use of in project spring-roo by spring-projects.
the class WsOperationsImpl method addWsClient.
public void addWsClient(String wsdlLocation, String endPoint, JavaType configClass, SoapBindingType bindingType, String serviceUrl, String profile) {
Validate.notEmpty(wsdlLocation, "ERROR: Provide a valid wsdlLocation");
Validate.notEmpty(endPoint, "ERROR: Provide a valid endPoint");
Validate.notNull(configClass, "ERROR: Provide a valid configClass");
// Check if the configClass is located in an application module
if (!isLocatedInApplicationModule(configClass)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ERROR: The provided config class is not located in an application module.");
// Getting module from the .wsdl file
final Pom wsdlModule = getModuleFromWsdlLocation(wsdlLocation);
final String wsdlModuleName = wsdlModule.getModuleName();
// Getting the wsdlName without the module
final String wsdlName = getWsdlNameWithoutModule(wsdlLocation);
// Getting wsdl absolute path from the provided wsdlLocation
final String wsdlPath = getWsdlAbsolutePathFromWsdlName(wsdlLocation);
// Check if provided .wsdl exists
Validate.isTrue(getFileManager().exists(wsdlPath), "ERROR: You must provide an existing .wsdl file.");
// the configClass module and the .wsdl module
if (wsdlModuleName != configClass.getModule()) {
getProjectOperations().addDependency(configClass.getModule(), new Dependency(wsdlModule.getGroupId(), wsdlModule.getArtifactId(), null));
// Check if provided configClass exists or should be generated
boolean isNewConfigClass = false;
ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails configClassDetails = getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(configClass);
if (configClassDetails == null) {
isNewConfigClass = true;
// If it have it, it should match with the provided one the provided one
if (!isNewConfigClass) {
MemberDetails configClassMemberDetails = getMemberDetailsScanner().getMemberDetails(getClass().getName(), configClassDetails);
AnnotationMetadata configurationAnnotation = configClassMemberDetails.getAnnotation(SpringJavaType.CONFIGURATION);
if (configurationAnnotation == null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ERROR: The provided class is not annotated with @Configuration so is not possible to include Web Service client configuration on it." + "Specify other configuration class that contains @Configuration annotation or specify a not existing class to generate it.");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(profile)) {
AnnotationMetadata profileAnnotation = configClassMemberDetails.getAnnotation(SpringJavaType.PROFILE);
if (profileAnnotation != null) {
String profiles = (String) profileAnnotation.getAttribute("value").getValue();
String[] definedProfiles = profiles.split(",");
boolean profileExists = false;
for (String definedProfile : definedProfiles) {
if (definedProfile.equals(profile)) {
profileExists = true;
if (!profileExists) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ERROR: The provided configuration class doesn't work in the provided profile. " + "Use a different configuration class or use a different profile.");
// Obtain the service URL from the provided .wsdl file if empty
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceUrl)) {
serviceUrl = getServiceUrlForEndpointFromWsdlFile(endPoint, wsdlPath);
Validate.notEmpty(serviceUrl, "ERROR: It has not been possible to obtain the URL of the service from the provided .wsdl file. Indicate some serviceUrl using --serviceUrl parameter");
// Obtain the binding type from the provided .wsdl file if empty
if (bindingType == null) {
bindingType = getBindingTypeFromWsdlFile(wsdlPath);
Validate.notNull(bindingType, "ERROR: It has not been possible to obtain the BindingType of the service from the provided .wsdl file. Indicate an specific BindingType using --binding parameter");
// Always is necessary to obtain the targetNameSpace from the provided .wsdl file
String targetNameSpace = getTargetNameSpaceFromWsdlFile(wsdlPath);
Validate.notEmpty(targetNameSpace, "ERROR: It has not been possible to obtain the targetNamespace of the service from the provided .wsdl file. Check if your .wsdl file has the correct format.");
// Include necessary dependencies and plugins
includeDependenciesAndPluginsForWsClient(wsdlName, wsdlModuleName);
// Include the necessary properties using the provided profile
getApplicationConfigService().addProperty(configClass.getModule(), "url/".concat(endPoint), serviceUrl, profile, true);
// Generating the new configuration class if not exists
// If provided class already exists, update it
ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder cidBuilder = null;
if (!isNewConfigClass) {
// Obtain builder from the existing class
cidBuilder = new ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder(configClassDetails);
// Check if already have @RooWsClients annotation
AnnotationMetadataBuilder wsClientsAnnotation = cidBuilder.getDeclaredTypeAnnotation(RooJavaType.ROO_WS_CLIENTS);
if (wsClientsAnnotation != null) {
// Update the existing one
