public void addSingleRequiredPropertiesQuickfix() throws Exception {
Editor editor = harness.newEditor("resources:\n" + "- name: foo\n" + " source:\n" + " username: someone\n" + "# Confuse");
Diagnostic problem = editor.assertProblems("-|'type' is required", "foo|Unused").get(0);
CodeAction quickfix = editor.assertCodeAction(problem);
assertEquals("Add property 'type'", quickfix.getLabel());
editor.assertText("resources:\n" + "- name: foo\n" + " source:\n" + " username: someone\n" + " type: <*>\n" + "# Confuse");
use of org.springframework.ide.vscode.languageserver.testharness.CodeAction in project sts4 by spring-projects.
the class ConcourseEditorTest method addMultipleRequiredPropertiesQuickfix.
public void addMultipleRequiredPropertiesQuickfix() throws Exception {
Editor editor = harness.newEditor("resources:\n" + "- name: foo\n" + " type: pool\n" + " source:\n" + " username: someone\n");
Diagnostic problem = editor.assertProblems("foo|Unused", "source|[branch, pool, uri] are required").get(1);
CodeAction quickfix = editor.assertCodeAction(problem);
assertEquals("Add properties: [branch, pool, uri]", quickfix.getLabel());
editor.assertText("resources:\n" + "- name: foo\n" + " type: pool\n" + " source:\n" + " username: someone\n" + " uri: <*>\n" + " branch: \n" + " pool: \n");
use of org.springframework.ide.vscode.languageserver.testharness.CodeAction in project sts4 by spring-projects.
the class ConcourseEditorTest method quickfixForOneOfMultipleMarkersOnSameRange.
public void quickfixForOneOfMultipleMarkersOnSameRange() throws Exception {
Editor editor = harness.newEditor("jobs:\n" + "- name: myjob\n" + " plan:\n" + " - task: foo\n" + " config:\n" + " inputs:\n" + " - name: foo");
List<Diagnostic> problems = editor.assertProblems("config|[image_resource, rootfs_uri, image] is required", "config|[platform, run] are required");
CodeAction quickfix = editor.assertCodeAction(problems.get(1));
assertEquals("Add properties: [platform, run]", quickfix.getLabel());
editor.assertText("jobs:\n" + "- name: myjob\n" + " plan:\n" + " - task: foo\n" + " config:\n" + " inputs:\n" + " - name: foo\n" + " platform: <*>\n" + " run:\n" + " path: ");
use of org.springframework.ide.vscode.languageserver.testharness.CodeAction in project sts4 by spring-projects.
the class ManifestYamlEditorTest method deprecatedHealthCheckTypeQuickfix.
public void deprecatedHealthCheckTypeQuickfix() throws Exception {
Editor editor = harness.newEditor("applications:\n" + "- name: foo\n" + " health-check-type: none");
Diagnostic problem = editor.assertProblems("none|'none' is deprecated in favor of 'process'").get(0);
assertEquals(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, problem.getSeverity());
CodeAction quickfix = editor.assertCodeAction(problem);
assertEquals("Replace deprecated value 'none' by 'process'", quickfix.getLabel());
editor.assertRawText("applications:\n" + "- name: foo\n" + " health-check-type: process");