AnnotationAttributeValue<?> existingEndPoints ="endpoints");
List<?> values = (List<?>) existingEndPoints.getValue();
if (values != null) {
// Check if the provided endpoint exists yet in this config class
Iterator<?> it = values.iterator();
boolean alreadyManaged = false;
while (it.hasNext()) {
NestedAnnotationAttributeValue existingEndPoint = (NestedAnnotationAttributeValue);
String existingEndpointName = (String) existingEndPoint.getValue().getAttribute("endpoint").getValue();
if (existingEndpointName.equals(endPoint)) {
alreadyManaged = true;
// If endpoint already exists, show an error indicating that this endpoint is already managed
if (alreadyManaged) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ERROR: The provided endpoint is already defined in the provided configuration class. " + "Specify some different configuration class.");
} else {
// Update existing annotation with the new endPoint
Iterator<?> iterator = values.iterator();
List<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>> endpoints = new ArrayList<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>>();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
NestedAnnotationAttributeValue existingEndPoint = (NestedAnnotationAttributeValue);
String existingEndpointName = (String) existingEndPoint.getValue().getAttribute("endpoint").getValue();
String existingEndpointNameSpace = (String) existingEndPoint.getValue().getAttribute("targetNamespace").getValue();
EnumDetails existingType = (EnumDetails) existingEndPoint.getValue().getAttribute("binding").getValue();
// Create @RooWsClient annotation
NestedAnnotationAttributeValue existingEndpoint = new NestedAnnotationAttributeValue(new JavaSymbolName("value"), getWsClientAnnotation(existingEndpointName, existingEndpointNameSpace, existingType).build());
// Create @RooWsClient annotation
NestedAnnotationAttributeValue newEndpoint = new NestedAnnotationAttributeValue(new JavaSymbolName("value"), getWsClientAnnotation(endPoint, targetNameSpace, bindingType).build());
ArrayAttributeValue<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>> newEndpoints = new ArrayAttributeValue<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>>(new JavaSymbolName("endpoints"), endpoints);
} else {
// If not exists, add it with the new elements
wsClientsAnnotation = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(new JavaType(RooWsClients.class));
// Create @RooWsClient annotation
List<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>> endpoints = new ArrayList<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>>();
NestedAnnotationAttributeValue newEndpoint = new NestedAnnotationAttributeValue(new JavaSymbolName("value"), getWsClientAnnotation(endPoint, targetNameSpace, bindingType).build());
ArrayAttributeValue<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>> newEndpoints = new ArrayAttributeValue<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>>(new JavaSymbolName("endpoints"), endpoints);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(profile)) {
wsClientsAnnotation.addStringAttribute("profile", profile);
// Include new @RooWsClients annotation
} else {
// Create new configuration class
final String configClassIdentifier = getPathResolver().getCanonicalPath(configClass.getModule(), Path.SRC_MAIN_JAVA, configClass);
final String mid = PhysicalTypeIdentifier.createIdentifier(configClass, getPathResolver().getPath(configClassIdentifier));
cidBuilder = new ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder(mid, Modifier.PUBLIC, configClass, PhysicalTypeCategory.CLASS);
// Create new @RooWsClients annotation
AnnotationMetadataBuilder wsClientsAnnotation = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(new JavaType(RooWsClients.class));
// Create @RooWsClient annotation
List<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>> endpoints = new ArrayList<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>>();
NestedAnnotationAttributeValue newEndpoint = new NestedAnnotationAttributeValue(new JavaSymbolName("value"), getWsClientAnnotation(endPoint, targetNameSpace, bindingType).build());
ArrayAttributeValue<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>> newEndpoints = new ArrayAttributeValue<AnnotationAttributeValue<?>>(new JavaSymbolName("endpoints"), endpoints);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(profile)) {
wsClientsAnnotation.addStringAttribute("profile", profile);
// Include new @RooWsClients annotation
// Compile project to be able to generate necessary resources.
// Is necessary to create new thread and wat for it.
Thread generateSourcesThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("################# Generating client sources ##############").append(LINE_SEPARATOR);
sb.append("# Please wait...").append(LINE_SEPARATOR);
sb.append("# Don't execute any command until this operation finishes.").append(LINE_SEPARATOR);
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, sb.toString());
// Changing focus to the module where the .wsdl file is located
// executing mvn generate-sources command
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {